Staff Profile
Dr Kirsten Brandt
Visting Lecturer (retired Senior Lecturer in Food and Human Nutrition)
- Email:
- Telephone: +44 (0) 7887 838079
- Personal Website:
- Address: Human Nutrition and Exercise Research Centre
Population Health Sciences Institute
Faculty of Medical Sciences
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne
My interests focus on links between food quality, plant chemistry, and health of humans and animals, and how knowledge of these links can be implemented to improve practical outcomes.
In particular I am interested in the multidisciplinary aspects, where information from one subject area can be used to improve the understanding of processes and mechanisms in another area.
Originally I was trained in plant biochemistry, but since 1996 most of my research and teaching relates to human health, food quality or food security. See the Research tab for details.
Google Scholar profile (List of all publications, citations etc.)
Roles and Responsibilities
Since my retirement in February 2025, my involvement with Newcastle University is primarily as informal advisor and collaborator with students and staff, based on the expertise and interests I developed duirng my almost 21 years of employment there.
I'm also maintaining and developing relationships with researchers at other Universities, including former students and colleagues, who are interested to pursue research in areas that I want to promote, particularly for completing or extending reseach in the areas mentioned above.
I'm member of the editorial board of the Q1 journal 'Agronomy'.
Previous Positions
In 2017, the food part of the Human Nutrition Research Centre was moved to Faculty of Medical Sciences, where I worked until 2025.
Between 2004 and 2017 the topic Food Quality and Health was located in the then School of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development, and many of my activities were focused on the interface of the above-mentioned topics with agricultural practice such as organic farming and plant physiology.
Until the end of 2003 I worked as senior scientist in the Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences, where I initiated several multi-disciplinary research programmes in the areas mentioned above.
Research Interests
General research area: Links between food quality, plant chemistry, and health of humans and animals, in particular:
Research methods to definitively establish cause and effect documentation for foods or food supplements in relation to human health (human and animal intervention trials).
Effects of plant secondary metabolites (natural pesticides) on humans, in order to improve the beneficial impact of vegetables and other herbs on human health.
The feedback mechanisms (conditioned taste aversion, nutrient sensing) that ensure innate preference for nutritious, non-toxic food, dependent on the present needs, in humans and other animals.
Within each area, priority is given to aspects where current understanding appears to be based on contradictory data or assumptions, since this is where new data has greater potential to affect the consensus to result in substantial impact of the research.
Recent Work
In recent years, much of my research has focused on two topics, which are still my primary research interests:
- Investigations of mechanisms and quantification of cancer-reducing effects of polyacetylenes from carrots and related vegetables
- Flavour-Nutrient Learning for feedback regulation of micronutrient intake, quantification of effect on food choice
My research involved food science, human intervention studies and animal trials to investigate hypotheses about health effects of controlled dietary aspects, such as how consumption of carrots affect developement of tumours in a mouse model.
Postgraduate Supervision
Ongoing PhD projects:
Mrs Wahebah Alanazi, 'Investigation of feedback regulation of micro-nutrient intake'. Supervisor Dr Liz Evans, Durham University. External advisor togetehr with Dr. Caroline Allen, Newcastle University. Funded by Saudi Arabian Government Scholarship.
Mr Charles Chijioke Ojobor, 'Investigating the impacts of carrot consumption on relevant cancer biomarkers', co-supervisor Dr Gerard O'Brien. Funded by TETFUND, Nigeria.
Completed PhD projects:
Dr Albatul Almushayti, 'Determination of glucosinolates and relevant metabolites in vegetable and human tissues'. Co-supervisors Dr Michael Carroll and Dr Michael Scotter. Funded by Saudi Arabian Government Scholarship.
Dr Ruyuf Alfurayhi, 'Understanding the anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory effects of polyacetylene compound from carrots and the mechanisms of action in the APCMin mouse colon cancer model'. Co-supervisor Dr Lei Huang. Funded by Saudi Arabian Government Scholarship.
Dr Duaa Altuwairki, 'An investigation into the acute effects of treatments created and developed from either date fruit or date seeds on mood and cognitive performance in healthy young volunteers'. Co-supervisor Dr Anthony Watson. Funded by Saudi Arabian Government Scholarship. Awarded 2022.
Dr Sarah Warner, 'The consumption of carrots and other polyacetylene-rich vegetables on the effect on biomarkers of cancer risk'. Co-supervisor Prof Chris Seal. Funded by AHDB, the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board. Awarded 2019.
Dr Othman Qadir, 'Growth of lettuce with different content of inorganic nitrate as a feeding strategy for placebo-controlled nutritional interventions to test the effect of inorganic nitrate on human health'. Co-supervisor Dr Mario Siervo. Funded by the Iraqi Government. Awarded 2017.
Dr Humphrey Garti, 'Effects of carrot consumption on intestinal cancer risk'. Co-supervisors Dr Georg Lietz and Dr Jill McKay. Funded by the Ghanaian 'GET-Fund'. Awarded 2016.
Dr Rosemary Dew, 'Improvement of Product Quality and Shelf Life of Fruit by Optimisation of Conditions during Transport and Storage'. Co-supervisor Prof Chris Seal. Funded by a donation from ASDA plc. Awarded 2016.
Dr Huda Saleh, 'Effect of carrot feeding to APCMin mouse on intestinal tumours'. Main supervisor Dr Michael Carroll. Libyan Government funded. Awarded 2015.
Dr Safiya Mohammed Othoman, 'Amendments using silicate minerals and rocks as potassium fertilisers for plant nutrition in sandy soil'. Co-supervisors Prof David Manning and Dr Neil Gray. Libyan Government funded. Awarded 2015.
Dr Najia Shwerif, 'Effects of temperature regimes under low light conditions on growth rate and phytochemical composition of lettuce and carrot plants'. Co-supervisors Dr Ed Okello and Dr Stephen Wilcockson. Libyan Government funded. Awarded 2014.
Dr Salah Al-Hebeil, 'Quantification of bread crust crispness including the effects of selected additives'. Co-supervisor Prof Chris Seal. Libyan Government funded. Awarded 2013.
Dr Graciela Donald (née Silva Rocha), 'Evaluation of the Antinociceptive Properties of Hyptis crenata Pohl (Brazilian Mint)'. Co-supervisor Prof Colin Ingram. Alban scholarship. Awarded 2013.
Dr Dimitra Chormova, 'Effect of sustainable fertigation on greenhouse tomatoes in relation to plant growth, yield and fruit quality'. Co-supervisors Dr Ed Okello and Dr Robert Shiel. Greek Government scholarship. Awarded 2010.
Dr Ahlam Rashed, 'Variation of bioactive constituents, sensory qualities and yield in carrots grown with different types of crop management'. Co-supervisors Dr Julia Cooper and Prof Carlo Leifert. Libyan Government funded. Awarded 2009.
Completed MPhil projects:
Mr Mohammed Salman: 'Investigating flavour-nutrient learning in humans using novel-flavoured, selenium-fortified biscuits: a systematic review and human trial'. Co-supervisor Prof Melissa Bateson. Awarded 2021.
Ms Katie Harrison: 'Development of enriched foods to enhance flavour-nutrient learning'. Co-supervisor Graham Bonwick. Awarded 2020.
Ms Ailsa Marsh: 'Exploring Flavour-Nutrient Learning by Investigating the Sensory Effect of Selenium-Enriched Parsnips'. Co-supervisor Paul Brereton. Awarded 2020
Miss Amy Bilton, 'Elucidating the biological mode of action of the Citrox plant protection product using optimised laboratory testing'. Co-supervisors Karl Christensen and Ed Okello. Awarded 2011.
Mr Taro Murao, 'Effect of Soil Characteristics and Nitrogen Levels on Relative Competitive Ability of the Wheat and Chenopodium album'. Co-supervisor Carlo Leifert. Awarded 2007.
Larsen, E, Kharazmi, A, Christensen SB, Christensen LP & Brandt, K (2006). Use of glycosides of mono- and diacylglycerol as anti-inflammatory agents. US patent 7,084,122 B2
- Nazarenko T, Vavourakis CD, Jones A, Evans I, Schreiberhuber L, Kastner C, Ishaq-Parveen I, Redl E, Watson AW, Brandt K, Carter C, Zaikin A, Herzog CMS, Widschwendter M. Technical and biological sources of unreliability of Infinium probes on Illumina methylation microarrays. Clinical Epigenetics 2024, 16(1), 131.
- Brandt K, Alfurayhi R, Ojobor CC, Ahmad T, Lietz G. New insights on the role of carrots in relieving the double burden of malnutrition and cancer. Acta Horticulturae 2024, (1393), 139-146.
- Koistinen VM, Haldar S, Tuomainen M, Lehtonen M, Klavus A, Draper J, Lloyd A, Beckmann M, Bal W, Ross AB, Brandt K, Fawcett L, Seal C, Hanhineva K. Metabolic changes in response to varying whole-grain wheat and rye intake. npj Science of Food 2024, 8, 8.
- Griffiths A, Grainger E, Matu J, Alhulaefi S, Whyte E, Hayes E, Brandt K, Mathers JC, Siervo M, Shannon OM. Knowledge and beliefs about dietary inorganic nitrate in a representative sample of adults from the United Kingdom. Public Health Nutrition 2024, 27(1), e236.
- Warner J, Stocker R, Brandt K, Crabtree DR, Ormond L, Stevenson E, Holliday A. Appetite, food intake, and gut hormone responses to glycomacropeptide protein ingestion in older adults: A feasibility, acceptability, and pilot study. Appetite 2024, 200, 107509.
- Chormova D, Kavvadias V, Okello E, Shiel R, Brandt K. Nitrogen Application Can Be Reduced without Affecting Carotenoid Content, Maturation, Shelf Life and Yield of Greenhouse Tomatoes. Plants 2023, 12(7), 1553.
- Griffiths A, Alhulaefi s, Hayes EJ, Matu J, Brandt K, Watson A, Siervo A, Shannon OM. Exploring the Advantages and Disadvantages of a Whole Foods Approach for Elevating Dietary Nitrate Intake: Have Researchers Concentrated Too Much on Beetroot Juice?. Applied Sciences 2023, 13(12), 7319.
- Rempelos L, Baranski M, Sufar EK, Gilroy J, Shotton P, Leifert H, Srednicka-Tober D, Hasanaliyeva G, Rosa EAS, Hajslova J, Schulzova V, Cakmak I, Ozturk L, Brandt K, Seal C, Wang J, Schmidt C, Leifert C. Effect of climatic conditions, and agronomic practices used in organic and conventional crop production on yield and nutritional composition parameters in potato, cabbage, lettuce and onion; Results from the long-term NFSC-trials. Agronomy 2023, 13(5), 1225.
- Qadir OK, Seal CJ, Ashor AW, Tassotti M, Mena P, Del Rio D, Siervo M, Brandt K. Double-blind controlled dietary cross-over intervention with differentially fertilised intact lettuce leaves shows acute reduction in blood pressure in young adults, associated with faster uptake of nitrate than of phenolics. European Journal of Nutrition 2022, 61(8), 4191-4203.
- Almushayti AY, Brandt K, Carroll MA, Scotter MJ. Current analytical methods for determination of glucosinolates in vegetables and human tissues. Journal of Chromatography A 2021, 1643, 462060.
- Bauer JM, Mikusova L, Verlaan S, Bautmans I, Brandt K, Donini LM, Maggio M, Mets T, Wijers SLJ, Garthoff JA, Luiking Y, Sieber C, Cederholm T, on behalf of the PROVIDE Consortium. Safety and tolerability of 6-month supplementation with a vitamin D, calcium and leucine-enriched whey protein medical nutrition drink in sarcopenic older adults. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research 2020, 32, 1501-1541.
- Liberman K, Njemini R, Luiking Y, Forti LN, Verlaan S, Bauer JM, Memelink R, Brandt K, Donini LM, Maggio M, Mets T, Wijers SLJ, Sieber C, Cederholm T, Bautmans I. Thirteen weeks of supplementation of vitamin D and leucine-enriched whey protein nutritional supplement attenuates chronic low-grade inflammation in sarcopenic older adults: the PROVIDE study. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research 2019, 31, 845–854.
- Shannon OM, Grisotto G, Babateen A, McGrattan A, Brandt K, Mathers JC, Siervo M. Knowledge and beliefs about dietary inorganic nitrate among UK-based nutrition professionals: development and application of the KINDS online questionnaire. BMJ Open 2019, 9(10), e030719.
- Watson AW, Houghton D, Avery PJ, Stewart C, Vaughan EE, Meyer PD, de Bos Kuil MJJ, Weijs PJM, Brandt K. Changes in stool frequency following chicory inulin consumption, and effects on stool consistency, quality of life and composition of gut microbiota. Food Hydrocolloids 2019, 96, 688-698.
- Hill TR, Verlaan S, Biesheuvel E, Eastell R, Bauer JM, Bautmans I, Brandt K, Donini LM, Maggio M, Mets T, Seal CJ, Wijers SLJ, Sieber C, Cederholm T, Aspray T. A vitamin D, calcium and leucine-enriched whey protein nutritional supplement improves measures of bone health in sarcopenic non-malnourished older adults – the PROVIDE study. Calcified Tissue International 2019, 105, 383-391.
- Verlaan S, Maier AB, Bauer JM, Bautmans I, Brandt K, Donini LM, Maggio M, McMurdo MET, Mets T, Seal CJ, Wijers SLJ, Sieber C, Boirie Y, Cederholm T. Sufficient levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D and protein intake required to increase muscle mass in sarcopenic older adults - The PROVIDE study. Clinical Nutrition 2018, 37(2), 551-557.
- Manning DAC, Baptista J, Sanchez Limon M, Brandt K. Testing the ability of plants to access potassium from framework silicate minerals. Science of the Total Environment 2017, 574, 476-481.
- Verlaan S, Aspray T, Bauer JM, Cederholm T, Hemsworth J, Hill TR, McPhee JS, Piasecki M, Seal CJ, Sieber CC, terBorg S, Wijers SL, Brandt K. Nutritional status, body composition, and quality of life in community-dwelling sarcopenic and non-sarcopenic older adults: A case-control study. Clinical Nutrition 2017, 36(1), 267-274.
- Qadir O, Siervo M, Seal CJ, Brandt K. Manipulation of contents of nitrate, phenolic acids, chlorophylls and carotenoids in lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) via contrasting responses to nitrogen fertilizer when grown in a controlled environment. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2017, 65(46), 10003-10010.
- Ashor AW, Chowdhury S, Oggioni C, Qadir O, Brandt K, Ishaq A, Mathers JC, Saretzki G, Siervo M. Inorganic Nitrate Supplementation in Young and Old Obese Adults Does Not Affect Acute Glucose and Insulin Responses but Lowers Oxidative Stress. Journal of Nutrition 2016, 146(11), 2224-2232.
- Lake AA, Smith SA, Bryant CE, Alinia S, Brandt K, Seal CJ, Tetens I. Exploring the dynamics of a free fruit at work intervention. BMC Public Health 2016, 16, 839.
- Øvsthus I, Breland TA, Hagen S, Brandt K, Wold A-B, Bengtsson GB, Seljåsen R. Effects of organic and waste-derived fertilizers on yield, nitrogen and glucosinolate contents, and sensory quality of broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. var. italica). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2015, 63(50), 10757–10767.
- Lara J, Ogbonmwan I, Oggioni C, Zheng DC, Qadir O, Ashor A, Brandt K, Mathers JC, Siervo M. Effects of handgrip exercise or inorganic nitrate supplementation on 24-h ambulatory blood pressure and peripheral arterial function in overweight and obese middle age and older adults: A pilot RCT. Maturitas 2015, 82(2), 228-235.
- Ashor AW, Jajja A, Sutyarjoko A, Brandt K, Qadir O, Lara J, Siervo M. Effects of beetroot juice supplementation on microvascular blood flow in older overweight and obese subjects: a pilot randomised controlled study. Journal of Human Hypertension 2015, 29(8), 511-513.
- Bauer JM, Verlaan S, Bautmans I, Brandt K, Donini LM, Maggio M, McMurdo MET, Mets T, Seal C, Wijers SL, Ceda GP, DeVito G, Donders G, Drey M, Greig C, Holmbäck U, Narici M, McPhee J, Poggiogalle E, Power D, Scafoglieri A, Schultz R, Sieber CC, Cederholm T. Effects of a Vitamin D and Leucine-Enriched Whey Protein Nutritional Supplement on Measures of Sarcopenia in Older Adults, the PROVIDE Study: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 2015, 16(9), 740-747.
- Siervo M, Lara J, Jajja A, Sutyarjoko A, Ashor AW, Brandt K, Qadir O, Mathers JC, Benjamin N, Winyard PG, Anning C, Shore A, Gilchrist M. Ageing modifies the effects of beetroot juice supplementation on 24-hour blood pressure variability: An individual participant meta-analysis. Nitric Oxide 2015, 47, 97-105.
- Brandt CJ, Brandt V, Pedersen M, Glintborg D, Toubro S, Nielsen JB, Eisenbach G, Brandt K, Søndergaard J. Long-Term Effect of Interactive Online Dietician Weight Loss Advice in General Practice (LIVA) Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. International Journal of Family Medicine 2014, 2014(2014), 245347.
- Wootton-Beard PC, Brandt K, Fell D, Warner S, Ryan L. Effects of a beetroot juice with high neobetanin content on the early-phase insulin response in healthy volunteers. Journal of Nutritional Science 2014, 3, e9.
- Mohammed SMO, Brandt K, Gray ND, White ML, Manning DAC. Comparison of silicate minerals as sources of potassium for plant nutrition in sandy soil. European Journal of Soil Science 2014, 65(5), 653-662.
- Jajja A, Sutyarjoko A, Lara J, Rennie K, Brandt K, Qadir OK, Siervo M. Beetroot supplementation lowers daily systolic blood pressure in older, overweight subjects. Nutrition Research 2014, 34(10), 868-875.
- Brandt K, Srednicka-Tober D, Baranski M, Sanderson R, Leifert C, Seal CJ. Methods for Comparing Data across Differently Designed Agronomic Studies: Examples of Different Meta-analysis Methods Used to Compare Relative Composition of Plant Foods Grown Using Organic or Conventional Production Methods and a Protocol for a Systematic Review. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2013, 61(30), 7173-7180.
- Beckmann M, Lloyd AJ, Haldar S, Seal CJ, Brandt K, Draper J. Hydroxylated phenylacetamides derived from bioactive benzoxazinoids are bioavailable in humans after habitual consumption of whole grain sourdough rye bread. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research 2013, 57(10), 1859-1873.
- Lloyd AJ, Beckmann M, Haldar S, Seal C, Brandt K, Draper J. Data-driven strategy for the discovery of potential urinary biomarkers of habitual dietary exposure. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2013, 97(2), 377-389.
- Zaini R, Brandt K, Clench MR, Le Maitre CL. Effects of Bioactive Compounds from Carrots (Daucus carota L.), Polyacetylenes, Beta-Carotene and Lutein on Human Lymphoid Leukaemia Cells. Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry 2012, 12(6), 640-652.
- Brandt V, Brandt CJ, Glintborg D, Arendal C, Toubro S, Brandt K. Sustained Weight Loss during 20 Months using a Personalized Interactive Internet Based Dietician Advice Program in a General Practice Setting. International Journal on Advances in Life Sciences 2011, 3(1 & 2), 23-28.
- Brandt K, Leifert C, Sanderson R, Seal CJ. Agroecosystem management and nutritional quality of plant foods: The case of organic fruits and vegetables. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 2011, 30(1-2), 177-197.
- Jorgensen H, Brandt K, Launidsen C. Year rather than farming system influences protein utilization and energy value of vegetables when measured in a rat model. Nutrition Research 2008, 28(12), 866-878.
- Lauridsen C, Yong C, Halekoh U, Bügel SH, Brandt K, Christensen LP, Jørgensen H. Rats show differences in some biomarkers of health when eating diets based on ingredients produced with three different cultivation strategies. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 2008, 88(4), 720-732.
- Kristensen M, Østergaard LF, Halekoh U, Jørgensen H, Lauridsen C, Brandt K, Bügel S. Effect of plant cultivation methods on content of major and trace elements in foodstuffs and retention in rats. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 2008, 88(12), 2161-2172.
- Kidmose U, Yang R-Y, Thilsted SH, Christensen LP, Brandt K. Content of carotenoids in commonly consumed Asian vegetables and stability and extractability during frying. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 2006, 19(6-7), 562-571.
- Thybo AK, Bechmann IE, Brandt K. Integration of sensory and objective measurements of tomato quality: Quantitative assessment of the effect of harvest date as compared with growth medium (soil versus rockwool), electrical conductivity, variety and maturity. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 2005, 85(13), 2289-2296.
- Kobaek-Larsen M, Christensen LP, Vach W, Ritskes-Hoitinga J, Brandt K. Inhibitory effects of feeding with carrots or (-)-falcarinol on development of azoxymethane-induced preneoplastic lesions in the rat colon. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2005, 53(5), 1823-1827.
- Brandt K, Christensen LP, Hansen-Moller J, Hansen SL, Haraldsdottir J, Jespersen L, Purup S, Kharazmi A, Barkholt V, Frokiaer H, Kobaek-Larsen M. Health promoting compounds in vegetables and fruits: A systematic approach for identifying plant components with impact on human health. Trends in Food Science and Technology 2004, 15(7-8), 384-393.
- Nørbæk R, Aaboer DB, Bleeg IS, Christensen BT, Kondo T, Brandt K. Flavone C-glycoside, phenolic acid, and nitrogen contents in leaves of barley subject to organic fertilization treatments. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2003, 51(3), 809-813.
- Nørbæk R, Brandt K, Nielsen JK, Ørgaard M, Jacobsen N. Flower pigment composition of Crocus species and cultivars used for a chemotaxonomic investigation. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 2002, 30(8), 763-791.
- Brandt K, Mølgaard JP. Organic agriculture: does it enhance or reduce the nutritional value of plant foods?. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture: Special Issue: Nutritional Enhancement of Plant Foods (NEODIET) 2001, 81(9), 924-931.
Book Chapters
- Brandt K. The impact of organic agriculture on diet and health. In: Köpke,U, ed. Improving organic crop cultivation. Cambridge, UK: Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing Limited, 2018, pp.25.
- Brandt K. Vegetables and Fruit in the Prevention of Chronic Age-Related Diseases. In: Malavolta, M; Mocchegiano, E, ed. Molecular Basis of Nutrition and Aging: A Volume in the Molecular Nutrition Series. London, UK: Elsevier Inc, 2016, pp.707-722.
- Ghorbani R, Koocheki A, Brandt K, Wilcockson S, Leifert C. Organic agriculture and food production: Ecological, environmental, food safety and nutritional quality issues. In: Lichtfouse, E, ed. Sociology, Organic farming, Climate Change and Soil Science. London, New York: Springer Dordtrecht Heidelberg, 2009, pp.77-107.
- Brandt K, Mølgaard J-P. Food quality and organic agriculture. In: Kristiansen, P., Taji, A., Reganold, J, ed. Organic Agriculture A Global Perspective. Wallingford, Connecticut, USA: CABI Publishing, 2006, pp.305-327.
- Christensen LP, Brandt K. Acetylenes and Psoralens. In: Crozier, A; Clifford, M; Ashihara, H, ed. Plant Secondary Metabolites: Occurence, Structure and Role in the Human Diet. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2006, pp.137-173.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Warner S, Seal C, Haldar S, Stewart G, Brandt K. A project to investigate the effects of carrot and other polyacetylene-rich vegetable consumption on biomarkers of chronic disease risk. In: International Symposium on Carrot and Other Apiaceae. 2017, Angers, France: International Society for Horticultural Science.
- Dew R, Seal CJ, Brandt K. Effects of temperature conditions during transport and storage on tomato fruit quality. In: XXIX International Horticultural Congress on Horticulture: Sustaining Lives, Livelihoods and Landscapes (IHC2014): International Symposia on Postharvest Knowledge for the Future and Consumer and Sensory Driven Improvements to Fruits and Nuts. 2016, Brisbane, Australia: International Society for Horticultural Science.
- Dew R, Brandt K, Seal CJ. Improvement of Tomato Product Quality by Changing Temperature Conditions during the First 11 Days after Harvest. In: VI International Conference on Managing Quality in Chains (MQUIC2013). 2015, Cranfield University, UK: International Society for Horticultural Science.
- Dew R, Brandt K, Seal CJ. Improvement of tomato product quality by changing temperature conditions during the first 11 days after harvest. In: 6th International Conference on Managing Quality in Chains. 2015, Cranfield, UK: International Society for Horticultural Science.
- Jajja A, Sutyarjoko A, Lara J, Clio O, Rennie K, Brandt K, Qadir O, Siervo M. Effects of beetroot juice on daily and 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in older overweight and obese subjects. In: Proceedings of the Nutrition Society: Summer Meeting 2014. 2015, Cambridge University Press.
- Saleh H, Garti H, Carroll M, Brandt K. Effect of carrot feeding to APCMin mouse on intestinal tumours. In: Nutrition Society Annual Summer Meeting. 2013, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge University Press.
- Beckmann M, Lloyd AJ, Haldar S, Fave G, Seal CJ, Brandt K, Mathers JC, Draper J. Dietary exposure biomarker-lead discovery based on metabolomics analysis of urine samples. In: Nutrition Society Irish Section Meeting. 2013, Belfast, Ireland: Cambridge University Press.
- Rocha GS, Roughan J, Leach M, Flecknell P, Ingram CD, Brandt K. Antinociceptive Activities of Hyptis crenata Pohl. In: II International Symposium on Medicinal and Nutraceutical Plants. 2013, New Delhi, India: International Society for Horticultural Science.
- Zaini R, Haywood S, Brandt K, Clench MR, Cross N, Le Maitre C. Synergistic Action of Falcarinol on Induction of Apoptosis on Human Lymphoid Leukaemia Cell Lines. In: 202nd Summer Scientific Meeting of the Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. 2012, Sheffield, UK: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
- Ahmad T, Binger S, Brandt K. Changes in contents of polyacetylenes and carotenoids in carrots kept at different temperatures after harvest. In: PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY. 2011, EDINBURGH BLDG, SHAFTESBURY RD, CB2 8RU CAMBRIDGE, ENGLAND: CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS.
- Rocha G, Roughan JV, Leach MC, Flecknell PA, Ingram CD, Brandt K. Traditional use, chemical analysis and antinociceptive effects of Hyptis crenato Pohl. In: Planta Medica: 57th International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research. 2009, Geneva, Switzerland: Georg Thieme Verlag.
- Brandt K. Plant health, soil fertility relationships and food quality. In: Organic Agriculture in Asia. 2008, Dankook University, Korea: International Society of Organic Agriculture Research.
- Brandt K, Lietz G, Christensen LP, Kobaek-Larsen M. A systematic approach for identifying plant components with impact on human health. In: Acta Horticulturae: 1st International Symposium on Human Health Effects of Fruits and Vegetables. 2007, Québec City, Canada: ISHS.
- Brandt K. Are Organic Foods Safer or Healthier?. Annals of Internal Medicine 2013, 158(4), 295-295.
- Brandt K. Commentary: Vitamin C and Metabolic Syndrome: A Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies. Frontiers in Nutrition 2021, 8, 810716.
Online Publication
- Brandt K, Kidmose U. Nutritional consequences of using organic agricultural methods in developing countries. Oxford, UK: Eolss Publishers, 2002. Available at:
- Larsen E, Kharazmi A, Christensen SB, Christensen LP, Brandt K. Use of glycosides of mono- and diacylglycerol as anti-inflammatory agents. USA, US 7,084,122 B2, 2006, 21.11.2002.
- Brandt K. Organic Agriculture and Food Utilization. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), 2007. Synthesis papers on Organic Agriculture and Food Security 4.
- Alhulaefi SS, Watson AW, Ramsay SE, Jakubovics NS, Matu J, Griffiths A, Kimble R, Siervo M, Brandt K, Shannon OM. Effects of dietary nitrate supplementation on oral health and associated markers of systemic health: a systematic review. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 2024, epub ahead of print.
- Alfurayhi R, Huang L, Brandt K. Pathways Affected by Falcarinol-Type Polyacetylenes and Implications for Their Anti-Inflammatory Function and Potential in Cancer Chemoprevention. Foods 2023, 12(6), 1192.
- Ojobor CC, O'Brien GM, Siervo M, Ogbonnaya C, Brandt K. Carrot intake is consistently negatively associated with cancer incidence: A systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective observational studies. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 2023, Epub ahead of print.
- Brandt K. Challenges in the control of food quality and safety. Outlooks on Pest Management 2008, 19(1), 34-38.
- Christensen LP, Brandt K. Bioactive polyacetylenes in food plants of the Apiaceae family: Occurrence, bioactivity and analysis. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 2006, 41(3), 683-693.