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Peer Mentoring

Information on the Peer Mentoring Programme, including upcoming training for mentors.

My Peer Mentor has been such an inspiration to me throughout my first term at university. Initially I was quite worried to be starting my course but having my Peer Mentor has helped me work things out.

My Peer Mentor was always going above and beyond to ensure the group knew her help was available, was very friendly and approachable, enthusiastic, helped me to feel settled in.

My Peer Mentor has really helped me to settle in, especially regarding our work. It has given me the confidence that I lacked in my studies so I really appreciate the time she has spent to help us. She is a legend!

My Peer Mentor has gone out of her way to make us feel welcome. She told us about opportunities within the school and gave us a thorough tour of the facilities so I instantly felt that the physics building was my home. She has been truly amazing!

My Peer Mentor was really welcoming and helpful in the first week of university, and she put everyone’s nerves at ease. She was always happy to help and made our mentee meetings fun and enjoyable.

My Peer Mentor has been such a great help, and a friendly face, making my journey and settling in much more relaxed.

Whenever I need help or support with any questions regarding the course or in personal life, my Peer Mentor is always there to help me. She has gone out of her way to help and always asks how I am doing.

My Peer Mentor has a very vast understanding of how the school works and his advice was very useful. He explained everything from the educational to the social, and was always giving me tips and tricks.

My Peer Mentor has been so helpful and so approachable, I felt like I could ask her any questions about the course and she would not judge. She has been so helpful and such a reassuring presence during this first term, I am very grateful to her.

My Peer Mentor has provided invaluable advice on both academic matters such as first assignments, as well as personal adjustment to university life. Overall, she has made the adjustment to university life easier, which has been hugely appreciated.

My Peer Mentor has been extremely welcoming and helpful since we started University, consistently offering help and drop-in sessions for anything we may want or need. He's done a lot to make sure we're comfortable.

My Peer Mentor has always been there for us and has given us support all throughout the first semester with regular meetings. She has answered our questions and been really good at being there to make us feel welcomed and a bit more at home here.

My Peer Mentor is extremely helpful. She is very down to earth, so it feels easier and less stressful asking her questions rather than the lecturers as she has gone through this experience recently and is therefore more understanding.

My Peer Mentor is always ready to answer any questions I have. She's been really helpful and always assure me when I'm too anxious about assignments or exams. So glad to have her as my Peer Mentor!

My Peer Mentor went above and beyond in welcoming us to the university and making us feel comfortable, answering all of our questions and offering us great advice.

My Peer Mentor is one of the most friendly and approachable people I have met and it was really nice to be received with such a warm welcome when arriving in a new city where I knew very few people.

My Peer Mentor has offered us lots of helpful tips and resources and consistent updates which has been incredibly helpful and helped us to become immersed in the culture of the university.

My Peer Mentor is always happy to answer any questions we have which has been very helpful and reassuring when studying a new degree, which can often become very overwhelming.

My Peer Mentor has provided resources which have been very beneficial and is always happy to meet up when it is needed. Even when I don’t have questions, he still sends regular emails to check I’m doing okay which I really appreciate.

My Peer Mentor is so bubbly and inclusive and really good at relating with us. She’s really proactive and I feel like I could go to her if I needed any advice or just someone to talk to.

My Peer Mentor is a wonderful person who was very helpful and gave me good guidance. It really helped me settle in.

My Peer Mentor has been wonderful for making me and others feel welcome to Newcastle. She has been there when I have voiced stress over the course and made me feel better.

My Peer Mentor always makes an effort to meet us if we ever need help with anything, with both our course and work, and also if we just want a chat about things in general. He's very approachable and friendly and an all-round nice person.

My Peer Mentor was great at putting herself in our shoes and looking back on when she was in first year and giving us advice from what she has learnt along the way. It’s been great to have a mentor to message and ask for advice.

My Peer Mentor has been very supportive and calmed me down when I felt overwhelmed. I'm so grateful to have her as my Peer Mentor, she has made my university experience much better. I can't thank her enough!

My Peer Mentor did a fantastic job welcoming me to the university and making me feel at home. They've been very approachable throughout this first term.

My Peer Mentor is extremely proactive and eager to help. Provides concrete advise that actually helps!

Our mentor made sure we are settling in and exploring all that the university offers. We have been lucky enough to explore areas across Newcastle with her, whilst also gaining a lot of advice to help us get through our time at university.

My Peer Mentor has been really communicative and helpful this entire term. He started term by making sure he scheduled a meeting for all of us and then he made sure to send us lots of tips to help us be successful in our course.

He has been extremely helpful and explained everything from where to find essay support to how he revises for exams. He is kind and approachable and listens to concerns and responds with advice and reassurance that he’s had these concerns too.

My mentor was really lovely and welcoming and happy to answer any questions we had. She made sure that we knew to enjoy ourselves but to get the work life balance right and is a very easy going and lovely person!

My Peer Mentor must be the friendliest and most helpful person I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting. She has consistently given me outstanding support and never fails to check in on us to make sure that we’re doing okay.

My Peer Mentor was kind, thoughtful. respectful and always tried to help if it was within his possibilities. I really appreciated this, especially knowing nobody here at first, to help put pressure off academic and organisational matters.

My Peer Mentor has been very helpful throughout the first semester and made me feel much less nervous about starting university. She covered a wide range of topics with our group and meetings with her have been really useful.

My mentor has been amazing! She has been checking up on me and answering any questions I had, and I still chat to her if I see her on campus. She has been such a great help, and a friendly face, making my journey and settling in much more relaxed.

My Peer Mentor was really lovely and made me feel a lot less worried about my course and the workload and always offered help. She has been very kind and has offered continuous support and help throughout.

My Peer Mentor always made it clear she was happy to listen if we ever needed to talk or were struggling with something. She was just such a great mentor who really eased some worries I had when first starting the programme.

Peer mentoring is a 'buddy scheme' for new undergradute students. The aim of Peer Mentoring is to enable all students to make a smooth transition to their programme of study and integrate successfully into University life.

Being mentored by an experienced student is a valuable opportunity for development. You will gain some rare insights from the experiences of other students and your confidence levels will be higher, knowing you have someone to turn to for guidance.

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How does Peer Mentoring work?
Before you arrive at University

Prior to commencing your degree programme your Peer Mentor will introduce themselves to you via email and provide reassurance that there will be a friendly face awaiting you when you arrive. This is also a great opportunity for you to ask any questions you may have before you arrive at university. 

During the induction period

Your school will arrange an event enabling you to meet your Peer Mentor and the other mentees in your group for the first time.

During the first semester

Your Peer Mentor will arrange up to four meetings throughout the first semester. What these meetings will involve is the responsibility of each Peer Mentor, but mentees are encouraged to use their own initiative and provide feedback to their Peer Mentor with regards to what they would like to do, discuss in more depth or where they need advice.

What you can expect from your Peer Mentor

Your Peer Mentor can:

  • provide support pre-arrival and help you with the transition period
  • answer questions that only a fellow student would know the answers to, sharing their opinions on their academic and student experience and what to expect
  • be a non-academic point of contact that you can talk to, who can provide support and reassurance with any student-based issues and relieve any anxieties that you may have
  • provide you with the opportunity to meet your fellow mentees and other students on your degree programme
  • provide advice about University services, such as information about academic resources and signpost you to services where students can get help
  • provide you with information and advice about your degree course
  • provide you with information about Newcastle and give you advice on the best places to go to
  • help you to plan ahead and look forward to the next academic year, including giving you advice on looking for accommodation in your second year
How to get the most out of the Peer Mentoring Scheme

Engage with your Peer Mentor - ongoing engagement with your Peer Mentor is crucial for the success of the scheme for all parties. You will be expected to contribute equally and to develop a mentoring relationship based on trust, confidentiality and mutual respect. This includes showing up to meetings prepared and on time. Remember that Peer Mentors are volunteering their own time to help you.

Ask questions - This scheme is primarily focused on you, so take advantage of that! Come prepared with questions that only your mentor would be able to answer about their experiences as a student. Take advantage of their knowledge and experiences.

Engage with your fellow mentees - You will be assigned to a Mentee group. This is a great way to get to know other students in your year (who will be going through the same things as you), to engage in fun social activities and to make new friends.

Take action - Your Peer Mentor is not there to do the work for you; they are there to help you to settle into student life and to provide guidance on how to navigate the University experience. Put the advice they have given you to use. If they have directed you to a resource or given you something to work on, make sure that you do it in time for your next session so that you can discuss it and provide feedback on the help they have given you. This will help both you and your Peer Mentor to receive the correct support and accomplish your goals.