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Year 12 and 13 Physics A Level Practical Support

We provide access to excellent laboratory facilities and academic expertise. We hope this will inspire confidence and lead to students wishing to study physics at undergraduate level. Find out how to access this support.

Access to excellent laboratory facilities and academic expertise

We developed this scheme to provide A Level students in Local Widening participation schools the opportunity to fulfil their potential and expand their horizons. By providing access to excellent laboratory facilities and academic expertise we hope it will inspire confidence and lead to students wishing to study physics at undergraduate level

The scheme gives students from local schools the opportunity to perform the required A Level experiments here at Newcastle University. The scheme is open to schools which would fall into the Widening Participation category and others who do not have access to the required equipment.

There will be no charge for the scheme from the University. The school is expected to oversee the transport of students to and from the University, and to make any charges for this which they would normally do. Experiments are to be carried out within school hours, as this makes it very much easier to organise on both sides. We expect a teacher to be present and to lead the session.

Further details

Sessions are scheduled on Wednesday afternoons to minimise disruption to the University and the school. Six sets of each experiment will be available.

Students will be encouraged to work in pairs, and to collect data to take away with them. A member of University staff will be present together with a technician and undergraduate student mentors. University staff will not lead the sessions, but will offer insight into the experiment or results obtained.

Any relevant questions about the University are encouraged. Our degree programs and entry routes will be discussed. It is hoped that contact with staff and students from the University will be beneficial both to the school students and the teachers.

To register, please complete this form.