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Civil Rights in the USA Resources

Developed as part of A-Level History workshops conceived by Dr Ellie Armon Azoulay and delivered during Black History Month 2022, these resources are designed to encourage students to consider the important role played by photography in the Civil Rights Movement.

The workshops were inspired by photographs of Martin Luther King’s visit to Newcastle in 1967 to receive an honorary degree from Newcastle University. However, the activities involve many other photographs of the Civil Rights Movement.

The resources are made up of:

  • an image pack containing photographs related to the Civil Rights Movement
  • a series of activities based on the photographs contained in the image pack

It is entirely up to you whether you use all the activities with your students or just select certain ones.

You may wish to supplement the photographs in the image pack provided with those selected by your own


Content Warning: Please be aware that you and your students may find some of the images contained within the image pack upsetting.