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data.ncl Reviewing Guidelines

Research Data Service team review and provide feedback on submitted items before they become public. For each item, the same following procedure is followed. 

Check the uploaded Item 

  • Check if the item appears to contain human data. Request the submitter complete a GDPR form to provide further information.
  • Does the item include a README file
  • Does the README file include a DOI to the item
  • If the record links to data held elsewhere, check the metadata matches to the data repository

Check metadata of each Item

The purpose of filling out the metadata form is to support discovery and to maximise the reusability of the item. Each item should stand-alone and include or have a link to all required information.


The title is mandatory and should have an understandable meaning that is informative yet concise but it should be different to the title of the publication or output. Ensure the title is meaningful for someone without prior knowledge of the item. Avoid using underscores and file extensions in the title as it can reduce the findability of an item.


This is a mandatory field where the submitter can add the authors of the item. Every person that has been involved in the creation of the item should be added here; adding all of the authors makes the item more findable. You can remove yourself as an author if you are uploading on behalf of someone else.


This is a mandatory field where a discipline category is chosen for the item. The list of categories is fixed and based on the Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC) Fields of Research (FOR) codes. Choose all categories that apply for the item. The list of categories is not specific for the field of life science which sometimes can make it difficult to find a correct category. However, remember that the keywords can be used to increase specificity in those cases.


The purpose of this field is to select a relevant NUCoRE if the record is associated to one. If there is no associated NUCoRE then the default option of Newcastle University can be chosen. The submitter can contact the Research Data Service to suggest a NUCoRE should be included as an option.

Item type

This is a mandatory field where the submitter can select what kind of item is being submitted. The following item types can be uploaded to data.ncl:

  • Figures - Figures are photos, graphs and static images that would be represented in traditional pdf publications.
  • Media - Media is any form of research output that is recorded and played. This is most commonly video but can be audio or 3D representations.
  • Datasets - Datasets usually provide raw data for analysis. This raw data often comes in spreadsheet form, but can be any collection of data, on which analysis can be performed.
  • Poster - Poster sessions are particularly prominent at academic conferences. Posters are usually one frame of a PowerPoint (or similar) presentation and are represented at full resolution to make it possible to zoom in.
  • Presentation - Academic presentations can be uploaded in their original slide format. Presentations are usually represented as slide decks. Videos of presentations can be uploaded as media.
  • Software - Code as a research output can either be uploaded directly from your computer or through the code management system GitHub. Versioning of code repositories is supported.
  • Data Management Plan - Data management plans can up be uploaded to show the project’s approach to how data will be collected or created, and how it will be shared and preserved.
  • Workflow - Resource describing protocols, procedures, methods, or activities part of a scientific experiment.
  • Event - Information on the purpose, location, duration, agents or effects of an occurrence, performance, natural phenomenon, or conflagration.
  • Model - A representation of any system, entity, phenomenon, or structure useful in the research endeavour.

This is a mandatory field where the submitter can add keywords. The keywords can be more specific than the categories and should be used to make the item more findable. It is possible for institutes or schools to submit this as a keyword. There is no upper limit of the number of keywords but remember to keep the keywords accurate and relevant. To increase interoperability of the item the keywords should be written in a formal and broadly applicable language.  It is a free-text field and so special attention should be paid to the correct spelling of keywords. Misspelling keywords will decrease the findability of the item. Searches based on keywords are not case sensitive.


This is a mandatory, free-text field where a description of the item needs to be added. For someone interested in the item it can be informative to know the purpose of the item, e.g. why was it generated/produced. If relevant information about specific software needed to open a file and the version of the software used by the submitters should be stated, along with a URL or DOI to this software. In order to increase interoperability of the item the description should be written in a formal, accessible, and broadly applicable language for knowledge representation.


This is a non-mandatory field that can be used to add funding information related to your data or other materials in this item. One or several funders and/or grant numbers can be added. When typing a grant number, the system will automatically search the Dimensions database for the grant. If the information is found, a hyperlink will be generated to the Dimensions page.

Related Materials

These are non-mandatory fields that allow you to add identifiers or links to any relevant content that help describe or reference the research. This includes references to content such as pre-prints, project websites and related datasets, or the title and the DOI of the connected article can be added and a title and hyperlink to the publication will appear in a box on the right-hand side of the public page for the item. This requires that both fields are filled out.



This is a non-mandatory field where references besides the reference to the article directly connected to the item could be listed. However, when adding a reference, it is preferable to write an explanation for the reference, which is not possible in this field. Therefore, references can be added, along with an explanation, in the field “Description”.

  • If the item was presented at a conference, please add a URL of the conference.
  • If discipline-specific vocabularies/ontologies/thesauri are used, please include an external source in which these are documented. The documentation should preferably be accessible for anyone. This will increase both the interoperability and reusability of the item.
  • A reference to the software needed to open the file (as well as appropriate version) can increase the reusability of the item.

This is a mandatory field where a licence for the item is stated. A licence normally limits how the item can be reused and altered, in what context it can be used and how the creator should be credited. It is recommended that the licence selected be as open as possible. The appropriate licence can sometimes be specified by the funder, the publisher, or institutional policies. If access to the item is restricted, a Restricted License should be chosen.

All items apart from code and software:

  • CC0
  • CC BY 4.0
  • CC BY-SA
  • CC BY-ND
  • CC BY-NC
  • CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

Code and software

  • MIT
  • GPL
  • GPL 2.0 +
  • GPL 3.0 +
  • Apache 2.0

Restricted data

  • Restricted License

If it is a metadata record only, check that the licence is Restricted Licence. If it is a linking record to data held elsewhere, check that the licence matches the data in the repository.

Give feedback to the submitter

After the reviewer has checked the item and its metadata, they will be given three options.

  • Approve and publish
  • Decline and return
  • Comment

Approve and publish

See “Publish” below.

Decline and return

This option is relevant when the item, in its current state, is unsuitable for publication on the repository. The submitter will be notified of this by email. The reviewer should include a comment specifying why the item is declined and returned. 


This option is relevant when there are more substantial ‘errors’ in the item/metadata that needs to be edited by the submitter. Tick the Notify owner by email box and the comment will be sent to the submitter of the item by email. The submitter can then reply to this email. This way, the comments can be discussed in order to make adjustments required before approval.


The option Approve and publish is relevant when the item can be published as it is or when you only detect small ‘errors’ in the metadata that can be edited directly by the reviewer without consulting the submitter. If there is mandatory metadata missing or if you simply want to change some of the metadata, please use the Save button from the Edit item tab before approving. If you do not save the changes, you will approve the previous version.

When the reviewer is happy with both the item and its metadata the reviewer should choose the option Approve and publish. The submitter will be notified of this by email.

When publishing items in a project, remind the submitter to make the project public. This is only possible when at least one of the items in the project has been published.