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Doctoral and Advanced Fellowship Development Programme

We will support you to gain clinical fellowships at pre- and post-doctoral levels

All our integrated academic trainees are encouraged to examine the broad spectrum of externally funded clinical funded fellowships available to doctors, dentists, nurses, midwives and all other allied health care professionals.

Newcastle University’s Faculty of Medical Sciences has an enviable success rate in externally funded clinical fellowships both at the pre-doctoral and post-doctoral levels.


EXCITE: EXternal Clinical fellowshIps supporT programmE

EXCITE aims to help promising and talented clinical researchers to make the leap from the beginnings of examining an early stage idea to funded fellows either at the pre or post-doctoral stage. EXCITE offers a comprehensive programme of support up to, and following, a fellowship award including:

  • peer led mentoringfrom previously successful applicants
  • senior academic mentoringof applications
  • bite-size seminarson subjects relevant to your funding application
  • internal peer reviewof applications
  • opportunities to engage with the publicand patients in order to inform your ideas and disseminate
  • mock interview panelsand video feedback
  • debriefson successful and unsuccessful applications
  • ring-fenced pump-priming fundsfor predoctoral applications for doctoral fellowships 

EXCITE is for all academic, or aspiring academic, health care professionals and is not limited to any profession or particular job title, but is of particular relevance to those in academic foundation, academic clinical fellow (NIHR ACF), and NIHR Clinical Lectureship posts (NIHR ACL).