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Sara from Lebanon

Sara graduated from MA Education: International Perspectives in 2016 and currently works as a Science Curriculum Coordinator and Science Teacher at an International School in Abu Dhabi.

About Sara

Nationality: Lebanese

Current occupation:  Elementary and Middle School Science Coordinator and Middle School Science Teacher

Current location: United Arab Emirates

Degree studied: Education: International Perspectives

Year of graduation: 2016

About Sara's career

Describe your current occupation:

I currently work at Liwa International School Al-Mushrif (in Abu Dhabi) as a Coordinator for Elementary and Middle School Sciences, and I also teach science to middle schoolers. 

The combination of supportive professors, welcoming staff, the beauty of the city, and the proximity to Edinburgh makes studying at Newcastle University a remarkable experience.


Studying Education: International Perspectives at Newcastle University

How did you get into this job after graduating from Newcastle?   

After graduating from Newcastle, I moved to the UAE and got a job as a middle school science teacher. I later moved to another school in the UAE where I was appointed elementary and middle school science coordinator.

How has studying Education: International Perspectives helped you in your current or future career? 

Studying Education: International Perspectives has not only deepened my understanding of education in diverse cultures but it also positioned me well within the UAE's multicultural landscape. The knowledge and perspectives gained from my studies enable me to effectively address the needs of students from various backgrounds and contribute to inclusive educational practices. Additionally, obtaining a master's degree has propelled my career growth, allowing me to secure a middle leadership role and providing clarity on my leadership aspirations. Overall, my educational journey has been invaluable in both personal and professional development within the UAE's education sector.

What was the best thing about studying Education at Newcastle? 

Overall, the combination of supportive professors, welcoming staff, the beauty of the city, and the proximity to Edinburgh makes studying at Newcastle University a remarkable experience. It offers not only an excellent academic environment but also an enriching cultural and social experience.

What advice would you give to a student interested in studying Education: International Perspectives?  

  1. Choose a dissertation focus early: Having a clear focus for your dissertation early on will allow you to allocate sufficient time and resources to delve deep into your chosen area of study. This will enable you to conduct thorough research, gather relevant literature, and develop a strong theoretical framework for your dissertation.
  2. Create a schedule and stick to it: Time management is crucial throughout your master's program. Develop a schedule that includes milestones and deadlines for different stages of your research, such as literature review, data collection, analysis, and writing. By following a well-planned schedule, you can avoid last-minute stress and ensure a smoother dissertation process.
  3. Seek help and advice: Don't hesitate to reach out to your professors and academic advisors for guidance and support. They can provide valuable insights, suggest relevant literature, and offer advice on refining your research questions or methodology. Utilize their expertise to enhance the quality of your dissertation.
  4. Take advantage of professors' advice: Professors play a pivotal role in shaping your academic journey. Be receptive to their feedback and suggestions throughout your master's program. Incorporate their advice into your work, as it can significantly improve the quality of your research and writing.
  5. Make time to enjoy the city of Newcastle: While your studies are important, it's equally important to find a balance between academic commitments and personal well-being. Newcastle offers a vibrant and culturally rich environment, so make sure to allocate some time to explore the city, engage in recreational activities, and enjoy the beauty of the surroundings. This will help you maintain a healthy work-life balance and enhance your overall experience as a student.