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Elisa Antonella Polignano

Elisa Antonella Polignano's PhD is 'Marcus Argentarius: critical edition, translation, and commentary. Read more.

Project title

Marcus Argentarius: critical edition, translation, and commentary.


Elisa Antonella Polignano

Project description

My dissertation examines a wide-spread literary form, the epigram, and one of its most representative exponents, Marcus Argentarius, thus making accessible his important but hitherto neglected work. I will produce the first critical edition of and commentary on his thirty-seven epigrams, based on a fresh collation of the manuscripts and consideration of all relevant textual critical and interpretive literature. The text will be accompanied by an English translation, a philological commentary addressing all textual and interpretative issues as they arise, and a copious introduction treating philological matters of language, style, metre, and Marcus Argentarius’ place in the literary tradition.

Funding awards

Research grants

AHRC Full Studentship (Northern Bridge Consortium) 2020-2024


Award of study “Global Thesis” for the year 2018-2019 at University of Cádiz (Spain)

Conference papers

  • 3rd International Prolepsis Conference “Optanda erat Oblivio: Selection and Loss in Ancient and Medieval Literature” with a speech named “Un esempio di eroismo erotico: la controversa questione dell’ Epitalamio di Achille e Deidamia”, University of Bari “Aldo Moro”, 20th-21st December 2018.
  • 4th Inter-University Conference “Progetto Odeon”: “μέσαι δὲ νύκτες – It is midnight. Nights of love, war and madness from Homer to Medieval Literature” with a speech named “Il triplice volto della Notte nell’Età Ellenistica”, University of Turin, 23rd-24th May 2019.
  • 1st Symposium “Becoming Greek, Staying Roman. Becoming Roman, Staying Greek: intertestualità greco-romana in età argentea e tardo-imperiale” with a speech named “Paolo Silenziario: l’epigrammista a cavallo fra due lingue”, University of Bari “Aldo Moro”, 2nd March 2020.
  • 1st Congreso Internacional “Tránsitos: Identidades y Culturas en Movimiento. Frontera Sur. Voces y Relatos en los Márgenes” with a speech named “Las mujeres migrantes en el drama antiguo”, Universidad de Cádiz, 30thSeptember- 2ndOctober 2020.
  • XIX Convegno di Egittologia e Papirologia with a speech named “P.Oxy. 2884: nuove ipotesi sul genere elegiaco”, Siracusa, 1st-4th October 2020.
  • School of History, Classics and Archaeology Postgraduate Forum Seminar with a paper named “P.Oxy. 3723: limits and ambiguity on the elegiac genre”, 18th November 2020, Newcastle University.
  • Conference in Classics & Ancient History with a speech named “Paulus Silentiarius: the epigrammist between two worlds”, Coimbra, 22nd-25th June 2021.
  • 5th International Prolepsis Conference “Prolepsis: Predicting, Anticipating, Foretelling from Antiquity to the Renaissance” with a speech named “Alcuni esempi di threat-prophecy nella poesia greca e latina”, University of Bari “Aldo Moro”, December 2021.


  • E. A. Polignano, An Example of Erotic Heroism: The Controversial Case of the Epithalamium of Achilles and Deidamia, in N. Bruno, M. Filosa, G. Marinelli (eds.), Fragmented Memory: Omission, Selection, and Loss in Ancient Literature and History, Berlin-Boston: De Gruyter (forthcoming).
  • E. A. Polignano, P.Oxy. 2884: nuove ipotesi sul genere elegiaco, in C. Basile, A. Di Natale (eds.), Atti del XIX Convegno di Egittologia e Papirologia, Siracusa 1-4 Ottobre 2021, Siracusa: Tyche (forthcoming).
  • Plaza Salguero-E. A. Polignano, Las mujeres migrantes en el drama antiguo: las Suplicantes y el Agamenón de Esquilo, Gijón: Ediciones Trea (forthcoming).   


  • Master Degree (Laurea Magistrale) in Ancient Philology, Literature and History (University of Bari “Aldo Moro”).

  • Bachelor Degree (Laurea Triennale) in Humanities (University of Bari “Aldo Moro”).