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Women in Science

The School of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics aims to provide a supportive working environment that encourages all members of staff to fulfil their potential and achieve their ambitions.

Advancing women's careers in university mathematics

The School supports the London Mathematical Society's Good Practice Scheme. This means we actively advance women's careers in university mathematics. We're committed to achieving an improved gender balance at all levels of academic and research staff.

We aim to provide a supportive working environment. We encourage all members of staff to fulfil their potential and achieve their ambitions. We support flexible and part-time working. Where possible, we arrange departmental meetings within core hours.

We provide mentoring for new staff and post-docs. We monitor individuals' career progression. We aim to identify and encourage candidates for promotion.

Tamara Rogers

Athena SWAN

The Athena SWAN Charter recognises institutions committed to supporting the advancement of gender equality. This means representation, progression and success for all.

The Athena SWAN Charter was established in 2005. It aims to encourage and recognise commitment to advancing the careers of women in science, technology, engineering, maths and medicine (STEMM) employment in higher education and research.

In May 2015 it expanded to recognise work undertaken in arts, humanities, social sciences, business and law (AHSSBL). It also covers professional and support roles, and for trans staff and students. The charter now recognises work undertaken to address gender equality more broadly, and not just barriers to progression that affect women.

Bronze Athena SWAN award

In October 2019, the School of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics achieved a Bronze Athena SWAN award. This recognised good practice in promoting gender equality. The School is continuing to work with the Charter, and is currently preparing an application for a Silver award, to be submitted in November 2024.

Details of our Athena Swan bid (PDF 1.7MB)

Newcastle University currently holds a Silver Athena SWAN Award at university-level and 18 departmental awards.

Find details of these awards on the main university website

Find out further information on the Athena SWAN charter

Athena Swan Bronze award.

Women's Health

Women are being encouraged to share their experiences of the health and care system via a call for evidence aimed at improving healthcare for women.


Find out about funding and awards available to facilitate women's postgraduate studies in STEM subjects, and support policies put in place by Newcastle University.

Funding and awards

Several grants and awards are available to facilitate women's postgraduate studies in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) disciplines or to recommence a scientific research career after a break.

For more information please see:

Support policies

Newcastle University has a number of support policies, covering:

  • maternity
  • career breaks
  • special sickness

The University's Human Resources website also has general information for people with family and carer responsibilities.

We're working to ensure that science is seen as an attractive career route for women, and we're helping tackle the unequal representation of women in academic positions.

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