A flourishing small-scale fishing sector
This collaborative work is focussed on building capacity for fisheries co-management.
Supporting a small-scale fishing sector
Marine social science research at Newcastle University benefits enormously from long-standing relationships with north-east fishing and coastal communities, regional partners such as the Northumberland IFCA, civil society organisations such as Blue Marine, and national bodies including the Marine Management Organisation, DEFRA and Natural England.
Recently our collaborative work is focussed on building capacity for fisheries co-management, supporting the capacity for fishers to engage in local byelaws and national policy such as Fisheries Management Plans, conducting social impact assessments of Highly Protected Marine Areas, assessing mental health challenges in the fishing sector, climate-proofing and resilience building in Northumberland small-scale fisheries, and achieving blue justice through, for example, greater recognition of the FAO Voluntary guidelines into policy and practice, and through connecting with global networks such the Too Big to Ignore. Our research seeks to recognise and strengthen what works, whilst also identifying what more needs to be done to support a flourishing small-scale fishing sector where people and nature thrive.

Our research seeks to recognise and strengthen what works, whilst also identifying what more needs to be done to support a flourishing small-scale fishing sector where people and nature thrive.
For more information, please contact Sarah Coulthard.