Staff Profile
Dr Adam Ingram
Lecturer in Astrophysics
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- Address: Herschel Annex
School of Mathematics Statistics and Physics
Newcastle University
I use X-ray observations and theoretical modelling to probe the environment of accreting black holes and neutron stars. This helps us learn about the very strong gravitational fields close to black hole event horizons, and how these objects formed and grew to their current sizes. I study quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) – nearly periodic changes in the observed X-ray brightness of the accreting plasma – and the idea that these result from relativistic precession. I also use the variability of reflected X-rays to constrain the geometry close to the black hole and measure its mass. I am interested in using X-ray polarimetry to learn about black holes and neutron stars, a field that will be revolutionised when IXPE launches this year.
A full list of all my refereed publications can be found here.