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ReCap Enabled Venues

NEW: A vision for education and skills at Newcastle University: Education for Life 2030+

ReCap enabled venues

ReCap is available in over 200 teaching rooms across Newcastle University and its branch campuses:

Newcastle Campus

Enabled venues

ReCap is installed in all centrally supported seminar rooms and lecture theatres and can also be used in a number of  on campus. It is also available in .

You can use ReCap in all centrally supported teaching clusters however please be aware that it is deployed as PCap and will only capture content delivered from the presenter PC. Note that you will need to start, stop and publish recordings manually.  For more information on how to use PCap please see our user guide.

If you would like to explore having ReCap installed in a school/faculty/service owned space then please see our request process for further information.

Support contacts

Ian Gullon & Ben Southern - Teaching and Learning Analysts 
+44 (0)191 2088162


Enabled venues

ReCap is currently available in the following venues within NUMED Malaysia:

  • Baylis Lecture Theatre
  • Jordan Lecture Theatre
  • Demo Lecture Theatre

Support contacts 

John Moss - FMS Technology Enhanced Learning Manager (Newcastle-based)
+44 (0)191 2084545

Mohd Aidil Mohamad - IT Executive (NUMed-based)


Because Newcastle University uses IT systems and infrastructure of Ngee Ann and Nanyang Polytechnics, we are currently unable to provide ReCap for any courses delivered within this facility. ReCap is however available within the Newcastle Research & Innovation Institute (NEWRIIS).

Enabled venues

ReCap is currently available in the following venues within NEWRIIS, Singapore:

  • Classroom 1
  • Classroom 2 

Support contact

Graham Patterson - IT Manager Singapore

How to ReCap-enable my space

ReCap can be provided in any School or Faculty owned teaching rooms and meeting rooms, provided they meet a set criteria. How it is provisioned will depend on the type of space. 

In teaching rooms which are timetabled using Syllabus Plus:

  • ReCap Recorder software will be used, whereby recordings can be scheduled (automatically for lectures) using the University timetable, and will start and stop without any user interaction
  • ReCap will only record digital content from devices connected to the audio-visual system, and the voice of the presenter, it will not record actual video (i.e. talking head) of the presenter

 In any other spaces:

  • ReCap Personal Capture (PCap) software will be used, which requires each user to use their personal My Folder and to manually start and stop recordings
  • Video (talking heads) from any installed webcams will be recorded as standard, alongside any digital content and presenter voice

ReCap software and associated hardware will be provided by NUIT at no cost to the requesting School, Faculty or Service. However they will be responsible for covering all costs associated with procurement of any AV/IT equipment required to upgrade the AV system, and any ongoing equipment maintenance costs and equipment replenishment at end-of-life. 

We will also need you to identify a technical point of contact (usually the person who supports the AV equipment) for us to work with during installation and ongoing support.