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Funder DMP Requirements

Data management planning requirements for UK and international funders.

DMP required in grant application  Yes (formerly known as a Technical Plan)
Funder template Yes 
Template headings

1. Briefly introduce the types of data the research will create. Why did you decide to use these data types?

2. Give details on the proposed methodologies that will be used to create the data. Advise how the project team selected will be suitable for the data/digital aspects of the work, including details of how the institution’s data support teams may need to support the project

3. How will the data be stored in the short term?

a. What backup will you have in the in-project period to ensure no data is lost?


4. How the data will be stored in the long term?

a. Where have you decided to store it, why is this appropriate?

b. How long will it be stored for and why?

c. Costs of storage – why are these appropriate? Costs related to long term storage will be permitted providing these are fully justified and relate to the project Full justification must be provided in Justification of Resources (JoR)


5. How the data will be shared and the value it will have to others

a. How the data will enhance the area and how it could be used in the future?

b. Releasing the data – advise when you will be releasing and justify if not releasing in line with AHRC guidelines of a minimum of three years. If the data will have value to different audiences, how these groups will be informed?

c. Will the data need to be updated? Include future plans for updating if this is the case.

d. Will the data be open or will you charge for it? Justify if charging to access the data

e. Financial requirements of sharing – include full justification in the JoR


6. Ethical and Legal considerations

a. Any legal and ethical considerations of collecting the data

b. Legal and ethical considerations around releasing and storing the data – anonymity of any participants, following promises made to participants

DMP length (max) 2 pages 
Funder guidelines

AHRC Research Funding Guide 

Submitted At application 
Data publication timeframe Not indicated   
Data preservation timeframe Minimum 3 years after project end 
Preferred data repository No (data.ncl is Newcastle's open research data repository
Funder covers RDM related costs  Yes 
RDM support provided by the funder No 
DMP required in grant application Yes
Funder template No 
Suggested headings Data types
Data and metadata standards
Secondary uses
Data sharing
Data sharing timeframe 
DMP length (max) 1 page 
Funder guidelines

Data sharing policy

Data managment plan

Submitted At application 
Data publication timeframe At publication of findings and within 3 years of project end 
Data preservation timeframe Minimum 10 years after project end 
Preferred data repository Yes (listed)  
Funder covers RDM related costs  Yes 
RDM support provided by the funder No 


DMP required in grant application Yes (known as a Data Management and Sharing Plan) 
Funder template No 
Suggested headings 1. The volume, type, content and format of the final dataset
2. The standards that will be utilised for data collection and management
3. The metadata, documentation or other supporting material that should accompany the data for it to be interpreted correctly
4. The method used to share data
5. The timescale for public release of data
6. Whether a data sharing agreement will be required
7. The long-term preservation plan for the dataset
8. Any reasons why there may be restrictions on data sharing 
DMP length (max) Not specified
Funder guidelines Data sharing guidelines 
Submitted At application 
Data publication timeframe At acceptance for publication of main findings 
Data preservation timeframe Minimum 5 years after grant end 
Preferred data repository No (data.ncl is Newcastle's open research data repository)  
Funder covers RDM related costs  Yes (with justification) 
RDM support provided by the funder No 


DMP required in grant application No but a DMP is required for all projects
Funder template No 
Suggested headings Data collection
Documentation and Metadata
Data storage
Data sharing
DMP length (max) Not specified 
Funder guidelines Policy framework on research data
Submitted No 
Data publication timeframe Published research papers should include a short statement describing how and on what terms any supporting research data may be accessed 
Data preservation timeframe Minimum 10 years after grant end 
Preferred data repository No (data.ncl is Newcastle's open research data repository
Funder covers RDM related costs  Yes (highlighted in the grant) 
RDM support provided by the funder No


DMP required in grant application Yes
Funder template No
Suggested headings Assessment of existing data
Information on new data
Quality assurance of data
Backup and data security
Expected difficulties in data sharing
Consent, confidentiality and anonymisation
Copyright and intellectual property
Preparation of data for sharing and archiving  
DMP length (max) 3 pages (min font 12 Arial or Times New Roman) 
Funder guidelines Data management planning 
Submitted At application 
Data publication timeframe Within 3 months of project end 
Data preservation timeframe Minimum 10 years after grant end 
Preferred data repository Yes – UK Data Archive (via the ReShare Repository)  
Funder covers RDM related costs  Yes (highlighted in the grant) 
RDM support provided by the funder No




Horizon 2020
DMP required in grant application Yes (as deliverable within 6 months of project start) 
Funder template Yes 
Template headings

Data summary


Allocation of resources

Ethical aspects 

DMP length (max) Not stated 
Funder guidelines FAIR data management guidelines 
Submitted Within 6 months of project start 
Data publication timeframe Not stated 
Data preservation timeframe Not stated 
Preferred data repository No (data.ncl is Newcastle's open research data repository)
Funder covers RDM related costs  Yes 
RDM support provided by the funder No 


DMP required in grant application Yes
Funder template Yes 
Template headings Proposal name
Description of the data
Data collection / generation
Data management, documentation and curation
Data security and confidentiality of potentially disclosive information
Data sharing and access
Related policies 
DMP length (max) 3 pages 
Funder guidelines

MRC Policy and Guidance on Sharing of Research Data from Population and Patient Studies 

Submitted At application 
Data publication timeframe Not stated 
Data preservation timeframe Not stated 
Preferred data repository No  (data.ncl is Newcastle's open research data repository)
Funder covers RDM related costs  Yes 
RDM support provided by the funder No 



DMP required in grant application Yes (single page Outline Data Management Plan. Successful applicants will be asked to complete a full DMP in collaboration with a data centre)
Funder template Yes 
Template headings Nominated Data Centre(s)
Data overview 
DMP length (max) 1 page 
Funder guidelines Data management planning 
Submitted At application 
Data publication timeframe Not stated 
Data preservation timeframe Not stated 
Preferred data repository Yes (A NERC data centre)
Funder covers RDM related costs  Yes 
RDM support provided by the funder Yes 




DMP required in grant application No (but they require a published plan e.g. through a trial registry or study website)
Funder template No
Template headings The MRC template would be a good starting point
DMP length (max) N/A
Funder guidelines

NIHR Open Data

Submitted Project setup 
Data publication timeframe

Provide to NIHR a data management and access plan, which must be published (for example through a trial registry, the NIHR Funding and Awards website or a study website). NIHR will monitor the submission and implementation of data management and access plans.

Data preservation timeframe Not stated 
Preferred data repository No  (data.ncl is Newcastle's open research data repository)
Funder covers RDM related costs  Not stated
RDM support provided by the funder No 



DMP required in grant application Yes
Funder template No 
Suggested headings Data formats
Data overview
Data sharing 
DMP length (max) No stated 
Funder guidelines Data management plan 
Submitted At application 
Data publication timeframe Data underpinning published research outputs should be available within six months of the output’s publication 
Data preservation timeframe Not stated 
Preferred data repository No (data.ncl is Newcastle's open research data repository
Funder covers RDM related costs  Yes 
RDM support provided by the funder Yes  



Wellcome Trust
DMP required in grant application Yes
Funder template No 
Suggested headings 1. What data outputs will your research generate and what data will have value to other researchers?
2. When will you share the data?
3. Where will you make the data available?
4. How will other researchers be able to access the data?
5. Are any limits to data sharing required - for example, to either safeguard research participants or to gain appropriate intellectual property protection?
6. How will you ensure that key datasets are preserved to ensure their long-term value?
7. What resources 
DMP length (max) Not stated 
Funder guidelines Developing an outputs management plan
Submitted At application
Data publication timeframe At publication of findings   
Data preservation timeframe Not stated 
Preferred data repository No (data.ncl is Newcastle's open research data repository)  
Funder covers RDM related costs  Yes 
RDM support provided by the funder Yes 
Useful resource(s)  




Research Data Management Planning