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Pure Mathematics Seminar Series

When: Tuesday afternoons
Where: TR2 Herschel Building and/or Zoom (see each seminar for details)

This seminar series is currently organised by:

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External seminars and meetings

Algebra and Representation Theory in the North (ARTIN)

We're a member of ARTIN a network of algebraists and representation theorists from the north of the UK. ARTIN organises meetings about four times a year.

Find more details and upcoming meetings

North British Functional Analysis Seminar (NBFAS)

NFBAS was founded in February 1968 by the late Frank Bonsall and John Ringrose with a meeting at the University of Edinburgh. The founding universities were Edinburgh and Newcastle.

The main purpose of NBFAS is to bring leading international figures in functional analysis to the UK.

The seminar normally meets three times a year. It holds a one or two-day meeting at one of its member institutions. Distinguished mathematicians, usually from abroad, are invited to lecture.

For more information see the NBFAS website.

NBFAS seminar is funded by the LMS and by several universities
  • Aberdeen
  • Queen's (Belfast)
  • Birmingham
  • Cambridge
  • Edinburgh
  • Glasgow
  • Heriot-Watt
  • Lancaster
  • Leeds
  • Newcastle
  • Nottingham
  • Oxford

North British Geometric Group Theory (NBGGT)

This is a collaborative seminar that is has been running since 2003. It is funded by grants from the London Mathematical Society and the Glasgow Mathematical Journal.

For more information contact either Sarah Rees or Andrew Duncan, or take a look at our website.