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Key and Access Policy

Key and Access Policy

Purpose statement 

The purpose of this key policy is to establish clear guidelines and procedures for the management, issuance, and use of keys within University-owned accommodation. This policy aims to ensure the security, safety, and effective management of access to our accommodation while promoting accountability and adherence to best practices. 

Applicability and Scope 

The policy applies to any person issued with a key for University-owned accommodation. It is aligned with the access provisions outlined in the accommodation contract and handbook. 

Our Responsibilities 

  • to issue keys 

  • to maintain accurate records of all keys, including those used for access by non-residents 

  • to promptly reconcile returned keys 

  • to monitor the use of programmable keys and ensure that only authorised personnel have access to key data 

  • to only interrogate key data when we have valid reasons to do so, such as during an investigation, where we have concerns about wellbeing and to check you have departed  

  • to process data about key use in accordance with the University's data protection policy, ensuring it is used to protect our legitimate interests, such as providing a safe and secure environment  

  • to replace defective keys  

  • to deactivate electronic keys that are reported as lost or stolen  

Your Responsibilities 

  • to always keep your key safe 

  • to not share/lend your key to anyone else 

  • to report lost keys as soon as possible  

  • to keep your bedroom secure by locking it any time you leave your accommodation, or by using the privacy lock when in your room 

  • to return your keys at the end of your contract  

  • to familiarise yourself with and adhere to this policy 

  • to seek clarification from a member of staff, about any aspect of this policy as required 



Replacement Keys  

If you lose your key, you can get a replacement at your reception. We will need to confirm your identity before issuing a replacement. If you lose your key when reception is closed, call Estate Security Service on 0191 208 6817, or via a help point and they can help. 

If you find your original key later, please return it to reception as soon as possible. 


If you are locked out during reception opening hours, we will either let you back in or give you a replacement key if required. If you are locked out when your reception is closed, you should contact Estate Security Service. They will aim to respond quickly, but if they are dealing with an emergency elsewhere on campus, there may be a delay. Before we let you into your room, we will need to confirm your identity.  



Access by others 

All University staff and contractors entering your accommodation will carry University ID, which you can ask to see at any time. If we need to enter your room for planned maintenance or inspection, we will usually provide seven days' notice. The notice will include who needs access, the date, an approximate time, and the reason for the visit.  

There are some circumstances where we may not give notice, for example: 

Cleaning: team members responsible for cleaning your accommodation, will be issued keys and will access your accommodation on your designated cleaning day. If the need for cleaning has been communicated to you after an inspection, we will attend as soon as reasonably practicable. Additionally, we won’t give notice to clean a vacant room in your flat.  

Reactive maintenance: if you have requested a repair, or where the need for repair has been communicated to you after an inspection, we will attend as soon as reasonably practicable. We will also access your room to investigate the root cause of a maintenance issue that may be originating in your bedroom (eg a leak).  

Maintenance days: we will not give you notice to carry out planned maintenance or safety inspection on your designated maintenance day (shared areas only). 

Unplanned access: we will access your accommodation in an emergency, to stop a nuisance, to carry out a welfare check, or where we believe you are in serious breach of your contract. 

Exceptional circumstances: if you leave your accommodation in exceptional circumstances, such as during a pandemic, and you are prevented from returning, we will carry out an inspection and dispose of anything perishable or hazardous.  

Going away: if you leave the accommodation for longer than seven days, we will access your room to carry our statutory water flushing, further information can be found on our ‘Going Away’ page. 

In exceptional circumstances (such as a pandemic) students may leave their accommodation expecting to return shortly afterwards, but they are prevented from doing so. If such a situation arises, we are likely to carry out an inspection of all rooms and shared areas and we will dispose of anything we consider to be perishable or hazardous. 

We may not give you advance notice before clearing your belongings out of your room if we believe that you have stopped living there or you will not return before the end of your tenancy period.  
While we don't always need to give you notice before entering your room, we will normally try to contact you beforehand, whenever possible. If we need to enter your room and you are not there, we will leave a card to let you know we’ve been.


Access by an authorised representative 

In exceptional circumstances, we can facilitate access to your room by your authorised representative. This may occur when you need to obtain specific items from your room that you cannot conveniently collect in person (for example, if you are in hospital or if you have left Newcastle and cannot conveniently return) or where you have arranged for a specialist company to pack and ship your belongings after you have left. 
We will normally only authorise access to your bedroom/flat by a person other than a member of our staff or approved contractors after we have received your permission to do so. You can give us your permission by email, but this must be sent from your university email address. Your email must state clearly who is to have access, approximately when, and for what purpose. The person authorised to access your room must bring photo identification with them (eg a driving licence, passport, or University Smartcard). 
There may be circumstances where access to your room by a third party is necessary, but you are not able to give us your permission. An example of this may be where you are very seriously ill, and someone needs to pick up your medicines or other possessions. In the first instance, we will liaise with the trusted person that you have nominated as your point of contact within your accommodation application. If anyone other than your trusted person requests access to your room without your explicit permission, we will ask your trusted person if they willing to authorise their access on your behalf. 
We do not accept responsibility for the actions or omissions of any third party whom you or your trusted person have authorised to enter your room 


End of your contract 

You are responsible for returning your keys to your reception at the end of your contract. If you lose your key and do not have a key to hand back, you must report this before leaving.  

If you cannot return your keys to your reception in person, you should ensure that your keys are placed in an envelope and marked with your name and room number. Envelopes can be provided on request from reception. Keys should then be left at the designated key return point on departure. Ask at reception for details of where your return point can be found. It is your responsibility to return your keys – you should not give your keys to someone else to return on your behalf. Keys should not be left in your room, flat or in the letterbox of the flat you are leaving. 

Electronic access fobs/cards will be cancelled to prevent further access from 10:00 on the last day of your contract period, therefore please ensure you have removed all personal belongings by this time. 



Certain words and phrases used in this policy have the meanings given to them here: 

Keya key or other device that allows entry to a Building or a part of a Building. 

Room: the accommodation that we will make available for your exclusive use during the Tenancy Period. 

Shared Area: the parts of the building that are for use by more than one occupier. Shared Areas within a flat are for the shared use of the people living in that flat. Shared areas outside a flat are for the shared use of the people living in the building. 

We/us/our/ours: Newcastle University which is the landlord of the accommodation  

You/your/yours: the person who has agreed to take a tenancy in our accommodation 





Reviewed: May 2024 
Review date: May 2026 
Policy owner: Senior Management Team, Accommodation Services