Anthropogenic and Climate Impacts
Our research addresses human impacts on marine systems, ranging from ocean-atmosphere interactions and modelling the characteristics of climate change and pollution dispersion, to understanding the impacts these changes have on marine ecosystems.
Addressing climate challenges
Marine ecosystems are fundamental to life on the planet, yet human activities threaten the key functions and ecosystem services that they provide. The impacts of human-driven change on marine organisms, their ecological interactions and function have been documented through our research.
Our work covers fundamental aspects of the interactions between the atmosphere and the ocean that define the rate and scale of change due to emissions of greenhouse and other gases. We use both large- and small-scale modelling to aid predictions and understanding of how the climate will continue to change and the effects this will have on the marine environment. These changes will have complex impacts on organisms and their ecology.
Cutting-edge research
We research at the cutting edge of understanding these impacts across all levels of biological scale, from molecular and physiological responses to ecological interactions and ecosystem functions. Importantly, our aim is not just to catalogue the decline of our natural world, but to identify how marine systems may adapt. We are working to develop novel and effective management and conservation strategies to support this adaptation, alongside restoring ecological functions to degraded habitats.