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Faith and Values

We're here to provide you with faith support whether you're of faith or not, practising or exploring.

Emergency and crisis support

Urgent and emergency care - ☎ 999

Papyrus Hopeline247 - ☎ 0800 068 4141

Wellbeing support

Our resources page offers support and advice

Request wellbeing support

We understand how important faith is to many of our students and colleagues. We're here to provide you with the facilities to practise your faith and explore how faith and belief can support you.

We can help you with:

  • finding out more about faith and belief systems and structures
  • exploring your own faith or belief
  • accessing worship, prayer, or meditation facilities and resources
  • seeking meaning and contemplating the 'big questions’
  • discovering the diversity of our community

Members of different faith and belief communities make up our Chaplaincy and Pastoral Care team. It currently comprises Chaplains from Buddhist, Christian, Humanist and Jewish backgrounds. We provide:

  • our online prayer, worship and meditation resources
  • a range of faith and belief resources accessible to students and colleagues through the University Library service and virtual learning environment (VLE)
  • facilities and spaces for prayer and faith observation across campus
  • shared faith exploration opportunities with other North East universities and faith groups
Academic Adjustments

If you need help with academic adjustments for yourself around exams and assessments due to religious reasons please refer to our Student Progress team's guidance on Circumstances that can affect your studies.

You may also contact one of our Chaplains for additional support and guidance.