Staff Profile
Helen Jarvis
NIHR Doctoral Research Fellow
- Email:
- Address: Population and Health Sciences Institute
Newcastle University
Campus for Ageing and Vitality
Newcastle upon Tyne
I am a GP with a background in clinical hepatology and a masters in public health who is interested in researching how primary care can be improved for people at risk of, and living with chronic liver disease.
I currently hold an NIHR Doctoral Research Fellowship.
I am the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) clinical champion for liver disease, I sit as a primary care advisor on the UK Liver Alliance (UKLA) and I am the primary care advisor to the British Liver Trust (the largest liver charity in the UK).
I am a recognised primary care expert on liver disease and have given invited presentations at national conferences including the RCGP annual conference and the British Society of Gastroenterology (BSG) annual conference. I have published several peer reviewed papers in the area of primary care management of liver disease (see publications).
I am a GP studying for a PhD at Newcastle University.
My research interest is liver disease in the community setting.
The focus of my doctoral research is studying the implementation of a chronic liver disease management pathway in the primary care setting with the aim of developing an embedded and implementable framework for widespread use. I am using implementation science theory (in particular normalization process theory) to underpin my research with the aim to understand and accelerate the implementation of a liver disease management pathway from evidence base to routine clinical practice.
The title of my thesis is:
Development and evaluation of a framework for managing liver disease in primary care
Other current funding:
Co-lead on a NIHR applied research collaborate (ARC) funded study researching the implementation of a blood borne virus testing prompt (for HIV, Hep B and Hep C) in Primary Care in the North East and North Cumbria: OFC 2021_53 Implementation of a primary care clinical decision support application, BBV_TP, to increase testing for HIV and viral hepatitis. (£60 000)
Co-Investigator joint MRC/NIHR CARP funded study to develop optimal biomarker strategies to identify liver disease in primary care: MR/V037331/1 stratification of liver disease (SOLID): Determining the optimum biomarker strategies for the detection of advanced liver disease in primary care. (£333 000)
Co-investigator on a study developing a GP led Hepatitis C pathway in primary care being led by a team from Napier University in Edinburgh. Optimising Hepatitis C Treatment for People Who Inject Drugs: Developing a GP-led Patient Pathway. Whiteley D, Elliott L, Flowers P, Hamilton E, Davidson K, Jarvis H, Quinn M. CSO Scotland. (£201 473)
I have teaching responsibilities for the RCGP as their clinical champion for liver disease. I have organised and led several half day national workshops on liver disease for GPs with further workshops planned in Northern Ireland.
I have no formal teaching responsibilities within the university.
- McPherson S, Armstrong MJ, Cobbold JF, Corless L, Anstee QM, Aspinall RJ, Barclay ST, Brennan PN, Cacciottolo TM, Goldin RD, Hallsworth K, Hebditch V, Jack K, Jarvis H, Johnson J, Li W, Mansour D, McCallum M, Mukhopadhya A, Parker R, Ross V, Rowe IA, Srivastava A, Thiagarajan P, Thompson AI, Tomlinson J, Tsochatzis EA, Yeoman A, Alazawi W. Quality standards for the management of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD): consensus recommendations from the British Association for the Study of the Liver and British Society of Gastroenterology NAFLD Special Interest Group. Lancet Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2022, 7(8), 755-769.
- Jarvis H, Sanders T, Hanratty B. Liver disease management as routine work in primary care? A qualitative interview study to guide implementation. British Journal of General Practice 2022, 72(725), e916-e923.
- Whiteley D, Speakman EM, Elliott L, Jarvis H, Davidson K, Quinn M, Flowers P. Developing a primary care-initiated hepatitis C treatment pathway in Scotland: a qualitative study. British Journal of General Practice 2022, 72(722), e668-e676.
- Jarvis H, McPherson S, Anstee QM, Hanratty B. The pathway to better primary care for chronic liver disease. British Journal of General Practice 2021, 71(705), 180-182.
- Whiteley D, Speakman E, Elliott L, Davidson K, Hamilton E, Jarvis H, Quinn M, Flowers P. Provider-related barriers and enablers to the provision of hepatitis C treatment by general practitioners in Scotland: A behaviour change analysis. Journal of Viral Hepatitis 2021, 28(3), 528-537.
- Jarvis H, Worsfold J, Hebditch V, Ryder S. Engagement with community liver disease management across the UK: a cross sectional survey. BJGP Open 2021, 5(5), BJGPO.2021.0085.
- Jarvis H, Craig D, Barker R, Spiers G, Stow D, Anstee QM, Hanratty B. Metabolic risk factors and incident advanced liver disease in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD): A systematic review and meta-analysis of population based observational studies. PLoS Medicine 2020, 17(4), e1003100.
- Standing HC, Jarvis H, Orr J, Exley C, Hudson M, Kaner E, Hanratty B. General practitioners' experiences and perceptions of early detection of liver disease: a qualitative study in primary care. British Journal of General Practice 2018, 68(676), e743-e749.
- Williams R, Alexander G, Aspinall R, Batterham R, Bhala N, Bosanquet N, Severi K, Burton A, Cramp ME, Day N, Dhawan A, Dillon J, Drummond C, Dyson J, Ferguson J, Foster GR, Gilmore I, Greenberg J, Henn C, Hudson M, Jarvis H, Kelly D, Mann J, McDougall N, McKee M, Moriarty K, Morling J, Newsome P, O'Grady J, Rolfe L, Rice P, Rutter H, Sheron N, Thorburn D, Verne J, Vohra J, Wass J, Yeoman A. Gathering momentum for the way ahead: fifth report of the Lancet Standing Commission on Liver Disease in the UK. The Lancet 2018, 392(10162), 2398-2412.
- Standing H, Jarvis H, Orr J, Exley C, Hudson M, Kaner E, Hanratty B. How can primary care enhance end-of-life care for liver disease? Qualitative study of general practitioners' perceptions and experiences. BMJ Open 2017, 7, e017106.
- Jarvis H, Whiteley D. Eliminating Hepatitis C: time to embrace primary care's critical role?. British Journal of General Practice 2021, 71(707), 250-251.
- Jarvis H, Hanratty B. Detecting liver disease in primary care: Are we ready for change?. British Journal of General Practice 2017, 67(658), 202-203.
- Jarvis H, O'Keefe H, Craig D, Stow D, Hanratty B, Anstee QM. Does moderate alcohol consumption accelerate the progression of liver disease in NAFLD? A systematic review and narrative synthesis. BMJ Open 2022, 12(1), e049767.
- Williams R, Aithal G, Alexander GJ, Allison M, Armstrong I, Aspinall R, Baker A, Batterham R, Brown K, Burton R, Cramp ME, Day N, Dhawan A, Drummond C, Ferguson J, Foster G, Gilmore I, Greenberg J, Henn C, Jarvis H, Kelly D, Mathews M, McCloud A, MacGilchrist A, McKee M, Moriarty K, Morling J, Newsome P, Rice P, Roberts S, Rutter H, Samyn M, Severi K, Sheron N, Thorburn D, Verne J, Vohra J, Williams J, Yeoman A. Unacceptable failures: the final report of the Lancet Commission into liver disease in the UK. The Lancet 2020, 395(10219), 226-239.