Staff Profile
Dr Ben Pippard
Academic Clinical Lecturer in Respiratory Medicine
- Email:
- Telephone: 0191 208 1250
- Address: Newcastle Magnetic Resonance Centre
Newcastle University
Health Innovation Neighbourhood
Newcastle upon Tyne
I initially studied Psychology in Birmingham before moving to Newcastle in 2007 to begin medical training.
I completed my MBBS degree in 2011, and have remained in the North East throughout my subsequent postgraduate career, including work as a Clinical Teaching Fellow (2015-2016) and Clinical Research Associate (2016-2020). I was awarded my PhD ('Assessing pulmonary ventilation and perfusion properties with 19F-MRI') from Newcastle University in Nov 2021.
I currently split my time between working as a higher specialty trainee in respiratory medicine (since Aug 2020) and post-doctoral research as a NIHR Academic Clinical Lecturer (since May 2024).
BSc (Hons) in Psychology, University of Birmingham, 2005
MRes in Cognitive Neuropsychology, University of Birmingham, 2006
MBBS, Newcastle University, 2011
MRCP(UK), The Royal College of Physicians, 2015
CertMedEd, Newcastle University, 2016
PhD, Newcastle University, 2021
SCE in Respiratory Medicine, The Royal College of Physicians, 2024
My clinical and research interests relate primarily to the study of airways disease (COPD and asthma) and pleural disease (e.g. pleural effusion and pneumothorax).
Current work is focussed on the application of novel imaging methods (particularly magnetic resonance imaging) to improve our understanding of underlying mechanisms of disease, including the capacity for early detection and monitoring of respiratory pathology.
I work closely with colleagues based at the Newcastle Magnetic Resonance Centre (Prof Pete Thelwall, Dr Mary Neal) as well as clinical colleagues working in the field of respiratory medicine (Prof John Simpson, and others).
I have a strong interest in teaching and education at both undergraduate (e.g. medical students) and postgraduate levels (e.g. MRCP PACES candidates).
I was previously employed as a Clinical Teaching Fellow at The Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (2015-2016), during which time I completed a postgraduate Certificate in Medical Education (Newcastle University, 2016).
I frequently contribute as an examiner for medical student assessments.
Other roles
Faculty member, MRCP Part 1 revision course, HEENE (Oct 2022 - present)
Trainee member, BTS Education and Training committee (Nov 2023 - present)
Trainee representative, North of England Thoracic Society (Oct 2021 - March 2024)
RCP Chief Registrar (Sept 2022 - Sept 2023)
RCP Associate college tutor (Oct 2018 - Aug 2020)
- Pippard BJ, Neal MA, Holland CW, Maunder AM, Forrest I, Lawson RA, Fisher HF, Matthews JNS, Wild JM, Simpson AJ, Thelwall PE. Assessing Lung Ventilation and Bronchodilator Response in Asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease with 19F-MRI. Radiology 2024, 313(3).
- Melhorn J, Achaiah A, Conway FM, Thompson EMF, Skyllberg EW, Durrant J, Hasan NA, Madani Y, Naran P, Vijayakumar B, Tate MJ, Trevelyan GE, Zaki I, Doig CA, Lynch G, Warwick G, Aujayeb A, Jackson KA, Iftikhar H, Noble JH, Ng AYKC, Nugent M, Evans PJ, Hastings RA, Bellenberg HR, Lawrence H, Saville RL, Johl NT, Grey AN, Ellis HC, Chen C, Jones TL, Maddekar N, Khan SL, Muhammad AI, Ghani H, Myint YMM, Rafique C, Pippard BJ, Irving BRH, Ali F, Azam A, Barton EC, Bhatnagar M, Blackburn MP, Millington KJ, Budhram NJ, Bunclark KL, Sapkal TP, Dixon G, Harries AJE, Ijaz M, Karunanithi V, Nail S, Khan MA, Savlani K, Kumar V, Gallego BL, Mahdi NA, Morgan C, Patel N, Rowlands EW, Steward MS, Thorley RS, Wollerton RL, Ulla S, Smith DM, Lason W, Rostron AJ, Rahman NM, Halifax RJ. Pneumomediastinum in COVID-19: a phenotype of severe COVID-19 pneumonitis? The results of the United Kingdom (POETIC) survey. European Respiratory Journal 2022, 60(3), 2102522.
- Pippard B, Clarke L, Chew V, Conroy K, Dunleavy J. Massive colothorax secondary to intestinal pseudo-obstruction: an unusual cause of respiratory failure. Thorax 2022, 77, 946-947.
- Pippard BJ, Neal MA, Maunder AM, Hollingsworth KG, Biancardi A, Lawson RA, Fisher H, Matthews JNS, Simpson AJ, Wild JM, Thelwall PE. Reproducibility of 19F-MR ventilation imaging in healthy volunteers. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2021, 85(6), 3343-3352.
- Neal MA, Pippard BJ, Simpson AJ, Thelwall PE. Dynamic susceptibility contrast 19F-MRI of inhaled perfluoropropane: a novel approach to combined pulmonary ventilation and perfusion imaging. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2020, 83(2), 452-461.
- Neal MA, Pippard BJ, Hollingsworth KG, Maunder A, Dutta P, Simpson AJ, Blamire AM, Wild JM, Thelwall PE. Optimized and accelerated 19F-MRI of inhaled perfluoropropane to assess regional pulmonary ventilation. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2019, 82(4), 1301-1311.
- Pippard BJ, Shipley MD. Healthcare staff attitudes towards the use of electronic cigarettes ('e-cigarettes') compared with a local trust policy. Perspectives in Public Health 2017, 137(4), 216-219.
- Pippard B, Anyiam O. The many roles of a clinical teaching fellow. BMJ Careers 2016, 355, 333.
- Riddoch MJ, Pippard B, Booth L, Rickell J, Summers J, Brownson A, Humphreys GW. Effects of action relations on the configural coding between objects. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 2011, 37(2), 580-587.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Pippard B, Forrest I, Haq I. Re-imagining Clinical Grand Rounds in the post-COVID era. In: 5th Developing Excellence in Medical Education Conference (DEMEC). 2023, Manchester, UK.
- Pippard B, Forrest I, Hill S, Haq I. Development of Quality Assurance Panels to promote effective provision of departmental education and training. In: 5th Developing Excellence in Medical Education Conference (DEMEC). 2023, Manchester, UK.
- Neal M, Holland C, Pippard B, Forrest I, Burns G, Sabroe I, Lawson R, Simpson AJ, Wild J, Thelwall P. 19F-MRI of pulmonary ventilation: assessment of response to treatment in asthma and COPD. In: International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2023, Toronto, Canada: International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.
- Pippard B, Stanton A, Prudon B, Conroy K. Use of erector spinae plane (ESP) blocks during medical thoracoscopy: initial experience from a district general hospital. In: 20th Annual British Thoracic Oncology Group Conference 2022. 2022, Virtual: Elsevier.
- Pippard B, Wilkinson D, Ong W, Carlin HJ, Sobala R, Shakir S, Fretwell T, Carling M, Kibbler J, Holland C. Consent and complications in bronchoscopy: a trainee-led, region-wide evaluation. In: British Thoracic Society Winter Meeting 2022. 2022, London, UK: BMJ Group.
- Holland C, Neal M, Pippard B, Forrest I, Lawson R, Fisher HF, Matthews JN, Hollingsworth KG, Simpson AJ, Wild J, Thelwall PE. Comparison of 19F-MRI, CT and spirometry in a patient with airways disease. In: European Respiratory Society International Congress. 2022, Barcelona, Spain: European Respiratory Society.
- Holland C, Neal M, Pippard B, Forrest I, Burns G, Sabroe I, Lawson R, Fisher H, Matthews JNS, Simpson AJ, Wild J, Thelwall P. Assessing pulmonary ventilation and treatment response in patients with asthma and COPD using 19F-MRI: results from the LIFT study. In: British Thoracic Society Winter Meeting 2022. 2022, London, UK: Thorax.
- Pippard B, Bright H, Chew V, Miller G, Conroy K, Prudon B, Jeebun V. Outcomes in patients requiring CPAP for COVID-19 infection in non-ITU settings. In: European Respiratory Society International Congress. 2021, Virtual.
- Thelwall, P, Parikh, J, Pippard, B, Wore, C, Janiczek, R, Sourbron, S, Sheerin, N. Detection of fibrosis in patients with moderate renal impairment with multiparametric MRI. In: International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2021, Virtual.
- Neal, M, Pippard, B, Hollingsworth, K, Simpson, AJ, Thelwall, P. Accelerated dynamic 19F-MRI of inhaled perfluoropropane for quantitative regional assessment of gas wash-in biomarkers in patients with COPD. In: International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2021, Virtual.
- Neal M, Pippard B, Forrest I, Lawson R, Fisher HF, Matthews JNS, Hollingsworth K, Simpson AJ, Wild J, Thelwall P. 19F-MRI of inhaled perfluoropropane in patients with asthma and patients with COPD pre- and post-bronchodilator therapy. In: International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2021, Virtual.
- Pippard, B, Neal, M, Forrest, I, Sabroe, I, Lawson, R, Simpson, AJ, Wild, J, Thelwall, P. Assessing bronchodilator response in patients with asthma and COPD using 19F-MRI. In: European Respiratory Society International Congress. 2020, Virtual.
- Neal, M, Pippard, B, Maunder, A, Lawson, R, Fisher, HF, Matthews, JNS, Hollingsworth, K, Simpson, AJ, Wild, J, Thelwall, P. 19F-MRI of inhaled perfluoropropane for assessment of pulmonary ventilation: a multi-centre reproducibility study in healthy volunteers. In: International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2020, Virtual.
- Pippard, B, Neal, M, Maunder, A, Lawson, R, Simpson, AJ, Wild, J, Thelwall, P. Multicentre reproducibility of 19F-MR ventilation imaging in healthy volunteers. In: British Thoracic Society Winter meeting. 2019, London, UK.
- Pippard, B, Neal, M, Maunder, A, Simpson, AJ, Hollingsworth, K, Wild, J, Thelwall, P. Compressed sensing to reduce breath-hold duration in 19F-MR ventilation imaging. In: European Respiratory Society International Congress. 2019, Madrid, Spain.
- Pippard, B, Neal, M, Simpson, AJ, Thelwall, P. Assessing ventilation/perfusion properties with dynamic 19F-MRI of inhaled perfluoropropane. In: European Respiratory Society International Congress. 2019, Madrid, Spain.
- Pippard, B, Neal, M, Simpson, AJ, Thelwall, P. Probing ventilation/perfusion properties using dynamic susceptibility contrast 19F-MRI of inhaled perfluoropropane. In: British Thoracic Society Winter meeting. 2018, London, UK: Thorax, BMJ Group.
- Pippard, B, Neal, M, Maunder, A, Forrest, I, Sabroe, I, Lawson, R, Simpson, AJ, Wild, J, Thelwall, P. Assessing regional lung ventilation with 19F-MRI of inhaled perfluoropropane. In: European Respiratory Society International Congress. 2018, Paris, France.
- Pippard, B, Neal, M, Maunder, A, Forrest, I, Sabroe, I, Lawson, R, Simpson, AJ, Wild, J, Thelwall, P. Assessing regional lung ventilation in patients and healthy volunteers using 19F-MRI of inhaled perfluoropropane. In: British Thoracic Society Winter meeting. 2018, London, UK: Thorax, BMJ Group.
- Neal M, Pippard B, Hollingsworth KG, Thelwall PE. Accelerated 19F-MR Imaging of Inhaled Perfluoropropane for Assessment of Pulmonary Ventilation. In: 26th ISMRM Annual Scientific Meeting. 2018, Paris, France: International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.
- Neal M, Pippard B, Hollingsworth KG, Simpson AJ, Blamire AM, Thelwall PE. Maximising Performance of 19F MRI of Inhaled Perfluoropropane. In: 2nd 19F MRI Symposium: Red Hot MRI: Fluorine Imaging. 2017, Berlin, Germany.
- Pippard B, Neal M, Dutta P, Simpson AJ, Thelwall P. 19F-MRI of inhaled perfluoropropane gas: a novel approach to ventilation imaging. In: British Thoracic Society Winter Meeting. 2017, London, UK: BMJ Publishing Group.
- Wilkins H, Britt E, Bhatnagar M, Pippard B. Hepatic hydrothorax. Journal of Thoracic Disease 2024, 16(2), 1662-1673.
- Bhatnagar M, Fisher A, Ramsaroop S, Carter A, Pippard B. Chylothorax: pathophysiology, diagnosis and management - a comprehensive review. Journal of Thoracic Disease 2024, 16(2), 1645-1661.
- Pippard B, Bhatnagar M, McNeil L, Donnelly M, Frew K, Aujayeb A. Hepatic hydrothorax: a narrative review. Pulmonary Therapy 2022, 8, 241-254.