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Bar Access Fund

Bar Access Fund

The Bar Access Fund is generously funded by an alumni of Newcastle Law School. It supports current registered students who wish to pursue a career at the Bar.

The Fund allows the Law School to fund 12 bursaries of up to £300 each. Bursaries are for expenses in connection with applying to practise at the Bar (eg, mini-pupillages). It may cover travel, accommodation and other reasonable expenditure.

Application process

Applications for a bursary should via statement of intent by email to

In the statement of intent, students should outline:

  • how the bursary is to be used in connection with a career at the Bar, with an indication of supporting evidence
  • the total amount requested (up to £300), with a breakdown of expenses to be incurred


Reflecting that Bar activities are throughout the academic year, there is no deadline. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis, as and when submitted. Applications must be received at least 4 weeks prior to the intended expenditure. Twelve bursaries are available in the course of each academic year.

Any queries about the Bar Access Fund should be directed to