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Marine Distance Learning

We run a six-month programme each year that covers the biology and ecology of marine organisms.

Internet-based modules

You'll take five internet-based modules. These cover the coasts of the UK, open oceans, polar seas, tropical coral reefs, creatures of the deep and other topics.

You'll download and work through content, and complete online assessments.

The final module is a five-day field course with us, where you'll get hands-on experience while supervised by knowledgeable experts.

Who can join

The course is for anyone over the age of 18 with an interest in marine biology.

"A huge thanks to all who made Delve Deeper so great and inspired me to go on and do an Access course then full degree - I did it!"

You could be a diver, sea-angler, surfer, or simply just have a keen interest in marine life. If you share our respect and fascination for the marine environment, you'll fit right in!

Entry requirements

We want to make this course as accessible as possible, and to engage people in scientific learning without fear.

We therefore have no entry requirements, other than a familiarity with computers and the internet.

We will support you throughout your study as you embark on this challenge.


As the course is open to all, it is for interest only, and there will be no formal qualification at the end.

There will be some assessment, and a Certificate of Achievement will be awarded to those successfully completing the assignments.

Additional support

If you think you may have any access issues or need for additional support with either the modules or the field course, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

We'd love to hear from you, and we can discuss how we can support your learning.

If you have any queries, please email:

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