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Student Damage Policy - University-Owned Accommodation

Student Damage Policy

Purpose Statement 

Our policy is designed to safeguard the quality and longevity of our accommodation whilst promoting accountability and responsible behaviour among residents. This policy outlines clear guidelines for addressing damage to ensure consistency in our approach to residents and their guests. 
Applicability and Scope 

The policy applies to all residents in University-owned accommodation, as well as their guests. It extends to all shared areas and bedrooms and includes, but is not limited to, furnishings, fixtures, appliances, and structural components.  

What is Damage? 

Damage, as defined within this policy, encompasses any harm, alteration, or deterioration incurred to our property. This includes accidental damage, damage caused by negligence or improper use of facilities, and damage due to a failure to maintain cleanliness. It excludes damage caused by the University, its employees or agents and allows for fair wear and tear. 

Our Responsibilities 

  • to ensure that the contents in your room and in the shared areas are in good condition at the start of your tenancy 

  • to allow for fair wear and tear 

  • to keep the accommodation and its contents in reasonable repair and to replace items at the end of their useful life 

  • to carry out inspections and identify any unreported damage  

  • to investigate reported incidents of malicious damage 

  • to repair any damage to our accommodation where appropriate 

  • to provide an inventory within seven days of your arrival  

  • to notify you of any damage and subsequent charges within six weeks of your departure 


Your Responsibilities 

  • to check any area that you have contractual responsibility for, noting any damage or missing items on your inventory 

  • to return your completed inventory to your reception within seven days of receipt  

  • not to cause any damage or to remove any contents from your accommodation  

  • to keep your accommodation clean and well maintained 

  • if you become aware of the need for repair or maintenance, to report this to us promptly 

  • to familiarise yourself with and adhere to this policy 

  • to seek clarification from a member of Accommodation Services Team, about any aspect of this policy as required 


When Damage Occurs 

If we identify damage in your bedroom, flat or in the shared areas, we may claim from you the costs of rectifying this damage. It is important to be aware that all fixtures, fittings and soft furnishings are manufactured to a higher specification than those found in a domestic environment and have a higher cost of replacement. A guideline of standard charges is provided in Appendix 1 of this document. 

We will allow for fair wear and tear when recovering the costs of a repair or replacement items. A depreciation cost, equivalent to 10%, is applied to the replacement cost of all carpets and soft furnishings which are over one year old, up to a maximum of 10 years (100%). Where a carpet or soft furnishing is more than 10 years old, you will only be charged for the labour element of the replacement. Where a repair can be carried out, you will be charged the full cost of the repair. 

How much we will charge you depends on where the damage occurred: 


In cases of accidental damage, where there is no gross negligence, your liability will be capped at £5,000. This limit on liability does not apply in cases of damage caused deliberately or by gross negligence. 

Shared areas 

Where damage occurs in a communal area where an individual claims personal responsibility or is found to be responsible following an investigation, we will charge you for the full cost of damage caused up to a maximum of £5,000. If we cannot identify those responsible, we will ask the people who have access to those areas to share the cost of us cleaning and/or making good. 


All property repairs will be undertaken by the University’s Estates & Facilities Team or an approved contractor. You are not allowed and should not attempt to carry out repairs. Replacement furniture and fixtures will be purchased through University approved contractors. 


Appeal Procedure 

If you wish to appeal a damage charge, you must do so within 28 days of receipt of an invoice being raised. This must be in writing and addressed to an Assistant Manager at your accommodation and should specify the grounds for appeal which may be one or more of the following: 

  • procedural irregularity 

  • bias or prejudice  

  • excessive or inappropriate charge 

The appeal will be considered initially by an Assistant Manager who will decide whether there is a case. If there is a case for appeal, this will be considered by a panel, consisting of the Operations Manager and a University Manager from outside of Accommodation Services, who will confirm, amend, or dismiss the original charge. Where the appeal has been dismissed, there shall be no further appeal within the University. 



Certain words and phrases used in this policy have the meanings given to them here. 

Damage: any harm, alteration, or deterioration incurred to our property. 

Room: the accommodation that we will make available for your exclusive use during the Tenancy Period. 

Shared Area: the parts of the building that are for use by more than one occupier. Shared Areas within a flat are for the shared use of the people living in that flat. Shared areas outside a flat are for the shared use of the people living in the building. 

We/us/our/ours: Newcastle University which is the landlord of the accommodation.  

You/your/yours: the person who has agreed to take a tenancy in our accommodation. 


Replacement costs* 

Kitchen and Communal Areas 











Under-counter fridge/freezer 


American fridge freezer 


Hob/oven/cooker/combination microwave 


Freestanding cooker 


Stove guard   


Air fryer 


Washer dryers 


Cupboard door  






Breakfast bar stool re-cover/replace 


Dining table 


Dining chair/bench 


Coffee table   


Modular corner seating unit 


2 seat sofa replace 


3 seat sofa replace  




Shower screen door 






Desk chair replace  


Easy chair replace  


Office style chair replace  


Bed – single/double/7ft   


Calder divan zips beds per pair 


Mattress replacement  


Laptop table 



Miscellaneous Items  



Lift mirror 


Vacuum cleaner 


Ironing board 



* This list is not exhaustive. These costs exclude VAT and administration charges and do not account for depreciation. Costs listed are for guidance only as prices may vary depending on the make and model specific to your residence, and the cost at the time of purchasing.  





Last revision: May 2024 
Next review date: May 2026 
Policy holder: Senior Management Team, Accommodation Services