We Met at NUMed: A Celebration of Love
On this Valentine’s Day, we explore a few occasions when Newcastle University Medicine Malaysia (NUMed) became a catalyst for romance among our students.
12 February 2024
Some of the best love stories blossom amidst classrooms, textbooks, and busy study schedules. In conjunction with Valentine’s Day today, we take a look at a couple of instances when Newcastle University Medicine Malaysia (NUMed) played Cupid to our students.
Fanning the Sparks
Muhammad Lufti Bin Kamil and Nor Juliana Binti Johan (Class of 2017) got to know each other through their tutorial group. According to Nor Juliana, “I was more quiet and serious, while Muhammad Lufti was always full of energy and laughing with his friends!” Although quite polar opposites, they were attracted to each other’s sense of humour.
Daniel Kong, on the other hand, says that it was more or less love at first sight for him when he saw Grace Tan (both from Class of 2022). “Our paths crossed during our time in NUMed’s Foundation in Biological and Biomedical Sciences programme. I have to admit, her charisma and charm caught my eye right away!”
Balancing Life’s Demands
While balancing academics and personal life can be arduous, especially when you’re a medical student, the two couples share their experiences on how they managed to overcome this hurdle while at NUMed.
“When you’re a young couple with so much freedom (being away from home), it’s easy to get carried away with wanting to just have lots of fun and not think about our studies. However, eventually we developed a routine of studying together, and we always motivated each other to keep focused!” said Nor Juliana.
According to Daniel, “During the preclinical years, Grace and I allocated 70% of our time for studying and 30% for leisure activities. As we entered the clinical years, our activities shifted to exploring charming cafes, indulging in food hunts, and exploring Johor Bahru.”

Both couples continue to support each other in their careers today. For Muhammad Lufti and Nor Juliana, this means coordinating their schedules so that one of them is able to take care of the household when the other one is occupied with a run of busy shifts.
More importantly, “We always make sure to find time to reconnect with each other and rant about all our worries together. We know we always have a safe place with each other when things get hard, so that keeps us going,” shared Nor Juliana.
Daniel and Grace concur, with Daniel acknowledging that he owes much of his current position to his other half, who helped guide him through life and played a crucial role in developing his portfolio, encouraging him to step outside of his comfort zone, and steadfastly supporting him in every decision.
According to Grace, Daniel also takes good care of her, ensuring that she has comforting food when work gets too stressful, patiently listening when she has challenging cases, and offering advice on coping with the pressure.
When asked what advice they have for couples in a similar boat, Muhammad Lufti and Nor Juliana declare that “Communication is important! Make sure you work out what your goals are and if they are aligned. Plan ahead carefully if you would like to work in the same hospital, or if you’re planning to move abroad together.”

Daniel and Grace caution that the field of medicine can be challenging and the challenges will persist even after graduation. “However, with each other’s support, passion, and enthusiasm, you can overcome difficulties and eventually reach your goals!”
Muhammad Lufti and Nor Juliana are currently based in Aberdeen, Scotland, with their young son. Muhamad Lufti is in GP Specialty Training (GPST) and Nor Juliana in Internal Medicine Training (IMT).
Daniel and Grace, on the other hand, are both serving as Foundation Year 2 doctors at the James Cook University Hospital, North Yorkshire, England. Daniel works in cardiology, while Grace is in dermatology.
Thank you, Muhammad Lufti and Nor Juliana, and Daniel and Grace, for sharing your stories with us. Your love and support for each other are an inspiration to all of us, and we wish you a Happy Valentine’s Day!
And there you have it – proof that the medical field is definitely not all work and no play. If you seek hard enough, you’ll be able to find that sweet balance in life. And, of course, no matter the circumstances, true love will always find its way through!