Pursuing excellence in marine science through discovery-led investigations and focused applications.
At Newcastle, our mission is to advance understanding of marine environments and tackle pressing local, regional, and global issues which threaten marine ecosystems. We address both fundamental and applied research challenges ranging from the microbial scale to the dynamics of large-scale ocean-atmosphere systems.
Our world-leading researchers have a diverse range of expertise and work alongside policymakers, conservation organisations, and industry experts to deliver innovative solutions to real-world problems.
We develop solutions driven by theory and observation and address all seven of the outcomes pursued by the UN Decade of Ocean Science and Sustainable Development.
Marine@Newcastle has a reputation for internationally leading, interdisciplinary research. We also have a strong network of local and national partners here in the Northeast and across the UK. This informs our research-led teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

Research themes
Blyth Marine Station
Our Blyth Marine Station is based at the Port of Blyth. This facility supports the operation of our Research Vessel, The Princess Royal.
Ridley Laboratories
The Ridley Building is where our marine scientists have their research facilities. It houses laboratories, aquarium and an algal culture suite.