Staff Profile
Dr Lisa Crowe
Research Associate
- Telephone: 0191 208 3812
- Address: Population Health Sciences Institute
Faculty of Medical Sciences
Newcastle University
Room 5.06, Ridley 1
Newcastle Upon Tyne
Dr Lisa Crowe completed her interdisciplinary PhD in 2014. Since 2014, she has been part of the Population Health Sciences Institute (formally: Institute of Health and Society), working as a Research Associate across multiple disciplines. Lisa has a particular interest in healthcare which is lifechanging, unexpected and sensitive in nature. Lisa is particularly skilled at researching highly sensitive issues, and her experience encompasses a number of highly sensitive research topics.
Lisa is currently embedded within the Newcastle University Centre for Cancer (NUCoRE) exploring experienced of biological and precision therapy with patients with advanced cancer. She has previously worked within the Maternal and Perinatal research group, and the Alcohol research group. Lisa has mainly been involved in the qualitative aspects on a number of different research projects. These studies have included the topics: termination of pregnancy for non-lethal fetal anomaly; experiences of Ventricular Assist Devices in paediatric patients; loss from a multiple pregnancy; obesity in pregnancy; evaluation of a mental health service; delivering brief alcohol interventions within a custody suite setting and exploring the use of NPS.
2014 PhD Medical Sociology, Newcastle University
2009 MA Sociology and Social Research, Newcastle University
2008 MSc Health Sciences, Newcastle University
2007 BA Hons Sociology and Social Policy, Newcastle University
Research Interests:
Public health
Experience of health, illness and healthcare
Research of a sensitive nature
Medical sociology
Qualitative and Mixed methods
PROM development
"Exploring decision-making around (dis)continuation of biological and immuno-therapies in advanced cancer" (Co-applicant, 2022). £46,000
"The Berlin Heart Study: Mobile autonomy in children with end stage heart-failure": £37,887 (Co-applicant, 2017).
N8 Policing Research Partnership Catalyst Project. "Exploring Novel Psychoactive Substances (NPS) use and its consequences for police practitioners and substance users in the North East of England". £23,473.60 (Co applicant, 2016).
MRC ESRC Interdisciplinary PhD Studentship Award. "Termination of pregnancy for non-lethal fetal anomalies: Professional perspectives". £80,750.00
Current work:
Study Coordinator for TARGET: Exploring experiences of new cancer therapies: Understanding patient experiences and assessing unmet needs. A sequential mixed-methods study.
Study Coordinator for DECIDE: Exploring decision-making around (dis)continuation of targeted and immuno-therapies in advanced cancer.
Previous work:
Evaluating adiposity measures in pregnancy to predict adverse pregnancy outcomes (Systematic review). (2019)
The Berlin Heart Study: Mobile autonomy in children with end stage heart-failure. (Ethnography and qualitative interviews with children and their family) (2017-2018).
GLOWING: Investigating pregnant women's participating in the GLOWING trial (weight management during pregnancy). (2018).
Exploring Novel Psychoactive Substances (NPS) use and its consequences for police practitioners and substance users in the North East of England. (Qualitative) (2016-17).
The association between maternal body mass index )BMI), prolonged pregnancy and post term birth (Systematic review) (2016)
ACCEPT: A pilot feasibility trial looking at brief interventions in a custody suite setting. (Pilot trial, mixed methods) (2014-16).
Liaison: A service evaluation of a Liaison Psychiatry Service. (Service evaluation, mixed methods) (2014-16).
Loss from a multiple pregnancy: A scoping review of existing guidelines for health professionals (Qualitative) (2016).
Development of guidelines for health professionals supporting parents who have lost a baby from a multiple pregnancy. (Qualitative) (2014-15).
Ioanna Pangou: Improving sleep for children on the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit: An evaluation of a parent-led, individualised sleep promotion package. 2023
Kaat Marynissen: Exploring how LGBTQ+ sexualities are addressed in Relationship and Sex Education in secondary schools in North-East England: a qualitative study. 2023
Malcolm Moffat: Understanding barriers to cervical cancer screening among poor attenders: a qualitative study. 2018
Masters: Module: Health and Society, Lecture: "Gender and Health".
Social Science Tutor, Medicine in the Community, MBBS.
Teaching Assistant, Sociology. Modules include: Sociology of Health and Illness, Sociology of Evil, Doing
Sociology, Knowing in Sociology.
MSc Dissertation marking.
MBBS Social Science essay marking.
- Heslehurst N, McParlin C, Sniehotta FF, Rankin J, Crowe L, McColl E. The Gestational Obesity Weight Management: Implementation of National Guidelines (GLOWING) study: a pilot cluster randomised controlled trial. Pilot and Feasibility Studies 2024, 10(1), 47.
- Crowe L, Brown M, Bojke A, Bojke R, Greystoke A, Lecouturier J, Richardson J, Wells M, Todd A, Sharp L. Assessing the unmet needs of patients with advanced cancer treated by biological and precision therapies: protocol for TARGET, a mixed methods study. BMJ Open 2023, 13, e066229.
- Nguyen G, Hayes L, Ngongalah L, Bigirumurame T, Gaudet L, Odeniyi A, Flynn A, Crowe L, Skidmore B, Simon A, Smith V, Heslehurst N. Association between maternal adiposity measures and infant health outcomes: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Obesity Reviews 2022, 23(10), e13491.
- Heslehurst N, Ngongalah L, Bigirumurame T, Nguyen TG, Odeniyi A, Flynn A, Smith V, Crowe L, Skidmore B, Gaudet L, Simon A, Hayes L. Association between maternal adiposity measures and adverse maternal outcomes of pregnancy: systematic review and meta-analysis. Obesity Reviews 2022, 23(7), e13449.
- Rimmer B, Crowe L, Todd A, Sharp L. Assessing unmet needs in advanced cancer patients: a systematic review of the development, content, and quality of available instruments. Journal of Cancer Survivorship 2022, 16, 960-975.
- Crowe L, Simpson E, Barlow K, Rankin J. 'A new normal'? Ventricular Assist Device implantation and subsequent heart transplant in children and adolescents: A family experience. SSM - Qualitative Research in Health 2022, 2, 100115.
- Crowe L, Simpson E, Reinhardt Z, Rankin J. Parental responsibility for pediatric ventricular assist devices: Views of families on the acceptability of hospital discharge. Pediatric Transplantation 2020, 24(1), e13636.
- McGovern R, Crowe L, Addison M, Hickman M, Kidger J, McColl E, Newbury-Birch D, Kaner E. Containment and care? A qualitative interview study exploring police custody staff views about delivering brief alcohol interventions to heavy drinking arrestees. Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy 2020, 27(6), 436-444.
- Crowe L, Graham RH, Robson S, Rankin J. Negotiating acceptable termination of pregnancy for non-lethal fetal anomaly: a qualitative study of professional perspectives. BMJ Open 2018, 8(3), e020815.
- Addison M, Stockdale K, McGovern R, McGovern W, McKinnon I, Crowe L, Hogan L, Kaner E. Exploring intersections between Novel Psychoactive Substances (NPS) and other substance use in a police custody suite setting in the North East of England. Drugs: Education, Prevention & Policy 2018, 25(4), 313-319.
- Addison M, McGovern R, Angus C, Becker F, Brennan A, Brown H, Coulton S, Crowe L, Gilvarry E, Hickman M, Howel D, McColl E, Muirhead C, Newbury-Birch D, Waqas M, Kaner E. Alcohol screening and brief intervention in police Custody suites: Pilot cluster randomized controlled Trial (AcCePT). Alcohol and Alcoholism 2018, 53(5), 548-559.
- Crowe L, Graham RH, Robson SC, Rankin J. A survey of health professionals’ views on acceptable gestational age and termination of pregnancy for fetal anomaly. European Journal of Medical Genetics 2018, 61(9), 493-498.
- Heslehurst N, Vieira R, Hayes L, Crowe L, Jones D, Robalino S, SLack L, Rankin J. Maternal body mass index and post-term birth: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Obesity Reviews 2017, 18(3), 293–308.
- Crowe L, Embleton ND, Rankin J. Investigating available resources on loss from a multiple pregnancy to inform practice. Infant 2015, 11(4), 123-126.
- Hayes L, Richards J, Crowe L, Campbell C, Embleton ND, Rankin J. Development of guidelines for health professionals supporting parents who have lost a baby from a multiple pregnancy. Infant 2015, 11(5), 164-166.
- Heslehurst NH, Crowe L, Robalino S, Sniehotta FF, McColl E, Rankin J. Interventions to change maternity healthcare professionals' behaviours to promote weight-related support for obese pregnant women: a systematic review. Implementation Science 2014, 9, 97.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Heslehurst N, Vieira R, Hayes L, Crowe L, Jones D, Robalino S, Slack E, Rankin J. The association between maternal body mass index (BMI), prolonged pregnancy (PP; ≥41 weeks gestation) and post-term birth (PTB; ≥42 weeks gestation): a systematic review with meta-analysis. In: British Maternal and Fetal Medicine Society. 2016, University of Birmingham, UK: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Crowe L, Addison M, Vaittinen A. Lay views of termination of pregnancy for non-lethal fetal anomaly: Acceptable termination through stigmatising the mother. In: British Maternal and Fetal Medicine Society (BMFMS) 18th Annual Conference 2016. 2016, Birmingham, UK: BJOG.
- Crowe L, Graham R, Robson S, Rankin J. The boundaries between non-directive and directive counselling after a diagnosis of Fetal A. When does non-directive counselling become directive?. In: British Maternal & Fetal Medicine Society 17th Annual Conference. 2015, London, UK: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Crowe L, Graham RH, Robson SC, Rankin J. Negotiating acceptable termination of pregnancy for non-lethal fetal anomalies. Professional views. In: British Maternal and Fetal Medicine Society (BMFMS) 17th Annual Conference 2015. 2015, London: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Crowe L, Graham RH, Robson SC, Rankin J. Criteria for a legitimate life: Termination of pregnancy for non-lethal fetal anomaly as an acceptable outcome for an affected pregnancy. In: 16th Annual Conference of the British Maternal and Fetal Medicine Society. 2013, Dublin: BMJ Group.
- Crowe L, Graham R, Rankin J, Robson SC. Non-lethal fetal anomaly: understanding students' views on access to termination of pregnancy. In: 14th Annual Conference of the British Maternal and Fetal Medicine Society. 2010, Newcastle Upon Tyne: Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed.
- Addison M, Stockdale K, McGovern R, McGovern W, McKinnon I, Crowe L, Hogan L, Kaner E. Exploring Novel Psychoactive Substance (NPS) use and its consequences for police practitioners and substance users in the North East of England. N8 Policing Research Partnership, 2017.
- Chong E, Crowe L, Mentor K, Pandanaboyana S, Sharp L. Systematic review of caregiver burden, unmet needs and quality-of-life among informal caregivers of patients with pancreatic cancer. Supportive Care in Cancer 2023, 31(1), 74.