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Schools and Colleges Leadership Collection

Blog Collection 1 - Middle Leadership in Schools

This blog collection focuses on Middle Leadership in Schools and Colleges.

Focus areas

We focus on some of the challenges of middle leadership, whilst also considering how these can be opportunities. 

The blog posts in this collection centre on the following aspects of middle leadership:

  1. Position - ‘Sandwich’ leadership 
  2. Role - Operational versus strategic demands 
  3. Skills - Transition from teaching to leadership
  4. Balance - Utilising full-time teaching for leadership 

We aim to provide the ‘how to’ for transformative middle leadership and signpost some of the leadership research and theory available.

Therefore if you are a current or emerging middle leader, or a senior leader or Headteacher with a priority to develop your middle leaders, these posts may be of interest to you. 

Leadership Blog Archives

Click this link to access the Leadership blog archives from the North Leadership Centre (which is now named the Educational Leadership Centre).

Contact Us

Educational Leadership Centre,
School of Education,
King George VI Building, Floor 3, 
Newcastle University, NE1 7RU, United Kingdom

T:  0191 208 8455

