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Aphasia Research User Group

A dedicated body of people with aphasia who support research as advisors.

The Aphasia Research User Group's (ARUG) purpose is to enhance the relevance, quality and success of research in aphasia.

Enhancing our research

Consultation with people with first-hand experience of a condition enhances the research. It improves the quality, relevance and effectiveness of any study in this field.

People with aphasia are often excluded from relevant research by the nature of the research tools available.

Best practice is essential for research into stroke, aphasia and related non-clinical topics. It includes involvement of people with aphasia at every level.

Creating an advisory group can be challenging and time consuming for researchers. This is very true when communication disorder is a primary consideration for the research topic.

How we can benefit you

ARUG is an existing advisory group that can provide the support and expertise you need. They can also signpost you to alternative advisory groups when they are better suited to your project.

The high quality advice from ARUG, helps ensure that research topics are optimally shaped across all stages.

ARUG can consider the transparency of documentation and inclusiveness for all participants.

The group can also maximise recruitment. ARUG can give researchers insights into communicating well with people with aphasia.

They ensure that you use materials that will penetrate communication barriers. They also help your research project to include as representative a population as possible.

Our expertise

Our members have personal experience of aphasia, are a representative group and all have research awareness. This exclusive insight and experience can benefit you.

Also, our members:

  • are trained in principles of research
  • understand the role of research advisor
  • can help you build costs into your project application
  • are able to evaluate and record their impact
  • can provide a professional and committed service for the duration of the project

Our offer

  • a single point of contact and a suitable venue
  • a person to arrange meetings
  • aphasia facilitators and support materials available
  • clear guidelines for you to make consultation effective
  • sign posting to specialist aphasia advice
  • training for research staff

Accessing ARUG

Most funding applications will want to see consultation of this nature built into your application. ARUG needs only to meet the costs of the facilitator and the participants.

Contact us

If you would like to find out more please contact us to arrange a discussion of your needs.

For advice about stroke research (beyond aphasia), visit the National Institute for Health Research's Clinical Research Network.

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