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Portable Appliance Testing (PAT)

This policy applies to accommodation contracts for the 2024-25 academic year. To view a previous version, please contact us

Portable Appliance Testing Policy

Purpose Statement

This policy aims to ensure the safety of all electrical equipment in University-owned accommodation. This includes both equipment provided by the University and personal items brought by you. Our goal is to minimise risks to individuals and property by maintaining these items in a safe condition, as far as is reasonably practicable. 

Applicability and Scope 

This policy applies to all portable electrical equipment within University-owned accommodation, including equipment provided by the University and items brought by you. 

The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 places a duty on us to ensure that you are not exposed to risks to your health or safety while living in our accommodation. This legislation requires employers and those responsible for premises, such as universities, to conduct their operations in a way that safeguards the health, safety, and welfare of everyone affected, including residents like you. 

The Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 further mandate that any electrical equipment with the potential to cause injury is maintained in a safe condition. This means we must ensure that all portable and transportable electrical devices within your accommodation are regularly inspected and tested to prevent any risk of electrical hazards. 

Our Responsibilities 

  • to conduct annual Portable Appliance Testing (PAT) on portable electrical equipment supplied in your accommodation, performed by a trained person 

  • to provide advance notice when access is required for testing 

  • to offer you the opportunity to have your electrical items tested in your village to ensure that your personal appliances remain safe and compliant 

  • to clearly label each appliance that has been tested with the date and indicate whether it has passed or failed  

  • to remove and replace any appliance that has failed the test  

  • to remove any personal electronic equipment that has not been PAT tested as outlined in our Confiscation Policy 

  • to remain vigilant for any equipment that appears to be damaged in the performance of our duties 

  • to visually inspect new equipment before installation and integrate the item into the annual PAT testing schedule 


Your Responsibilities  

  • to bring only electrical equipment that complies with British Standards (BS) and Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE) regulations into the accommodation 

  • to ensure all electrical equipment brought into the accommodation is promptly presented for testing during scheduled Portable Appliance Testing (PAT) sessions 

  • to refrain from using any electrical equipment that has not undergone testing and been deemed safe for use 

  • to remain vigilant for any signs of damage or malfunction in electrical equipment  

  • to promptly report any damaged or malfunctioning electrical items to us for investigation and repair 

  • to refrain from using any electrical items that are under investigation or have been marked as unsafe until they are cleared for use by an authorised person 

  • to familiarise yourself with and adhere to this policy 

  • to seek clarification from a member of Accommodation Services Team, about any aspect of this policy as required 


How to check for damage 

Here are some possible issues to look out for: 

  • damage (apart from light scuffing) to the supply cable, including fraying or cuts 
  • damage to the plug or connector, such as cracking casing or bent pins 
  • the equipment has been subjected to conditions for which it is not suitable, such as being wet or excessively contaminated 
  • loss of power to the socket  
  • damage to the external casing of the equipment 
  • loose parts or screws 
  • evidence of overheating, such as burn marks or discoloration 

If you notice any of these signs of damage, it's important that you cease using the appliance immediately and then report the fault. 


Certain words and phrases used in this policy have the meanings given to them here. 

Portable appliance: electrical equipment that is designed to be moved from place to place and is intended to be connected to a generator or a fixed installation using a flexible cable and either a plug and socket or a spur box, or similar means. Examples of portable appliances include kettles, toasters, and other similar devices commonly used in domestic settings. 

We/us/our/ours: Newcastle University which is the landlord of the accommodation  

You/your/yours: the person who has agreed to take a tenancy in our accommodation 




Last revision: May 2024 
Next review date: May 2026 
Policy holder: Senior Management Team, Accommodation Services