Student Progress

Fitness to Practise Procedure

Fitness to Practise Procedure

The University has a Fitness to Practise Procedure in place to consider any conduct or circumstances which indicate that a student, on a specific professional programme, may potentially be unfit to practise professionally or be a danger to actual, or potential patients.

The Fitness to Practise Procedure [444 KB] is used by the University to consider whether a student should be permitted to continue on a course of study which leads to an entitlement to practise as on a range of professional qualifications at Newcastle University.  It also applies to graduates with a Newcastle University MBBS degree who are Foundation Year 1 trainees or Year 1 House Officers in Malaysia.

Any reports received indicating the possibility of a student being unfit to practise professionally are referred to the Provost of the relevant Faculty, who will designate a panel and lead investigator to look into the report further. A hearing may be convened to which the responding student will be invited to attend.