Staff Profile
Dr Lutz Sauerteig
Senior Lecturer in Medical Humanities (History of Medicine)
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- Address: Newcastle University
Population Health Sciences Institute
Ridley 1 (5th floor)
Newcastle upon Tyne
As a cultural historian I am working in the field of medical humanities with a focus on history of medicine, sexualities, gender, and bodies. I studied Modern European History, History of Eastern and South-Eastern Europe, Theatre Studies, and Cultural Anthropology at Ludwig-Maximilian's University Munich (M.A. in History, 1989), the University of Oxford, and Humboldt University Berlin (Dr. phil. in History, 1996).
From 1990 to 1992, I worked as Research Assistant for the late Professor Thomas Nipperdey at the Institute for Modern History, Munich University. From 1994 to 2003, I was Lecturer in history of medicine at the Institute for History of Medicine, Medical Faculty, Albert-Ludwig's University Freiburg, and from 2003 to 2017 at Durham University (Wellcome University Award Holder 2003-8, since 2010 Senior Lecturer). In August 2017, I joined Newcastle University as Senior Lecturer in Medical Humanities (History of Medicine). I am member of the Population Health Sciences Institute, the Steering Group of the Medical Humanities Network in the Humanities Reserach Institute, and a member of the Gender Research Group.
From 2000 to 2012, I served on the Executive Committee of the Society for the Social History of Medicine (a registered charity organisation; Charity number 278414) and have been the the Society's Chair from 2008 to 2011.
Areas of Expertise
- History of Bodies
- History of Sexualities and Gender
- History of Public Health in the 19th and 20th Centuries
- History of Medical Ethics in the 19th and 20th Centuries
- History of Venereal Diseases/STIs
ResearcherID: B-3217-2014
Current Research Projects
History of sex education in Germany, 1880s to ca 1980
This project investigates the cultural history of sex education of young people in Germany from around 1900 to the end of the 1970s. It offers the first comprehensive investigation of sex education from late Imperial and Weimar Germany, to the Third Reich and post-war Germany in English language. It takes the political, social and cultural context of sex education into account but the main focus is on a detailed analysis of the content of sex education material that has been produced for the purpose of teaching and informing young people about sexuality.
Studying sex education material provides important insight into the shaping of gender and sexual identities in relation to knowledge of the body, cultural scripts of erotic and sexual practices, and sexual morality and risky behaviours. At the centre of my project is the question how different forms of textual, verbal and visual material constructed gendered bodies and shaped the construction of ‘heterosexuality’. Sex education material reflects and simultaneously shapes understandings of gender in a society as well as its changing moral and sexual fears, what, for instance, was assumed to be ‘normal’, acceptable sexual behaviour. Sex education material, therefore, can be read as a culturally and historically contingent repertoire of concepts of the gendered body. It tells us what kind of sexual knowledge at specific points of time was perceived by society as important to be conveyed to the young – and what was to be kept secret from them (e.g. for a long time birth control methods), hence what sex education material was silent about.
History of Puberty in the 19th and 20th Centuries
Key Publications:
List of key publications:
Undergraduate Teaching
- Lecturer 0n the module 'Evidence and Argument' (HIS 1100)
Lecturer on the module 'Diversities of Sexuality and Gender in History' (HIS 2322)
Lecturer on the module 'Health and Illness: Professional and Societal Perspectives' (BMS 3015)
Postgraduate Teaching
MSc programme
- Lecturer on the module 'Public Policy, Health & Health Inequalities' (HSC 8047)MA History
- Module Leader of 'The Patient in History' (SHS 8127)
- Lecturer on the module 'Introduction to the History of Medicine' (SHS 8124)
Supervisor of MA and MSc projects in Public and Global Health
- MSc Public Health: Personal Tutor
- Sauerteig LDH. Les Kinsey des deux Allemagnes: recherche empirique en sexologie, enquêtes sur la sexualité et normalisation de la sexualité de la jeunesse pendant la guerre froide. Le rideau déchiré: La sexologie à l'heure de la guerre froide 2020, 37, 55-78.
- Sauerteig L. August Paul von Wassermann. In: Historische Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, ed. Neue Deutsche Biographie. Berlin: Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 2020, pp.446-447.
- Sauerteig L. Sünde – Gefahr – Risiko – Management: Konzepte sexueller Gesundheit in der deutschen Sexualerziehung im 20. Jahrhundert. Virus. Beiträge zur Sozialgeschichte der Medizin 2020, 18, 213-245.
- Sauerteig L. Von Hodann zu Amendt: Vorstellungen von sexueller „Liberalisierung“, kindlicher Sexualität und Geschlechterverhältnissen in der Sexualerziehung um 1900 und um 1970. Jugendbewegung und Jugendkulturen 2019, 15, 213-251.
- Sauerteig LDH. From the fear of conception to the management of sex: birth control in West German sex education material, c. 1945-1980. In: Niethammer,L; Satjukow,S, ed. ‘Wenn die Chemie stimmt...’. Geschlechterbeziehungen und Geburtenkontrolle im Zeitalter der ‘Pille’ / Gender Relations and Birth Control in the Age of the ‘Pill’. Göttingen: Wallstein, 2016, pp.211-241.
- Sauerteig LDH. Loss of Innocence: Albert Moll, Sigmund Freud and the Invention of Childhood Sexuality around 1900. Medical History 2012, 56(2), 156-183.
- Sauerteig L. Geschlechtskrankheiten, Gesundheitspolitik und Medizin im 20. Jahrhundert: Europäische Entwicklungen im Überblick. Sexuologie. Zeitschrift für Sexualmedizin, Sexualtherapie und Sexualwissenschaft 2012, 19(3-4), 111-118.
- Maehle AH, Sauerteig LDH. Introduction, to the special issue ‘Sexology, Medical Ethics and Occultism: Albert Moll in Context'. Medical History 2012, 56(2), 123-132.
- Sauerteig L. "Wie soll ich es nur anstellen, ohne etwas falsch zu machen?" Der Rat der Bravo in Sachen Sex in den sechziger und siebziger Jahren. In: Bänzinger, PP; Duttweiler, S; Sarasin, P; Wellmann, W, ed. Fragen Sie Dr. Sex! - Ratgeberkommunikation und die mediale Konstruktion des Sexuellen. Berlin: Suhrkamp, 2010, pp.123-158.
- Sauerteig LDH. Le magazine pour jeunes Bravo et la révolution sexuelle en Allemagne de l'Ouest dans les années 1960 et 1970. In: Beauthier, R.; Piette, V.; Truffin, B, ed. La modernisation de la sexualité, 19e-20e siècles. Bruxelles: Editions de l'Université Bruxelles, 2010, pp.137-151.
- Sauerteig LDH, Davidson R, ed. Shaping Sexual Knowledge: A Cultural History of Sex Education in Twentieth Century Europe. London, New York: Routledge, 2009.
- Sauerteig LDH. Representations of Pregnancy and Childbirth in (West) German Sex Education Books, 1900s-1970s. In: Sauerteig, LDH; Davidson, R, ed. Shaping Sexual Knowledge: A Cultural History of Sex Education in Twentieth-Century Europe. New York, London: Routledge, 2009, pp.129-160.
- Sauerteig L. Junge oder Mädchen - Frau oder Mann? Die Herstellung visueller Selbstverständlichkeiten in der Sexualaufklärung im 20. Jahrhundert. WerkstattGeschichte 2008, 16 (2007)(47), 40-60.
- Sauerteig L. Die Herstellung des sexuellen und erotischen Körpers in der westdeutschen Jugendzeitschrift BRAVO in den 1960er und 1970er Jahren. Medizinhistorisches Journal 2007, 42, 142-179.
- Sauerteig L. Krankheit, Sexualität, Gesellschaft. Geschlechtskrankheiten und Gesundheitspolitik in Deutschland im 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhundert. Stuttgart: Franz Steinger, 1999.