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Fully funded, highly competitive PhD and MRes studentships.

Each year we offer fully funded, highly competitive PhD studentships. They enable science graduates and clinicians to conduct multi-disciplinary research. Projects are individually tailored. They are are supervised by internationally recognised teams of researchers.

Studentships are typically supported for 3-4 years. Funders include:

  • Cancer Research UK
  • Children's Cancer North
  • Research Councils
  • NIHR
  • Other charities and through partnerships with industry

Dedicated training schemes

We host dedicated PhD and MRes studentship training schemes in cancer. They include the annual Newcastle University Centre for Cancer and CRUK Newcastle Centre studentships.

We run the CRUK Newcastle Clinical Academic Training programme each year. It supports 1 or 2 clinical PhD fellowships and 2 Intercalating MRes fellowships. Our Children's Cancer North MRes bursary scheme supports 2 further intercalated MRes fellowships annually.  The programme supports translational cancer research hosted in the Newcastle CRUK Centre. Training is overseen by the Clinical Academic Office of the Faculty of Medical Sciences.

Doctoral research opportunities for cancer researchers working at the interface of chemistry and medicine are available through the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Molecular Sciences for Medicine (MosMed) programme.

Masters training

Additional opportunities for Masters level research include:

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