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Funding a Master's Degree

Find out how to fund your Master's degree.

Funding your Master's degree

Competition for Master's funding can be fierce. However, there are several options open to those looking to fund further study.

The resources here focus on the UK. For information on funding study outside the UK, see our Study Abroad webpages.

More information

The following websites provide general information on Master's funding:

Funding options

Contact your course provider

Begin your funding search by contacting the admissions office for your course. Your chosen course may have some funded places available.

Some of these are financed by Research Councils. Others receive funding from industry and professional bodies. These organisations don't normally accept direct applications from students. It's likely you will need to apply through the institution offering the course.

Questions you could ask the admissions office include:

  • is there funding available for the course?
  • how and when should I apply for it?
  • if funding is not available, how do current students fund themselves?
  • how have previous students funded themselves?
  • can I study part-time?
  • are there any discounts?

Newcastle University

Our students can also access the Student Financial Support Team the Student Advice Centre also offers financial advice.

Newcastle University's guide to funding and funding database gives information about funding opportunities.

UK Government Postgraduate Loans Scheme

The UK Government Postgraduate Loans Scheme is available to eligible students.

The loan is administered by Student Loans Company (SLC). It is repayable and interest will is charged

To be eligible for the Postgraduate Master's Loan, you must be a UK national or have settled status in the UK. EU and EEA nationals may be eligible if they meet certain residency requirements.

The loan is available for most UK University taught and research Master's courses. It's essential to check with the specific institution and course to confirm eligibility.

Application Process

Students apply to the UK government's Student Loans Company (SLC). The application process involves providing information about the course, university, and personal details.

Eligibility criteria and loan terms are subject to change. For up-to-date information visit:

Northern Ireland

Tuition fee loans are available to Northern Irish students for taught postgraduate courses.

Postgraduate loans in Northern Ireland has details of tuition fee loans.

Other government funding

Government funding is available for some vocational courses. This includes some teacher training or social work, medicine and healthcare postgraduates courses.

You can apply for funding for:

Local Authority discretionary awards

Local Authority discretionary awards are rare and are usually only for vocational courses.


Scholarships are not normally expected to be repaid. They can often fund both your study and some living expenses. Because of this they are extremely competitive.

Scholarship awards are based upon various criteria. These usually reflect the values and purposes of the donor or founder of the award. For example, you may need to study a specific subject. You might have certain personal characteristics (such as your nationality or gender). You might need study in a particular country or university.

Most scholarships have strict deadlines. You’ll need to carry out your research well in advance of starting your studies.

Check websites and contact the admissions offices of universities you are interested in. They may have a scheme that is not listed here.

Scholarship websites

The following websites provide information about scholarships:

See also Student Financial Support - Bursaries, Scholarships and Prizes. Many of these have specific criteria. Some are for undergraduate rather than postgraduate study but are still worth investigating.

International students

Universities sometimes offer specific scholarships and bursaries for international students. Contact the department or institution you are applying to for more information. For example Newcastle University offer several international scholarships each year.

The British Council lists scholarships schemes. These are offered by the UK government and colleges and universities to study in the UK.

Other funding options

Other types of Master’s funding are rare but there are alternative sources.

Charity or trust funding

There are some bodies which will support further study. Most only provide small or partial grants.

You should apply early, as the awarding committees may not meet often. Investigate any criteria as they can have narrow eligibility.

You will need to write a persuasive and . You can from the Careers Service.

Charities and grant-making trusts sometimes offer funding to support students undertaking postgraduate study.

Find further details in the following publications, available in the Philip Robinson Library:

Industry/company sponsorship

Talk to academics to identify companies with a potential interest in your study. You may need to work for the company that sponsors you.

Professional bodies

Relevant organisations may help students with funding. Examples include the Law Society and the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS). You can find other examples of professional bodies for different sectors on our .


Funding yourself may be an option but is a major financial investment. There are several things to consider:

  • Part-time study and work: Ask the admissions tutor if this is workable for your course. Be realistic about your study commitments.
  • Year out: Taking a year away from your studies could be an opportunity to gain relevant experience and earn some money.
  • Support from family or 'crowd funding': Financial support can come from family members or through 'crowd funding'.
  • Bank loan: Postgraduate and professional studies loans are available from specific banks and loan companies. Each bank will have its own rules and regulations, for example, you may need to transfer your account to them.
  • Tax credits: You may be eligible for Child Tax Credit or Working Tax Credit. The Student Advice Centre can give you guidance.

University Emergency Support

Some universities, including Newcastle, offer emergency financial support to their students. This funding is only for emergencies and unplanned circumstances. Its not intended to fund your study.