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Spin-out Companies

Since 1985, three spin-out companies have been formed to commercialise intellectual property (IP) arising from school research.


Collaborative research in a project resulted in the spin-out company, Intellistab Marine Ltd.

This was for the further development and marketing of an intelligent motion control device for fishing vessels. Work is ongoing.

The company won a prestigious North East Science and Technology Blueprint Business Award in 2005.

NUBallast Pte Ltd

After seven years of research and development in the field of ballast water treatment, an innovative treatment system has been designed and commercialised by the University.

Following submission of a patent application (UK patent office No 0704979.4) in March 2007, NUBallast Pte Ltd has been established in Singapore.

The first target for implementation of such design are crude oil tankers.

Large state-owned oil tanker companies Wella (Aramco, KSA), NITC (NIOC, Iran) and many private tanker owners and operators have shown great interest for further development and installation of such systems.

Due to increasing potential and high regional demand for design and technological implementation, it is planned to establish another spin-off company, NUBallast Middle East Llc in Dubai.

SeaBait Ltd

Seabait Ltd breeds and grows premium quality marine worms for use in aquaculture feeds, sea angling and scientific research.

They are strongly committed to the environmentally sensitive and sustainable production of polychaete worms and to the support of associated industries.

More information about the company can be found on the Seabait website.

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