Staff Profile
Professor Mark Birch-Machin
(1) Professor of Molecular Dermatology (2) Founder and CSO of Skin Life Analytics (Spin Out Company) (3) Former Faculty Director of Business Development (2014 to 2020)
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 5841
- Personal Website:
- Address: Dermatological Sciences
Translational and Clinical Research Institute and the National Innovation Centre for Ageing
The Medical School, Newcastle University.
Mark Birch-Machin, Ph.D., is Professor of Molecular Dermatology and Associate Dean (Business Development and Commercial Interface) at the Newcastle University Institute of Cellular Medicine. Prof. Birch-Machin pursued his Post-Doctoral career at the University of Oregon (USA), INSERM Paris, University of Toronto as well as Clinical Neuroscience and Biochemistry, Newcastle University (1986-1995) where he held several academic positions in the Department of Dermatology (1996-current). During this time, he was elected Treasurer of the British Society of Investigative Dermatology (BSID) and co-editor of Experimental Dermatology. He advanced to the position of Professor of Molecular Dermatology at Newcastle University in 2005 and Associate Dean in 2014.
Prof. Birch-Machin’s research group focuses on the response of human skin to ultraviolet radiation particularly within the context of skin ageing and cancer, particularly involving the role of mitochondria and has published extensively including 3 different Nature journals. He also has interest in understanding the role of mitochondrial DNA in UV-induced oxidative stress, cancer and the relationship between oxidative stress, nutritional status and skin aging as well as the science and use of sunscreens. He has received research funding (multi-million total) from Cancer Research UK, British Skin Foundation, BBSRC, MRC, EPSRC, Wellcome Trust, NESRF, KTP, BRC, Innovate UK, NC3R, Royal Society and global commercial companies. In addition, he is also a co-inventor on multiple patents arising from the commercialization of parts of this research, including the invention of a product that sold in over a 1,000 stores in Canada as part of a Canadian spin out company (Genesis Genomics, but company no longer exists) which Mark co-founded in 2003. In 2010, Mark was awarded the Newcastle University Spirit of Entrepreneurship award and has gone on to be a co-founder of a second spin out company in 2012 which is now called PB Bioscience. Prof. Birch-Machin has been an internationally and nationally invited keynote speaker at numerous prestigious conferences and symposia. He has been Chair of several international Scientific Advisory Boards; member of the Cancer Research UK sunsmart advisory board, expert advisor for Clearcast, RACC and the ASA, and is a member of the grants awarding committee for the British Skin Foundation as well as the Editorial board for Experimental Dermatology.
Prof. Birch-Machin is regularly a National Press Spokesperson on ‘Sunburnt DNA,’ DNA damage, skin ageing and skin cancer risk related to his current and previous roles with national skin charities. His research and quotes on sun awareness have appeared on multiple European and American TV segments (including 10 full TV programmes on BBC, ITN, Sky, Discovery), more than 250 radio programs, online columns, over 240 national and local UK newspapers and over 230 popular magazine articles. In addition, I have regularly and extensively contributed to the national education of sun-awareness using the popular media as well as public lectures (The Royal Institution and The Wellcome Collection). I have also given a mini-roadshow on sun-awareness to local schools, a regular Invited Public Speaker at the Discovery Museum Science Show (Newcastle), an ‘expert’ speaker at the European Union Excellence in Cities- Specialist Bioscience Summer School (EU funded).
As the original Degree Programme Director, Prof Birch-Machin designed, created and managed the team which administers the MRes in Medical and Molecular Biosciences which in 2 years became the largest postgraduate taught programme in the Faculty of Medical Sciences. Prof Birch-Machin has various University/Faculty including Chairing the Faculty Business Opportunities committee and the Faculty Commercialisation committee.
Google Scholar profile: Click here.
July 1983 B.Sc. (Hons) II(i) Biological Sciences
specialising in biochemistry. University of East Anglia
July 1987 Ph.D. in biochemistry, University of East Anglia.
June 1997 Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education
(Faculty of Education), University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Previous Positions
August 2014 Associate Dean in Development and Commercial Interface
August 2005: Professor in Molecular Dermatology
2003-2005: Reader in Molecular Dermatology
2001-2003: Senior Lecturer, Department of Dermatology, University of Newcastle upon Tyne
1995 - 2001: Lecturer, Department of Dermatology, University of Newcastle upon Tyne
1994 - 1995: Senior INSERM scientist (1 year appt.) Hôpital Necker, Paris, France
1992 - 1994: Lecturer, Department of Biochemistry and Genetics, University of Newcastle upon Tyne
1986 - 1992: Post-Doctoral Research Associate, Division of Clinical Neuroscience, School of Neurosciences, University of Newcastle upon Tyne. (including 4 months during 1989 at the University of Oregon, USA.
Co-editor/editorial Board of International Journals:
Clinical and Experimental Dermatology (2004-2007), Experimental Dermatology (2009-current).
International Advisory/editorial Boards:
• Expert Advisor for the Complaints and Investigations Board of the UK Advertising Standards Authority (2006-current)
• Member of the Editorial board of Experimental Dermatology (2010-current)
• Invited Member of the SunSmart Advisory Board, Cancer Research UK, April 2010-current
• Panel member for the British Skin Foundation grants committee
Member of the British Skin Foundation small grants award committee (2010-current)
Elected Treasurer (2002-2006) and Member of the organising and abstract selection committee of the British Society of Investigative Dermatology (BSID)which is the national body for investigative dermatology research in the UK.· Elected Committee member and Treasurer of the British Society of Investigative Dermatology 1999-2006(BSID), Director on the North Eastern Skin Research Fund.
Advisory panel member for the Science Media Centre (London)
Google Scholar: Click here.
Research Interests
The work in my research group focuses on the cutaneous response to ultraviolet radiation (UVR) in terms of skin ageing and cancer and the molecular genetics of skin cancer. Specific areas of research are:
-Skin Ageing,Sun protection and sunscreens, environmental pollution and skin
- Mitochondria and UVR; in particular the novel approach of using mitochondrial DNA, rather than nuclear DNA, as a biomarker of cumulative UVR exposure.
-Molecular genetics of skin cancer; in particular the role of mitochondrial DNA mutations in the development of human non-melanoma skin cancer.
-The cutaneous response to ultraviolet radiation, including signalling mechanisms and the therapeutic use of UVR in skin disease.
-The role of mitochondria in the therapeutic action of dithranol in psoriasis
- The role of mitochondria in UV-induced oxidative stress.
- The relationship between oxidative stress, ageing and nutritional status.
- The role of mitochondrial DNA mutations in the ageing process
- Mitochondrial DNA damage and Oral Cancer
- Anti-Oxidants and free radicals (dietary and cosmetic (topical))
-Blood oxidative stress and sports training
Other Expertise
·Mitochondrial DNA and ageing.
·Mitochondrial DNA and cancer (e.g prostate cancer).
·Sunscreen Testing
·Sun Awareness
Esteem Indicators
1a. International keynote speaker:
· European Thyroid Cancer Research meeting, Warsaw, POLAND (August, 2001).
· Universidad de Los Andes, Bogota, COLOMBIA (January 2004)
· 7th International Symposium, Predictive Oncology Strategies, Nice, France, (Feb. 2004)
· European Society of Dermatological Research (ESDR), Vienna, Austria, (Sept. 2004)
· Sun Protection conference, Royal Society, London (2005)
· Proctor and Gamble International Science Symposium, UK (2005)
· European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (EADV), Rhodes, Greece (2006)
· European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology,Vienna (2007) (two invited keynote lectures)
· Unilever Anti-aging symposium, Trumbull, USA (February 2008)
· Dermatology update, Whistler, Canada (April 2008)
· Anti-ageing skin care conference, Royal College of Physicians, London, UK, June 2008
· Innovative anti-cancer drugs and strategies, 1st symposium, UK 2010
· Targeting Mitochondria, Berlin 2011
· European Society for Photobiology, Geneva 2011
· ESDR, Barcelona, 2011
· Mitochondria symposium, Luebeck, Universitätsklinikum Schleswig-Holstein, Germany 2011
· Irish Radiation Research Society Conference 2011, Sligo, Ireland
· Targeting Mitochondria 2011 International Conference, Berlin, Germany 2011
· 5th Skin academy symposium, challenges in Skin disease management, Barcelona, Spain 2012
· Tomatoes and Health, Royal Society of Medicine, London, UK 2012
· American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, Atlanta, 2012
· European Radiation Research, Dublin 2013
· 6th Asia and Oceania conference on photobiology, Sydney 2013.
· Chinese Dermatological mini symposium, Beijing 2013
· FACE (international Facial Aesthetic Conference and Exhibition), keynote lecture, London 2015
· World Congress of Dermatology, Vancouver Canada 2015-keynote lecture; skin ageing
· World Congress of Dermatology, Vancouver Canada 2015-keynote lecture; hair and ox. stress
Anti-ageing Skin Care Conference, Royal College of Physicians, London 2016
6th Annual World Congress of Molecular and Cell Biology, Dalian, China, 2016
Anti-ageing Skin Care Conference, Singapore 2016.
FACE (international Facial Aesthetic Conference and Exhibition), keynote lecture, London 2016.
EADV, Vienna 2016
Society of Cosmetic Chemists, Singapore 2017
- 7th Annual World Congress of Molecular and Cell Biology, Xian, China, 2017
European Society of Photobiology, Pisa, Italy 2017
Society of Cosmetic Chemists, London 2018
Ageing Asia, Singapore 2019
Sun Protection conference, Royal College of General Practitioners, London 2019
FACE (international Facial Aesthetic Conference and Exhibition), London 2019
1(b) National keynote speaker:
· Biogerontology Research Symposium, June 2002.
· Cancer Research UK Sunsmart Campaign launch, London, Feb. 2003.
· Practical Update in Dermatology, Lumley Castle, Durham, March 2004.
· Practical Update in Dermatology, Lumley Castle, Durham, February 2006
· British Association of Cosmetic Doctors, March 2006
· Health Protection Agency (Toxicology), University of Surrey, May 2006
· 70th Anniversary Oral Surgery Association of Great Britain, November 2006
· The Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences, London, April 2007
· British Association of Dermatologists annual conference (BPG symposium), Birmingham 2007
· United Kingdom Environmental Mutagen Society, Newcastle, June 2008
· CPTA (cosmetic, toiletry, and perfumery association) meeting, London (April 2009)
· Almirall annual meeting, Telford, May 2009
· British Society for Research on Ageing, Manchester (June 2009)
· British Cosmetic Dermatology Group, Manchester 2010
· Public Lecture, Royal Institution, London 2011
· Primary Care Dermatology Society, Oxford 2011
· Cosmetics Toiletry and Perfumery Association (CPTA), London 2012
. British Skin Foundation 20th Anniversary, London 2106
. British Society of Investigative Dermatology, Manchester UK, 2017
. London College of Fashion 2018
. British Association of Cosmetic Dermatologists 2018
. The Future of Cosmetics, London college of Fashion 2020
1 (c) Invited lectures a) International
· Department of Molecular Biology, Eugene, University of Oregon USA (1989).
· Symposium on mitochondrial myopathies, Nijmegen, Netherlands (1990).
· 2nd International Congress on Human Mitochondrial Pathology, Rome, Italy (1992).
· Unité de Recherches sur les Handicaps Génétiques de l'Enfant, Hôpital Necker, Paris, France (1994).
· 3rd International Congress on Human Mitochondrial Pathology, Chantilly, France (1995).
· Department of Neurology, McMaster University Medical Center, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
(May 2000).
· Mitochondria 2001, San Diego, USA (1st March, 2001)
· Metabolism Research Instititute, Hospital for Sick Children, 555 University Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (July 2001).
· Metabolism Research Instititute, Hospital for Sick Children, 555 University Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (August 2002).
· Lakehead University, Northwestern Ontario Regional Cancer Centre and Genesis Genomics, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada (August 2002).
· McMaster University Medical Center, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada (August 2006).
· European Society of Dermatological Research (ESDR), Paris, Austria, (Sept. 2006).
· European Society of Dermatological Research (ESDR), Zurich, Switzerland, (Sept. 2007).
· European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, Paris (2008)
· Procter and Gamble, Cincinatti, USA 2010
· Melanoma 2010, Sydney, Australia 2010
· World Congress of Dermatology, Seoul, South Korea, 2011
· Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, Oregon 2011
· Mount Sinai Hospital, New York, USA, 2012
· Guangxi Medical University, Nanning, China 2012
· Procter and Gamble, Vision House Event, Abu Dhabi and Bangkok, 2012
· Procter and Gamble, Vision House Event, Beijing 2013
· University of Sydney, Bosch Lecture 2014
· World Congress of Dermatology, Vancouver Canada 2015, oral session
- 3rd International Conference on UV and Skin Cancer Prevention, Melbourne, Australia 2015
- University of Otago Christchurch, New Zealand 2015
- University of Otago Dunedin, New Zealand 2015
- Invitational speaker: Summit of Global Research VPs, Croda, Manchester UK, Dec 2017
- Estee Lauder Global meeting, Long Island, New York, USA December 2017
- Society of Cosmetic Chemists, Florida 2017
- The Bosch Institute, University of Sydney 2018
- L’Oreal SE Asia meeting, Singapore 2018
- Procter and Gamble Symposium, Singapore, 2018
- Florida International University, Miami 2018
- Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China, 2018
- CSIRO Adelaide and Adelaide University, Australia 2019
- CIDP, Mauritius, 2019
1 (d) National
· Advanced course in neuromuscular diseases, University of Newcastle upon Tyne (1988 and 1990).
· Department of Biochemistry, University of Cambridge (1992).
· Annual Meeting of the British Society for Investigative Dermatology, Bristol, UK (1997).
· Department of Biological Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich, (1999).
· Unilever Research, Colworth Laboratory, Bedford (2000).
· Department of Dermatology and Photobiology, University of Dundee, 2001.
· Northern Institute for Cancer Research, University of Newcastle, April 2002
· Department of Dermatology, Hope Hospital, Salford, July 2002
· Café Scientifique, Manchester, June 2003.
· Café Scientifique, PEALS seminars, Newcastle, July 2003
· Cancer Research UK Legacy Symposium, Newcastle, July 2003
· Centre for Cutaneous Research, Barts and The London, Nov 2003.
· The Court House Clinic Network UK, 2005.
· RAFT Institute, London, 2006
· British Association of Dermatologists annual conference, BSF prize, Birmingham 2007
· Procter and Gamble, Egham, Surrey, 2008
· Department of Pathology, RVI, Newcastle 2009
· Institute of Ageing and Health, Newcastle 2009
· Primary Care network, South East, UK, 2009
· Primary Care network, Midlands UK, 2009
· University of Bradford, School of Life Sciences, July 2009
· Dundee University and Dermatology (Ninewells), October 2009
· Primary Care Network, Scotland, 2010
· National Journalist Beauty School, Royal Institution, London 2012
· Procter and Gamble, Egham, Surrey, 2012
· CPTA, London 2013
· Bioenergetics Symposium, London, 2014
· Public Lecture, University of Derby 2015
· The Wellcome Collection Public Lecture, London 2015
- Regional Phototherapy meeting Durham 2015
- British Skin Foundation 20th Anniversary, London 2106
- Life Sciences Student Conference, Coventry 2017
- Skin Forum at Bath University, Bath UK, Dec 2017
- Skin Forum at Bath University, Bath UK, Dec 2017
- British Association of Dermatology National Trainee Skin Course, UK 2018
- Occupational and Environmental Exposure of Skin to Chemicals conference, Dublin 2019
Clinical and Experimental Dermatology (2004-2007), Experimental Dermatology (2009-current).
3. International Advisory/editorial Boards:
• Expert Advisor for the Complaints and Investigations Board of the UK Advertising Standards Authority (2006-current)
• Member of the Editorial board of Experimental Dermatology (2010-current)
• Invited Member of the SunSmart Advisory Board, Cancer Research UK, April 2010-current
• Panel member for the British Skin Foundation grants committee
• Member of the Procter and Gamble Alliance Global Advisory Board 2010-2014
4. National Dermatology:
Member of the British Skin Foundation small grants award committee (2010-current)
Elected Treasurer (2002-2006) and Member of the organising and abstract selection committee of the British Society of Investigative Dermatology (BSID)which is the national body for investigative dermatology research in the UK.
Other esteem indicators
Research (including consultancy research
contracts) have been funded over the years by:
Cancer Research UK
Cancer Research Technology
The Wellcome Trust
British Skin Foundation
Royal Society
University of Newcastle
Public Health England
Innovate UK
RVI Trustees
Northern Accelerator
A large number of global commercial companies plus:
Genesis Genomics
North Star Investments
One North East
Department of Trade and Industry
PB Bioscience
Industrial Relevance
Founder and CEO of the UK subsidiary Genesis Genomics UK (this company no longer exists)
- I invented a product that sold in over a 1,000 stores in Canada and in another commercial application I played a key role in the PCMT prostate cancer test used as a case study in UoA5 REF return
Founder: PB Bioscience Ltd
· Contract Research with global cosmetic companies over the last 15 years which have also attracted many business vouchers.
· 7 KTP (Knowledge Transfer partnerships) funded projects
· 2 KTS (Knowledge Transfer secondments)
· 7 CASE Studentships with global companies
• Newcastle University representative on the UK innovation round table for the Labour Shadow Cabinet (London 2011).
• As Associate Dean and lead PI of the MRC Proximity to discovery award to FMS, I designed and lead the launch of the Exploring Life-Science partnerships showcase event first in London (London campus) in 2017 and then in Singapore (NewRIIS campus) in 2018, the latter SE Asia event with Monash University, Melbourne and the respective Malaysian campuses.
• Co-Inventor of the world-wide umbrella patent for Genesis Genomics (GGI) (2003) ((PCT: wo 02101086) complete mitochondrial genome sequences as a diagnostic tool for the health sciences)
• Co-inventor for 2 recent (Oct 2005) GGI patents (US patent office) on Mitochondrial Rearrangements to Diagnose Sun exposure and Cancer a mtDNA deletion (2004) (Number 31726-2017) and The Use of a 3895 BP Mitochondrial DNA Deletion as a Marker for Sunlight Exposure in Human Skin (serial no. is 2,480,184 and the file no: 102222-02).
• Co-inventor : MITOCHONDRIAL SITES AND GENES ASSOCIATED WITH PROSTATE CANCER,United States of America patent office Serial Number: 11/339,751.
• University of Newcastle upon Tyne patent no GB 0600903.9. The use of at least one agent which induces ER stress together with at least one agent which gives rise to protein disulfide isomerase inhibition for the preparation of a medicament for the treatment of cancer.
Secured Jan 2006 Inventors: PE Lovat, CPF Redfern, MA Birch-Machin
Strand Leader for the Mres Biotechnology and Business Enterprise.
Module Leader for Medical Biotechnology and Enterprise (MRes)
- Reynolds WJ, Eje N, Christensen P, Li W-H, Daly SM, Parsa R, Chavan B, Birch-Machin MA. Biological effects of air pollution on the function of human skin equivalents. FASEB BioAdvances 2023, 5(11), 470-483.
- Wikramanayake TC, Picard M, Cheret J, Sevilla A, birch-Machin MA, Paus R. Targeting mitochondria in dermatological therapy: beyond oxidative damage and skin aging. Expert Opinions on Therapeutic Targets 2022, 26(3), 233-259.
- Moor J, Foxcroft K, Robson G, Birch-Machin MA. Bioenergy and stressed out skin; what can we do?. Household and Personal Care Today 2022, 17(1), 20-23.
- Sergi S, Luscombe-Marsh N, Heilbronn LK, Birch-Machin MA, Lionetti L, Proud CG, Abeywardena MY, O'Callaghan N. The Inhibition of Metabolic Inflammation by EPA is Associated with Enhanced Mitochondrial Fusion and Insulin Signalling in Human Primary Myotubes. Journal of Nutrition 2021, 151(4), 810-819.
- Dixon RV, Skaria E, Lau WM, Manning P, Birch-Machin MA, Moghimi SM, Ng KW. Microneedle-based devices for point-of-care infectious disease diagnostics. Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B 2021, 11(8), 2344-2361.
- Zhu G, Cassidy S, Hiden H, Woodman S, Trenell M, Gunn D, Catt M, Birch-Machin MA, Anderson KN. Exploration of sleep as a specific risk factor for poor metabolic and mental health: a UK Biobank study of 84,404 participants. Nature and Science of Sleep 2021, 13, 1903-1912.
- Langton AK, Ayer J, Griffiths TW, Rashdan E, Naidoo K, Birch-Machin MA, O'Toole EA, Watson REB, Griffiths CEM. Distinctive clinical and histological characteristics of atrophic and hypertrophic facial photoageing. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology 2021, 35(3), 762-768.
- Reynolds WJ, Bowman A, Hanson PS, Critchley A, Griffiths B, Chavan B, Birch-Machin MA. Adaptive responses to air pollution in human dermal fibroblasts and their potential roles in ageing. FASEB BioAdvances 2021, 3(10), 855-865.
- Oblong JE, Bowman A, Rovito HA, Jarrold BB, Sherrill JD, Black MR, Nelson G, Kimball AB, Birch-Machin M. Metabolic dysfunction in human skin: Restoration of mitochondrial integrity and metabolic output by nicotinamide (niacinamide) in primary dermal fibroblasts from older aged donors. Aging Cell 2020, 19(10), e13248.
- Hudson L, Rashdan E, Bonn C, Chavan B, Rawlings D, Birch-Machin MA. Individual and combined effects of the infrared, visible and ultraviolet light components of solar radiation on damage biomarkers in human skin cells. FASEB Journal 2020, 34(3), 3874-3883.
- Reynolds WJ, Hanson PS, Critchley A, Griffiths B, Chavan B, Birch-Machin MA. Exposing human primary dermal fibroblasts to particulate matter induces changes associated with skin aging. FASEB Journal 2020, 34(11), 14725-14735.
- Hanna R, Crowther J, Bulsara P, Wang X, Moore D, Birch-Machin MA. Optimised detection of mitochondrial DNA strand breaks. Mitochondrion 2019, 46, 172-178.
- Zhu G, Catt M, Cassidy S, Birch-Machin MA, Trenell M, Hiden H, Woodman S, Anderson KN. Objective sleep assessment in >80,000 UK mid-life adults: associations with sociodemographic characteristics, physical activity and caffeine. PLoS ONE 2019, 14(12), e0226220.
- Naidoo K, Hanna R, Birch-Machin MA. What is the role of mitochondrial dysfunction in skin photoaging?. Experimental Dermatology 2018, 27(2), 124-128.
- Kassouf N, Kay CWM, Volkov A, Chiang S-C, birch-Machin MA, El-Khamisy SFE, Haywod RM. UVA-induced Carbon-Centered Radicals in Lightly Pigmented Cells detected using ESR Spectroscopy. Free Radical Biology and Medicine 2018, 126, 153-165.
- Meyer DV, Green EF, Birch-Machin MA, Hatch E. Tiron is Protective Against ROS-Induced Damage in Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells. Free Radical Biology and Medicine 2018, 124, 570-571.
- Bonn C, Naidoo K, Hine HA, Birch-Machin MA. Sunlight,diet and pollution- effects on oxidative stress and skin ageing. Household and Personal Care Today 2018, 13(2), 10-12.
- Zakaria NNA, Okello EJ, Howes M-J, Birch-Machin MA, Bowman A. In vitro protective effects of an aqueous extract of Clitoria ternatea L. flower against hydrogen peroxide-induced cytotoxicity and UV-induced mtDNA damage in human keratinocytes. Phytotherapy Research 2018, 32(6), 955-1144.
- Clifford T, Bowman A, Capper T, Allerton DM, Foster E, Birch-Machin M, Lietz G, Howatson G, Stevenson EJ. A pilot study investigating reactive oxygen species production in capillary blood after a marathon and the influence of an antioxidant-rich beetroot juice. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism 2018, 43(3), 303-306.
- Rodrigues R, Sniehotta F, Birch-Machin MA, Araujo-soares V. Systematic and iterative development of a smartphone application to promote sun-protection amongst holidaymaker. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2017, 6(6), e112.
- Naidoo K, Birch-Machin MA. Oxidative Stress and Ageing: The Influence of Environmental Pollution, Sunlight and Diet on Skin. Cosmetics 2017, 4(1), 1-8.
- Koogoli R, Hudson L, Naidoo K, Wilkinson S, Chavan B, Birch-Machin M. Bad air gets under your skin. Experimental Dermatology 2017, 26(5), 384-387.
- Rodrigues A, Sniehotta F, Birch-Machin MA, Araujo-Soares V. Aware, motivated and striving for a ‘safe tan’: an exploratory mixed-method study of sun-protection during holidays. Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine 2017, 5(1), 276-298.
- Birch-Machin MA, Bowman A. Oxidative stress and ageing. British Journal of Dermatology 2016, 175(Suppl. 2), 26-29.
- Bowman A, Birch-Machin M. Age-dependent decrease of mitochondrial complex II activity in human skin fibroblasts. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 2016, 136(5), 912-919.
- Boulton SJ, Bowman A, Koohgoli R, Birch-Machin MA. Skin manifestations of mitochondrial dysfunction: more important than previously thought. Experimental Dermatology 2015, 24(1), 12-13.
- Boulton SJ, Birch-Machin MA. Impact of hyperpigmentation on superoxide flux and melanoma cell metabolism at mitochondrial complex II. The FASEB Journal 2015, 29(1), 346-353.
- Latimer J, Lloyd J, Diffey B, Matts P, Birch-Machin MA. Determination of the action spectrum of UVR-induced mitochondrial DNA damage in human skin cells. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 2015, 135, 2512-2518.
- Anderson A, Bowman A, Manning P, Birch-Machin MA, Boulton SJ. The roles of the mitochondrial respiratory chain complexes in UVA-induced oxidative stress in human skin cells compared to other cell types. Redox Biology 2014, 2, 1016-1022.
- Oyewole A, Wilmot MC, Fowler M, Birch-Machin MA. Comparing the effects of mitochondrial targeted and localized antioxidants with cellular antioxidants in human skin cells exposed to UVA and hydrogen peroxide . FASEB Journal 2014, 28(1), 485-494.
- Anderson A, Bowman A, Boulton SJ, Manning P, Birch-Machin MA. A role for human mitochondrial complex II in the production of reactive oxygen species in human skin. Redox Biology 2014, 2, 1016-1022.
- Martinez-Levasseur L, Birch-Machin MA, Bowman A, Gendron D, Weatherhead E, Knell R, Acevedo-Whitehouse K. Whales Use Distinct Strategies to Counteract Solar Ultraviolet Radiation. Nature Scientific Reports 2013, 3, 2386.
- Bowman A, Martinez-Levasseur LM, Acevedo-Whitehouse K, Gendron D, Birch-Machin MA. The simultaneous detection of mitochondrial DNA damage from sun-exposed skin of three whale species and its association with UV-induced microscopic lesions and apoptosis. Mitochondrion 2013, 13(4), 342-349.
- Wright TJ, McKee C, Birch-Machin MA, Ellis R, Armstrong JL, Lovat PE. Increasing the therapeutic efficacy of docetaxel for cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma through the combined inhibition of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/AKT signalling and autophagy. Clinical and Experimental Dermatology 2013, 38(4), 421-423.
- Bierman J, Rovito HA, Whittenbarger DJ, Tiesman JP, Combs DS, Jarrold BB, vonZglinicki T, Hatch E, Birch-Machin MA, Oblong JE. Impact of aging and environmental exposure on male facial skin biology. J Invest Dermatol 2013. In Preparation.
- Bowman A, Martinez-Levasseur L, Acevedo-Whitehouse K, Gendron D, Birch-Machin MA. The simultaneous detection of mitochondrial DNA damage from sun-exposed skin of three whale species and its association with UV-induced microscopic lesions and apoptosis. Mitochondrion 2013, 13(4), 342-349.
- Swalwell H, Latimer J, Haywood RM, Birch-Machin MA. Investigating the role of melanin in UVA/B- and hydrogen peroxide-induced cellular and mitochondrial ROS production and mitochondrial DNA damage in human melanoma cells. Free Radical Biology and Medicine 2012, 52(3), 626-634.
- Rizwan M, Rodriguez-Blanco I, Harbottle A, Birch-Machin MA, Watson REB, Rhodes LE. Tomato paste rich in lycopene protects against cutaneous photodamage in humans in vivo: a randomized controlled trial. British Journal of Dermatology 2011, 164(1), 154-162.
- Sood A, Salih S, Roh D, Lacharme-Lora L, Parry M, Hardiman B, Keehan R, Grummer R, Winterhager E, Andrews PW, Abbott C, Forbes K, Westwood M, Aplin JD, Ingham E, Papageoriou I, Berry M, Liu J, Dick AD, Garland RJ, Williams N, Singh R, Simon AK, Lewis M, Ham J, Roger L, Baird DM, Crompton LA, Caldwell MA, Swalwell H, Birch-Machin MA, Lopez-Castejon G, Randall A, Lin H, Suleiman MS, Evans WH, Newson R, Case CP. Signalling of DNA damage and cytokines across cell barriers exposed to nanoparticles depends on barrier thickness. Nature Nanotechnology 2011, 6(12), 824-833.
- Challen C, Brown H, Cai C, Betts G, Paterson I, Sloan P, West C, Birch-Machin M, Robinson M. Mitochondrial DNA mutations in head and neck cancer are infrequent and lack prognostic utility. British Journal of Cancer 2011, 104(8), 1319-1324.
- Boulton S, Anderson A, Swalwell H, Henderson JR, Manning P, Birch-Machin MA. Implications of using the fluorescent probes, dihydrorhodamine 123 and 2 ',7 '-dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate, for the detection of UVA-induced reactive oxygen species. Free Radical Research 2011, 45(2), 115-122.
- Hiscutt EL, Hill DS, Martin S, Kerr R, Harbottle A, Birch-Machin M, Redfern CPF, Fulda S, Armstrong JL, Lovat PE. Targeting X-Linked Inhibitor of Apoptosis Protein to Increase the Efficacy of Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress-Induced Apoptosis for Melanoma Therapy. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 2010, 130(9), 2250-2258.
- Martin S, Hill DS, Paton JC, Paton AW, Birch-Machin MA, Lovat PE, Redfern CPF. Targeting GRP78 to enhance melanoma cell death. Pigment Cell and Melanoma Research 2010, 23(5), 675-682.
- Harbottle A, Maki J, Reguly B, Wittock R, Robinson K, Parr R, Birch-Machin MA. Real-time polymerase chain reaction analysis of a 3895-bp mitochondrial DNA deletion in epithelial swabs and its use as a quantitative marker for sunlight exposure in human skin. British Journal of Dermatology 2010, 163(6), 1291-1295.
- Anderson AM, Aitken G, Oyewole A, Swalwell H, Henderson J, Manning P, Birch-Machin MA. To determine the relative roles of the different mitochondrial respiratory chain complexes in the production of oxidative stress in human skin. British Journal of Dermatology 2009, 160(4), 924 P29.
- Birch-Machin M, Henderson J, Oyewole A, Anderson A, Boulton SJ, Manning P, Birket M, McNeil C, Swalwell H. The use of nanosensors and mitochondrial DNA to investigate oxidative stress and aging in human skin. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 2009, 129, S36-S36.
- Birket MJ, Passos JF, von Zglinicki T, Birch-Machin MA. The Relationship between the Aging- and Photo-Dependent T414G Mitochondrial DNA Mutation with Cellular Senescence and Reactive Oxygen Species Production in Cultured Skin Fibroblasts. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 2009, 129(6), 1361-1366.
- Henderson JR, Swalwell H, Boulton S, Manning P, McNeil CJ, Birch-Machin MA. Direct, real-time monitoring of superoxide generation in isolated mitochondria. Free Radical Research 2009, 43(9), 796-802.
- Hill DS, Martin S, Armstrong JL, Flockhart R, Tonison JJ, Simpson DG, Birch-Machin MA, Redfern CPF, Lovat PE. Combining the endoplasmic reticulum stress-inducing agents bortezomib and fenretinide as a novel therapeutic strategy for metastatic melanoma. Clinical Cancer Research 2009, 15(4), 1192-1198.
- Ahmed S, Passos JF, Birket MJ, Beckmann T, Brings S, Peters HH, Birch-Machin MA, von Zglinicki TW, Saretzki GC. Telomerase does not counteract telomere shortening but protects mitochondrial function under oxidative stress. Journal of Cell Science 2008, 121(7), 1046-1053.
- Lovat PE, Corazzari M, Armstrong JL, Martin S, Pagliarini V, Hill DS, Brown A, Piacentini M, Birch-Machin MA, Redfern CPF. Increasing melanoma cell death using inhibitors of protein disulfide isomerases to abrogate survival responses to endoplasmic reticulum stress. Cancer Research 2008, 68(13), 5363-5369.
- Hill DS, Armstrong JL, Birch-Machin MA, Lovat PE. B-RAF signalling in endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced apoptosis of metastatic melanoma. British Journal of Dermatology 2008, 158(4), 909 Abstract P51.
- Birket MJ, Birch-Machin MA. Ultraviolet radiation exposure accelerates the accumulation of the aging-dependent T414G mitochondrial DNA mutation in human skin. Aging Cell 2007, 6(4), 557-564.
- Parr RL, Jakupciak JP, Birch-Machin MA, Dakubo GD. The mitochondrial genome: a biosensor for early cancer detection?. Expert Opinion on Medical Diagnostics 2007, 1(2), 169-182.
- Birket MJ, Birch-Machin MA, Ahmed S, Vonzglinicki T, Saretzki G. Telomerase-dependent protection of mitochondrial DNA in response to oxidative stress. British Journal of Dermatology 2007, 156(5), 1105-1105.
- Corazzari, M., Lovat, P.E., Armstrong, J.L., Fimia, G.M., Hill, D.S., Birch-Machin, M.A., Redfern, C.P.F., Piacentini, M. Targeting homeostatic mechanisms of endoplasmic reticulum stress to increase susceptibility of cancer cells to fenretinide-induced apoptosis: The role of stress proteins ERdj5 and ERp57. British Journal of Cancer 2007, 96(7), 1062-1071.
- Passos JF, Saretzki G, Ahmed S, Nelson G, Richter T, Peters H, Wappler I, Birket MJ, Harold G, Schaeuble K, Birch-Machin MA, Kirkwood TBL, von Zglinicki T. Mitochondrial dysfunction accounts for the stochastic heterogeneity in telomere-dependent senescence. PLoS Biology 2007, 5(5), 1138-1151.
- Vatve M, Ortonne J-P, Birch-Machin MA, Gupta G. Management of field change in actinic keratosis. British Journal of Dermatology 2007, 157(2), 21-24.
- Aitken GR, Henderson JR, Chang S-C, McNeil CJ, Birch-Machin MA. Direct monitoring of UV-induced free radical generation in HaCaT keratinocytes. Clinical and Experimental Dermatology 2007, 32(6), 722-727.
- Arck PC, Overall R, Spatz K, Liezman C, Handjiski B, Klapp BF, Birch-Machin MA, Peters EMJ. Towards a "free radical theory of graying": Melanocyte apoptosis in the aging human hair follicle is an indicator of oxidative stress induced tissue damage. FASEB Journal 2006, 20(9), 1567-1569.
- Krishnan KJ, Birch-Machin MA. The incidence of both tandem duplications and the common deletion in mtDNA from three distinct categories of sun-exposed human skin and in prolonged culture of fibroblasts. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 2006, 126(2), 408-415.
- Parr RL, Dakubo GD, Crandall KA, Maki J, Reguly B, Aguirre A, Wittock R, Robinson K, Alexander JS, Birch-Machin MA, Abdel-Malak M, Froberg MK, Diamandis EP, Thayer RE. Somatic mitochondrial DNA mutations in prostate cancer and normal appearing adjacent glands in comparison to age-matched prostate samples without malignant histology. Journal of Molecular Diagnostics 2006, 8(3), 312-319.
- Harbottle A, Birch-Machin MA. Real-time PCR analysis of a 3895 bp mitochondrial DNA deletion in nonmelanoma skin cancer and its use as a quantitative marker for sunlight exposure in human skin. British Journal of Cancer 2006, 94(12), 1887-1893.
- McGill A, Frank A, Emmett N, Turnbull DM, Birch-Machin MA, Reynolds NJ. The anti-psoriatic drug anthralin accumulates in keratinocyte mitochondria, dissipates mitochondrial membrane potential, and induces apoptosis through a pathway dependent on respiratory competent mitochondria. FASEB Journal 2005, 19(8), 1012-1014.
- Krishnan KJ, Harbottle A, Birch-Machin MA. The use of a 3895 bp mitochondrial DNA deletion as a marker for sunlight exposure in human skin. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 2004, 123(6), 1020-1024.
- Durham SE, Krishnan KJ, Betts J, Birch-Machin MA. Mitochondrial DNA damage in non-melanoma skin cancer. British Journal of Cancer 2003, 88(1), 90-95.
- Thayer R, Wittock R, Parr R, Zullo S, Birch-Machin MA. A maternal line study investigating the 4977-bp mitochondrial DNA deletion. Experimental Gerontology 2003, 38(5), 567-571.
- Thayer RE, Wittock R, Parr R, Zullo S, Birch-Machin MA. A maternal line study investigating the 4977-bp mitochondrial DNA deletion. Experimental Gerontology 2003, 38(5), 567-571.
- Flanagan N, Ray AJ, Todd C, Birch-Machin MA, Rees JL. The relation between melanocortin 1 receptor genotype and experimentally assessed ultraviolet radiation sensitivity. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 2001, 117(5), 1314-1317.
- Hatta N, Dixon C, Ray AJ, Phillips SR, Cunliffe WJ, Dale M, Todd C, Meggit S, Birch-Machin MA, Rees JL. Expression, candidate gene, and population studies of the melanocortin 5 receptor. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 2001, 116(4), 564-570.
- Ray AJ, Turner R, Nikaido O, Rees JL, Birch-Machin MA. The spectrum of mitochondrial DNA deletions is a ubiquitous marker of ultraviolet radiation exposure in human skin. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 2000, 115(4), 674-679.
- Flanagan N, Healy E, Ray A, Philips S, Todd C, Jackson IJ, Birch-Machin MA, Rees JL. Pleiotropic effects of the melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R) gene on human pigmentation. Human Molecular Genetics 2000, 9(17), 2531-2537.
- Healy E, Flannagan N, Ray A, Todd C, Jackson IJ, Matthews JNS, Birch-Machin MA, Rees JL. Melanocortin-1-receptor gene and sun sensitivity in individuals without red hair. Lancet 2000, 355(9209), 1072-1073.
- Birch-Machin MA, Taylor RW, Cochran B, Ackrell BAC, Turnbull DM. Late-onset optic atrophy, ataxia, and myopathy associated with a mutation of a complex II gene. Annals of Neurology 2000, 48(3), 330-335.
- Harding RM, Healy E, Ray AJ, Ellis NS, Flanagan N, Todd C, Dixon C, Sajantila A, Jackson IJ, Birch-Machin MA, Rees JL. Evidence for variable selective pressures at MC1R. American Journal of Human Genetics 2000, 66(4), 1351-1361.
- Pinard JM, Marsac C, Barkaoui E, Desguerre I, Birch-Machin M, Reinert P, Ponsot G. Riboflavine-response Leigh syndrome and leukodystrophy associated to partial succinate dehydrogenase deficiency. Archives de Pediatrie 1999, 6(4), 421-426.
- Korge BP, Healy E, Traupe H, Punter C, Mauch C, Hamm H, Birch-Machin MA, Belgaid CE, Stephenson AM, Holmes SC, Darlington S, Messenger AG, Rees JL, Munro CS. Point mutation in the helix termination peptide (HTP) of human type II hair keratin hHb6 causes monilethrix in five families. Experimental Dermatology 1999, 8(4), 310-312.
- Tabata H, Nagano T, Ray AJ, Flanagan N, Birch-Machin MA, Rees JL. Low frequency of genetic change in p53 immunopositive clones in human epidermis. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 1999, 113(6), 972-976.
- Schioth HB, Phillips SR, Rudzish R, Birch-Machin MA, Wikberg JES, Rees JL. Loss of function mutations of the human melanocortin 1 receptor are common and are associated with red hair. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 1999, 260(2), 488-491.
- Korge BP, Hamm H, Jury CS, Traupe H, Irvine AD, Healy E, Birch-Machin M, Rees JL, Messenger AG, Holmes SC, Parry DAD, Munro CS. Identification of novel mutations in basic hair keratins hHb1 and hHb6 in monilethrix: Implications for protein structure and clinical phenotype. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 1999, 113(4), 607-612.
- M. Birch-Machin and J. Rees. Mitochondrial DNA deletions in human skin reflect photo- rather than chronologic aging - Reply. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 1998, 111, 710-710.
- Birch-Machin MA, Tindall M, Turner R, Haldane F, Rees JL. Mitochondrial DNA deletions in human skin reflect photo- rather than chronologic aging. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 1998, 110(2), 149-152.
- Smith R., Healy E., Siddiqui S., Flannagan N., Steijlen P., Rosdahl I., Rogers S., Turner R., Jackson I.J., Birch-Machin M.A. and Rees J.L. Melanocortin 1 receptor variants in an Irish population. J Invest Dermatol 1998, 111, 101-104.
- Rees J.L., Phillips S., Birch-Machin M.A., Healy E., Jackson I., Todd C., Flanagan N. and Smith R. Genetics of the MC1R: sex and sun!. Experimental Dermatology 1998, 7 (4), 228.
- B. P. Korge, E. Healy, C. S. Munro, C. Punter, M. Birch-Machin, S. C. Holmes, S. Darlington, H. Hamm, A. G. Messenger, J. L. Rees and H. Traupe. A mutational hotspot in the 2B domain of human hair basic keratin 6 (hHb6) in monilethrix patients. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 1998, 111, 896-899.
- Birch-Machin M.A, Healy E, Turner R, Haldane F, Belgaid C.E, Darlington S, Stephenson A.M, Munro C, Messenger AG, Rees J.L. Mapping of monilethrix to the type II keratin gene cluster at chromosome 12q13 in 3 new families including one with variable expressivity. British Journal of Dermatology 1997, 137, 339-343.
- Taylor R.W., Birch-Machin M.A., Schaeffer J., Taylor L., Shakir R., Ackrell B.A.C., Bindoff L.A., Jackson M.J. and Turnbull D.M. Deficiency of complex II of the mitochondrial respiratory chain in two sisters with late onset optic atrophy and ataxia. Ann Neurol 1996, 39, 224-232.
- R. W. Taylor, M. A. BirchMachin, J. Schaefer, L. Taylor, R. Shakir, B. A. C. Ackrell, B. Cochran, L. A. Bindoff, M. J. Jackson, P. Griffiths and D. M. Turnbull. Deficiency of complex II of the mitochondrial respiratory chain in late onset optic atrophy and ataxia. Annals of Neurology 1996, 39, 224-232.
- Birch-Machin MA (corresponding author), Marsac C, Ponsot G, Parfait P, Taylor RW, Rustin P, and Munnich A.(1996). Biochemical Investigations and Immunoblot analysis of two unrelated patients with an isolated deficiency in complex II of the mitochondrial respiratory chain. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun 1996, 220, 57-62.
- Birch-Machin, M.A., Marsac, C., Ponsot, G., Parfait, B., Taylor, R.W., Rustin, P. and Munnich, A. Biochemical investigations and immunoblot analyses of two unrelated patients with an isolated deficiency in complex II of the mitochondrial respiratory chain. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun 1996, 220, 57-62.
- Birch-Machin MA (corresponding author), Briggs H, Saborido AA, Bindoff LA and Turnbull DM (1994). An evaluation of the measurement of the activities of complexes I-IV in the respiratory chain of human skeletal muscle mitochondria. Biochem Med Metab Biol 1996, 220, 57-62.
- Bourgeron T, Rustin P, Chretien D, Birch-Machin MA, Bourgeois M, Viegas-Péquinot E, Munnich A and Rötig A. Mutation of a nuclear succinate dehydrogenase gene results in mitochondrial respiratory chain deficiency. Nature Genetics 1995, 11, 144-148.
- Taylor RW, Birch-Machin MA, Bartlett K, Lowerson SA, Turnbull DM. The control of mitochondrial oxidations by complex III in rat muscle and liver mitochondria. Implications for our understanding of mitochondrial cytopathies in man. J Biol Chem 269 269 3523-3528 1994.
- Taylor, R.W., Birch-Machin, M.A., Bartlett, K., Lowerson, S.A., and Turnbull, D.M. The control of mitochondrial oxidations by complex III in rat muscle and liver mitochondria: implications for our understanding of mitochondrial cytopathies in man. J. Biol. Chem 1994, 269, 3523-3528.
- Birch-Machin MA, Briggs H, Saborido AA, Bindoff LA and Turnbull DM. An evaluation of the measurement of the activities of complexes I-IV in the respiratory chain of human skeletal muscle mitochondria. Biochem Med Metab Biol 1994, 51, 35-42.
- Birch-Machin MA, Farnsworth L, Ackrell BAC, Cochran B, Jackson S, Bindoff LA, Aitken A, Diamond AG and Turnbull DM. The sequence of the flavoprotein subunit of bovine heart succinate dehydrogenase. J Biol Chem 1992, 267, 11553-11558.
Book Chapters
- Bowman A, Birch-Machin MA. Mitochondrial DNA as a sensitive biomarker of UV-Induced Cellular Damage in Human Skin. In: Volkmar Weissig and Marvin Edeas, ed. Mitochondrial Medicine Volume 3: Manipulating Mitochondria and Disease- Specific Approaches. New York, NY, USA: Humana, 2021, pp.345-356.
- Bowman A, Birch-Machin MA. Mitochondrial DNA as a Biosensor of UV Exposure in Human Skin. In: Weissig, V; Edeas, M, ed. Mitochondrial Medicine. New York: Springer, 2015, pp.379-388.
- Martinez-Levasseur LM, Gendron D, Knell RJ, O'Toole EA, Singh M, Bowman A, Birch-Machin MA, Acevedo-Whitehouse K. Responses to acute sun exposure in large whales. In: McGraw-Hill Education Yearbook of Science and Technology Textbook. McGraw-Hill Professional, 2014, pp.325-327.
- Birch-Machin MA, Harbottle A. The role of mitochondrial DNA damage in skin carcinogenesis and aging. In: Haywood, R, ed. Photochemistry and Photobiology. 2013. In Press.
- Birch-Machin MA. Skin photobiology. In: Chilcott, R; Price, S, ed. Principles and Practice of Skin Toxicology. London, UK: John Wiley and Sons, 2008, pp.51-69.
- Birch-Machin MA. Assessment of Mitochondrial Respiratory Complex Function In Vitro and In Vivo. In: Will, Y; Dykens, JA, ed. Drug-induced Mitochondrial Dysfunction. New Jersey, USA: John Wiley and Sons, 2008, pp.386-397.
- Birch-Machin MA, Turnbull DM. Assaying mitochondrial respiratory complex activity in mitochondria isolated from human cells and tissues. In: Liza A. Pon, Eric A. Schon, ed. Mitochondria. San Diego, California; London: Academic Press, 2001, pp.97-117.
- Healy E, Birch-Machin MA, Rees JL. The Human Melanocortin1-Receptor Gene. In: Cone, R.D, ed. The Melanocortin Receptors. New Jersey, USA: Humana Press Inc, 2000, pp.341-350.
- Birch-Machin MA, Jackson S, Singh-Kler R and Turnbull DM. Study of skeletal muscle mitochondrial dysfunction. In: Methods in Toxicology. 1993, pp.51-69.
- Birch-Machin MA, Jackson S, Singh-Kler R and Turnbull DM. Study of skeletal muscle mitochondrial dysfunction. In: Methods in Toxicology. 1993, pp.51-69.
- Birch-Machin MA, Howell N and Turnbull DM. Defects at coupling site II. In: Methods in Toxicology. 1993, pp.324-336.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Bowman A, Oblong JE, Rovito HA, Birch-Machin MA. Nicotinamide enhances mitochondrial function in human skin cells. In: Journal of Investigative Dermatology. 2018, Orlando, Florida: Elsevier.
- Boulton SJ, Birch-Machin M. The impact of hyperpigmentation on mitochondria: a comparative approach to investigating bioenergetic pathways in melanoma and keratinocyte cell types. In: British Society of Investigative Dermatology. 2015, Southampton, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Bowman A, Birch-Machin MA, Lietz G. The Effect Of Nutritional Intervention On Blood Oxidative Stress Levels. In: International Society of Antioxidants in Nutrition and Health 15th International Antioxidants Congress. 2015, Paris, France.
- Latimer JA, Birch-Machin MA. Using the Seahorse XF Analyser to evaluate real-time cellular respiration of human skin cells following the impact of oxidative stress inducers and the ability of idebenone and nicotinamide to mitigate these responses. In: British Society of Investigative Dermatology Annual Meeting. 2014, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Boulton SJ, Birch-Machin M. Melanin reduces acute mitochondrial superoxide generation: a real-time amperometric study. In: British Society of Investigative Dermatology Annual Meeting. 2014, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Bosch C, Lietz G, Birch-Machin M. Effects of polyphenols on mitochondrial DNA damage in skin fibroblasts. In: British Society of Investigative Dermatology Annual Meeting. 2014, Newcastle upon Tyne: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Bowman A, Anderson A, Manning P, Birch-Machin M. Applicability of dermoscopy for evaluation of patients' response to nonablative therapies for the treatment of superficial basal cell carcinoma. In: British Society of Investigative Dermatology Annual Meeting. 2014, Newcastle upon Tyne: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Rodrigues AM, Sniehotta FF, Birch-Machin MA, Araujo-Soares VL. Acceptability and feasibility of a mobile-phone intervention to promote sun safe behaviors amongst holidaymakers: findings from the internal pilot of the miskin randomized trial. In: Annals of Behavioral Medicine. 2014, Springer.
- Asim M, Liu OH, Okello E, Birch-Machin M, Foltz M, Lietz G. The anti-oxidant capacity of green tea polyphenols in the oral cavity. In: Nutrition Society Annual Summer Meeting. 2013, Newcastle, UK: Cambridge University Press.
- Latimer JA, Russell EV, Birch-Machin MA. The Effects of Infrared Radiation versus Ultraviolet Radiation in Human Skin Cells. In: 42nd Annual Meeting of the European Society for Dermatological Research (ESDR). 2012, Venice, Italy: Nature Publishing Group.
- Bowman A, Martinez-Levasseur L, Acevedo-Whitehouse K, Gendron D, Birch-Machin M. Mitochondrial DNA, a reliable biomarker for measuring the effect of cumulative ultraviolet irradiation exposure in whales (cetaceans). In: British Society for Investigative Dermatology Meeting. 2012, Exeter: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Russell EV, Latimer JA, Oyewole A, Birch-Machin MA. Investigating the Protective Potential of the Antioxidant Tiron in Human Skin Cells Exposed to Ultraviolet Radiation. In: 42nd Annual Meeting of the European Society for Dermatological Research (ESDR). 2012, Venice, Italy: Nature Publishing Group.
- Oyewole A, Bowman A, Rogers T, Birch-Machin MA. The role, mechanism and protective effects of dietary antioxidants in human skin subjected to inducers of oxidative stress. In: Annual Meeting of the British Society for Investigative Dermatology. 2011, Manchester, UK: British Journal of Dermatology: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Swalwell H, Boulton S, Manning P, McNeil C, Birch-Machin M. Real time electrochemical measurement of oxidative stress in human melanoma skin cells and its relationship with mitochondrial DNA damage and pigmentation. In: Journal of Investigative Dermatology: 41st Annual Meeting of the European Society for Dermatological Research. 2011, Barcelona, Spain: Nature Publishing Group.
- Oyewole A, Birket MJ, Birch-Machin MA. Investigation of the protective effects of dietary antioxidants in human skin subjected to inducers of oxidative stress. In: British Journal of Dermatology: Annual Meeting of the British Society for Investigative Dermatology. 2010, Edinburgh, UK: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Wilmot MC, Swalwell H, Oyewole A, Birket MJ, Lietz G, Birch-Machin MA. Investigating the effects of mitochondrial-targeted antioxidants on mitochondrial function and DNA damage in human skin cells. In: British Journal of Dermatology: Annual Meeting of the British Society for Investigative Dermatology. 2010, Edinburgh, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Oyewole A, Birket MJ, Levett D, Anderson M, Swalwell H, Birch-Machin MA. The use of mitochondrial DNA to determine the role, mechanism and protective effects of antioxidants in human skin. In: British Journal of Dermatology: British Society for Investigative Dermatology Annual Meeting. 2009, Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Lovat P, Armstrong J, Martin S, Hill D, Pagliarini V, Piacentini M, Redfern C, Birch-Machin MA. Increasing Melanoma Cell Death Using Inhibitors of Protein Disulphide Isomerases to Abrogate Survival Responses to Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress. In: Journal of Investigative Dermatology: 39th Annual European Society for Dermatological Research. 2009, Budapest, Hungary: Nature Publishing Group.
- Harbottle A, Birch-Machin M, Maki J, Reguly B, Dakubo G, Davies C, Parr R. The use of mitochondrial DNA as a "Biosensor" for UVR induced skin damage: Implications for personalized sun care and effective product formulation. In: Journal of Investigative Dermatology: International Investigative Dermatology Meeting. 2008, Kyoto, Japan: Nature Publishing Group.
- Rizwan M, Rodriguez-Blanco I, Harbottle A, Birch-Machin M, Watson REB, Rhodes LE. Lycopene protects against biomarkers of photodamage in human skin. In: British Journal of Dermatology: Annual Meeting of the British Society for Investigative Dermatology. 2008, Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Birket MJ, Passos JF, von Zglinicki T, Birch-Machin MA. Investigation of the relationship between the ageing- and photodependent T414G mitochondrial DNA mutation with cellular senescence and reactive oxygen species production in cultured skin fibroblasts. In: British Society for Investigative Dermatology Annual Meeting. 2008, University of Oxford, UK: British Journal of Dermatology: Blackwell Publishing.
- Levett D, Martin S, Lovat PE, Birch-Machin MA. Endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced apoptosis in response to imiquimod: a novel therapeutic strategy for metastatic squamous cell carcinoma?. In: British Journal of Dermatology: Annual Meeting of the British Society for Investigative Dermatology. 2008, Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Lovat PE, Martin S, Armstrong JL, Redfem CPF, Birch-Machin MA. Combining ER-stress-induced apoptosis with protein disulphide isomerase inhibition as a novel therapeutic strategy for metastatic melanoma. In: The Journal of Investigative Dermatology: International Investigative Dermatology Meeting. 2008, Kyoto, Japan: Nature Publishing Group.
- Martin S, Hill DS, Armstrong JL, Birch-Machin MA, Redfern CPF, Lovat PE. Combining endoplasmic reticulum stress-inducing agents with protein disulphide isomerase inhibition: a novel therapeutic strategy for metastatic melanoma. In: Annual Meeting of the British Society for Investigative Dermatology. 2008, University of Oxford: British Journal of Dermatology: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Hill DS, Armstrong JL, Birch-Machin MA, Lovat PE. Defining the role of B-RAF-induced extracellular signal-related kinase in the resistance of metastatic melanoma to apoptosis. In: British Society for Investigative Dermatology Annual Meeting. 2007, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, UK: British Journal of Dermatology: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Lovat P, Redfern CPF, Birch-Machin MA. Combining ER-stress inducing agents with protein disulphide inhibitors as a novel therapeutic strategy for metastatic melanoma. In: The Journal of Investigative Dermatology:37th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Dermatological Research. 2007, Zurich, Switzerland: Nature Publishing Group.
- Lovat PE, Redfern CPF, Birch-Machin MA. Combining endoplasmic reticulum stress-inducing agents with protein disulphide isomerase inhibitors as a novel therapeutic strategy for metastatic melanoma. In: British Society for Investigative Dermatology Annual Meeting. 2007, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, England: British Journal of Dermatology: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Lovat, P., Harbottle, A., Corazzari, M., Armstrong, J., Piacentini, M, Redfern, C.P.F., Birch-Machin, M.A. Fenretinide-induced apoptosis via endoplasmic reticulum stress - new drug targets for melanoma therapy?. In: Annual Meeting of the British Society for Investigative Dermatology. 2006, University of Manchester: British Journal of Dermatology, Wiley-Blackwell.
- Aitken G, Harbottle A, Birch-Machin MA. The role of mitochondria in ultraviolet-induced oxidative stress. In: British Journal of Dermatology: Annual meeting of the British Society for Investigative Dermatology. 2003, Southampton, UK: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- McGill A, Frank A, Emmett N, Birch-Machin MA, Reynolds NJ. Mammalian cells deficient in respiratory competent mitochondria are resistant to dithranol. In: British Journal of Dermatology: Annual meeting of the British Society for Investigative Dermatology. 2003, Southampton, UK: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Krishnan KJ, Lusher M, Lindey J, Birch-Machin MA. Direct generation of the mitochondrial DNA common deletion in cultured skin cells by repetitive ultraviolet irradiation. In: British Journal of Dermatology: Annual meeting of the British Society for Investigative Dermatology. 2003, Southampton, UK: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Ray A, Turner R, Rees J, Birch-Machin M. Ultraviolet radiation exposure and the spectrum of mitochondrial DNA deletions in human skin. In: JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATIVE DERMATOLOGY. 1999.
- Korge B, Hamm H, Traupe H, Irvine A, Healy E, Birch-Machin M, Rees J, Messenger A, Holmes S, Jury C, Munro C. Point mutations in the 1A domain (N114) of hair keratin hHb6 in monilethrix patients: A new hotspot for mutations?. In: Journal of Investigative Dermatology. 1999, Nature Publishing Group.
- Ellis NS, Ray AJ, Healy E, Todd C, Flanagan N, Harding R, Jackson I, Birch-Machin MA, Rees JL. Molecular genetic evidence for evolutionary selection of the red hair (MC1R) phenotype. In: Journal of Investigative Dermatology. 1999, Nature Publishing Group.
- Flanagan N, Healy E, Philips S, Todd C, Ray A, Hair L, Matthews J, Jackson I, Birch-Machin M, Rees J. Heterozygote mutants of the melanocortin 1 receptor show reduced tanning whilst homozyotes show red hair. In: Annual Meeting for the European Society for Dermatological Research. 1999, Nature Publishing Group.
- Rees JL, Birch-Machin M, Flanagan N, Healy E, Phillips S, Todd C. Genetic studies of the human melanocortin-1 receptor. In: Cutaneous Neuroimmunomodulation: The Proopiomelanocortin System. 1999, Münster, Germany: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Inc.
- Rees JL, Birch-Machin M, Flanagan N, Healy E, Phillips S, Todd C. Genetic studies of the human melanocortin-1 receptor. In: Cutaneous Neuroimmunomodulation: The Proopiomelanocortin System. 1999, Münster, Germany: New York Academy of Sciences.
- Korge B, Hamm H, Jury C, Traupe H, Irvine A, Healy E, Birch-Machin M, Rees J. Distinct mutations in human basic hair keratins 1 and 6 cause monilethrix: Implications for protein structure and clinical phenotype. In: Journal of Investigative Dermatology. 1999, Nature Publishing Group.
- Birch-Machin MA. Using mitochondrial DNA as a biosensor of early cancer development. British Journal of Cancer 2005, 93(3), 271-272.
- Harbottle A, Krishnan KJ, Birch-Machin MA. Implications of using the ND1 gene as a control region for real-time PCR analysis of mitochondrial DNA deletions in human skin [1]. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 2004, 122(6), 1518-1521.
- Krishnan K, Lindsey JC, Lusher ME, Lowes S, Birch-Machin MA. Current pitfalls in the measurement of the 4977 bp mitochondrial DNA common deletion in human skin. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 2003, 120(6), 981-982.
- Healy E, Todd C, Jackson IJ, Birch-Machin M, Rees JL. Skin type, melanoma, and melanocortin 1 receptor variants. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 1999, 112(4), 512-513.
- Birch-Machin M, Rees J. Mitochondrial DNA deletions in human skin reflect photo- rather than chronologic aging - Reply. JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATIVE DERMATOLOGY 1998, 111(4), 710-710.
- Birch-Machin M. The Mitochondria and Complex II- Linchpin for skin ageing and photoaging. Dermatology Focus 2019, 37(4), 1-14.
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