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Accessibility and Individual Requirements

The information on this page is for students applying for accommodation for 2024/25. If you are currently living with us and have a question about your room, please refer to the Accommodation Guide 24/25.

Our student accommodation caters to the diverse needs of our students. If you have additional requirements related to a disability or health need, we have specially adapted rooms available. We recognise that your accommodation needs to be both comfortable and practical, which is why our accessible rooms are designed to make your time at University feel like home. 

Whether you're in a bedroom or a studio, there are plenty of opportunities for socialising. We'll allocate you accommodation on floors with other studios or in a shared flat. Our current adaptations include:

  • wheelchair accessible accommodation
  • adjustable beds and study desks
  • braille kitchen equipment
  • mini refrigerators to store medication
  • vibrating pillows

However, if you need something else, we're able to make reasonable adjustments to make your stay with us as comfortable as possible. We'd recommend that you also get in touch with our Disability Support team for further advice and guidance whilst in Newcastle.

We have accessible accommodation for undergraduate students at:

  • Kensington Terrace - en suites in houses
  • Park View - en suites in shared flats and studio flats
  • Park Terrace - en suites in shared flats

We have accessible accommodation for postgraduate students at:

  • Grand Hotel - en suites along a corridor, with a shared kitchen

How to Apply

Applying for accommodation is easy, just follow the steps below and apply via our online accommodation portal. Applicants who are unable to use the portal should contact the Allocations Team to discuss alternative ways to apply.

Step 1

Once you have a firm offer to study with us*, you can register on the application portal. You'll then create your profile. Here you can tell us about how your disability or health condition impact your accommodation requirements. 

You'll have three options to choose from:

Select 'No' if you don't have a disability or prefer not to disclose this information. This means that we won't consider any needs when processing your application.

Select 'Yes, I need a specific wash type or location' if your condition requires this. This is applicable to you if securing a suitable wash type or location would meet your needs, for example you need an en suite or a location close to your school. 

If you're eligible, you'll be able to use the option and select a room. You must make sure that your chosen room meets your requirements. If you require consideration for a specific floor level or flat size, for example, please contact us at If on arrival, the reserved room is not suitable, it is very unlikely that a suitable alternative can be offered.

Studio rooms are not available to reserve through advanced booking. So, if you require this room type, you will need to submit an application. If you aren't eligible for advanced booking, you will automatically be directed to the submit an application route.

Select 'Yes, I need adaptations or adjustments' if you need a specific room type or additional equipment. You might choose this option if you need a wheelchair accessible bedroom, or a deaf alerter system.

If you select this option, you won't be able to use advanced booking, even if you're eligible. This is because the system cannot recognise a room suitable for your needs. Instead, you'll need to .

*although you need to be a firm offer holder to apply, we welcome discussions about your accommodation requirements before this.

Step 2

If you have already reserved a room, we may contact you for further information and to check that the room is suitable for you.

If you have submitted an application, we'll ask you to complete a Disability and Health Information form . We'll use this information to match you to a room. It may be necessary for us to organise a virtual meeting with you to discuss your accommodation. This is usually if you need specialist equipment or accommodation for a carer.

If you experience difficulties completing the form, please contact us at for advice.

Step 3

Once we have all the information we need, we'll review your form. What happens next depends on how you applied:

  • If you have reserved a room and it meets your needs, we'll take no further action.
  • If you have reserved a room and it's not suitable, we'll amend your booking. We'll contact you to discuss this.
  • If you submitted an application, and we identify you need a specialist allocation, we'll send you a confirmation email. In this email, we'll detail the location and room type that we have placed on hold for you. We aim to do this within 15 working days of receiving your information, but this may take longer in peak periods.

Frequently Asked Questions

How are studio rooms assigned?

We give priority for studio rooms to students that need this type of accommodation. This is why they are not available to choose using the advanced booking option.

If you need a studio, submit an application and choose this accommodation within your preferences. You should then complete our Disability and Health Information Form, highlighting why you need this type of room. Please provide as much supporting information as possible.

Along with our Wellbeing Team, we'll review your information and assess your need for a studio. We'll then contact you with our decision.