NMAHP Research Opportunities
We work with allied health professionals, nurses and midwives to build the future national and international research leaders.
We work with allied health professionals, nurses and midwives to build the future national and international research leaders. Our senior clinical academics have helped to develop key research capacity building initiatives. These include the NIHR Advocates and ICA Pathway.
We contribute to fellowship funding panels and directly mentor and supervise talented individuals across the clinical academic pathway. From internships and pre-doctoral awards to doctoral, post-doctoral and ultimately to professorial awards.
We have a track record of securing national, competitive funding across this pathway. We have secured fellowships from NIHR, MRC, the Wellcome Trust and major charities.
Our NMAHPs have international reputations for leading cutting edge, transdisciplinary research and providing exciting training opportunities for colleagues to join established research teams. We’re committed to supporting clinicians across the training pathway and being flexible to each applicant’s needs.
Methodological Expertise
Our teams have wide ranging methodological expertise that is driving NMAHP research forward. We work closely with experts across a range of quantitative and qualitative disciplines:
- epidemiology
- trials
- statistics
- health economics
- sociology
We have close links to the North East and North Cumbria Applied Research Centre and the NIHR Newcastle Biomedical Research Centre (BRC), which focuses on ageing.
Get in touch
To discuss research opportunities please contact the NHIP Academy team.
There are exceptional opportunities to access training and enhance knowledge that will benefit you in your future research career