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Accommodation Services Under 18s Policy

University-Owned Accommodation or Managed Partnerships Accommodation

Under 18s Policy

Purpose Statement
This policy outlines our approach to processing accommodation applications from applicants under 18 years old and details our responsibilities for their wellbeing and support while residing in University-owned or managed partnership accommodation. 

Applicability and Scope 

This policy is applicable to students aged under 18 who have applied and been offered University-owned or managed partnership accommodation. It operates in conjunction with Newcastle University's overarching policy for under 18 students. 

cannot assume parental responsibility for any student under the age of 18. Students and their families should bear in mind that Newcastle University is an adult environment. Students are expected to have personal maturity to cope with the University environment. Students are expected to have the necessary skills to study and live independently alongside people from a wide variety of backgrounds. Places in accommodation are offered at Newcastle on the understanding that the student will be able to adapt to living away from home and to look after themselves in all practical matters.

Our Responsibilities 

  • to allocate all students who meet the terms of the guarantee, in University-owned or managed partnership accommodation 

  • where possible, to process applications from under 18s who did not qualify for the accommodation guarantee before all other ‘non-guaranteed applicants’ 

  • to recommend under 18s not to take accommodation in the private sector 

  • to contact under 18s within the first week of moving in and to check in termly regarding their general wellbeing whilst they remain under 18 

  • to accommodate under 18s with those who are over 18 

  • with the student’s consent, to inform the parent or responsible adult if we become aware that the student is in serious rent arrears or is in serious breach of the Tenancy Agreement  

  • to provide additional training on fire evacuation and other emergency procedures to under 18s if requested 

  • to ensure all staff are aware of our Personal Relationships at Work Policy which states: Colleagues must not be in, or enter into, a close personal or intimate relationship with a student or colleague under the age of 18, or an adult known or suspected to be at risk or vulnerable 

Accommodation Services will not: 

  • have parental responsibility or provide direct supervision of the student 

  • carry out DBS checks or provide training for colleagues or contractors  

  • carry out DBS checks on other students in the accommodation 

  • carry out checks, other than those listed above, on under 18s  

  • monitor how the student spends their leisure time or manages their finances 

  • be responsible for student consumption of alcohol, however, where students require support, we will refer them to Student Health and Wellbeing 

Your Responsibilities: 

  • to provide the details of at least one ‘Trusted Person’ within the student portal when you register, and keep this information up to date  

  • to engage with the ResLife team, on a termly basis, whilst under the age of 18 

  • to take responsibility for administering your own medication and setting up medical support as needed prior to arrival at University  

  • to familiarise yourself with and adhere to this policy 

  • to seek clarification from a member of Accommodation Services Team, about any aspect of this policy as required 



Certain words and phrases used in this policy have the meanings given to them here. 

Under 18 - any student whose 18th birthday falls after the commencement of the Tenancy Agreement. The policy will cease to apply to students once they reach their 18th birthday. 

We/us/our/ours: Newcastle University which is the landlord of the accommodation. 

You/your/yours: the person who has agreed to take a tenancy in our accommodation. 






Last revision:  May 2024 
Next Review Date: May 2025 
Policy Owner: Senior Management Team, Accommodation Services