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Digital exams with Inspera Assessment

The Digital Assessment Service is the University's centrally supported service for secure present in person digital exams. 

The software for digital exams is called Inspera Assessment. Colleagues can access Inspera via their Canvas assignments.

Exam types that are possible with Inspera include:

For assessments that require specialist maths functionality, the Numbas open source maths e-assessment tool remains available for colleagues to use.

Training and guidance

If you choose to do an Inspera digital exam, the award-winning LTDS Digital Assessment Service will help you every step of the way, from designing your assessment and building it on Inspera to final delivery, marking and feedback.

Types of Inspera Digital Exams

There are a few different types of Inspera Digital Exams that we run at Newcastle: 

In Person Locked Down – the most common exam type that we host. The Central Exams office will arrange invigilators to be present who help host these exams. 'Locked down' mean that students can only access the exam content.

Take Home Open Book – these are less common. Open book exams can be open for a set period, such as 24 hours, or you can set these as timed exams, for example 60 minutes, for students and complete to access within a 24 hour period. Students can access any resources and material. 

BYOD – Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) exams were used in the 22/23 academic year but have not been used in the 23/24 academic year due to increased cluster capacity on campus. 

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) exams

Some Inspera exams are delivered on students’ own laptops, if this applies to your exam the Digital Assessment Service team will contact you to let you know and provide information about how to prepare your students.  

Taking a digital written exam on their own laptops is preferred by students, as it allows them to produce written work using a machine they are familiar with from producing coursework assignments.

Please note that all exams will be hosted in University PC clusters for the 2023/24 academic year.

How to prepare for an Inspera digital exam

Module leaders who have a digital exam in their MOF for the current academic year will be contacted at the start of the relevant semester with guidance on preparing for the exam.    

Please see our key deadlines for semester 1 and 2 assessment periods in 2023/24: 



Deadline for 23/24 

Deadline to complete the digital exam form for Semester 1 

27 October 2023 

Deadline to prepare question set in Inspera for Semester 1                                                           

17 November 2023

Digital exams: hard deadline to submit backup paper for digital exams to Exam Paper Portal for Semester 1 

Within 2 working days of backup paper being sent to module team by LTDS, and no later than 8 December 2023 

Deadline to complete the digital exam form for Semester 2 

21 February 2024

Deadline to prepare question set in Inspera for Semester 2                                                         

8 March 2024

Digital exams: hard deadline to submit backup paper for digital exams to Exam Paper Portal for Semester 2 

Within 2 working days of backup paper being sent to module team by LTDS, and no later than 12 April 2024


Preparing an alternative back-up for your digital exam

To access an Inspera digital exam, students need to log into a campus computer or compatible device using their University credentials. It is highly recommended that students are reminded of this before their exam. If they have forgotten their password, they can reset it via

Should a student not be able to log in to a device on the day of the exam, students will be allowed - where possible - to take a paper version of the exam. Paper back-up exams are created using the Inspera question set designed by module teams, and colleagues from the central Exams office organise printed versions to be made available in the exam venues.

However, please consider that a back-up paper may not always give students the same experience as an interactive digital exam (e.g. allow-listed use of websites, videos, audio, word count limits). If a module team wishes to include content that cannot be replicated in a back-up-paper, please discuss mitigations and alternative approaches further with the Digital Assessment Team (contact via

Preparing your students for their Inspera digital exam

Module teams should inform students as early as possible that they will be taking a digital exam using Inspera.  

To ensure that your students are fully prepared for their Inspera exam you should: 

  1.   Share and draw their attention to the student resources on the Academic Skills Kit webpage. Information on this page includes How to access demo exams to try out the Inspera software. This is recommended for all students, to familiarise themselves with Inspera before their exam.
  2.   Add the Inspera student information module from Canvas Commons into your Canvas course. To do this:

Optionally you can set up a subject-specific practice test for your module using Inspera. If you choose to set up a practice test you can decide whether to book a specific time and venue on campus, or whether to allow students to take the practice test in their own time.


Using Inspera for August assessment period exams

If your semester 1 or semester 2 assessment period digital exam used Inspera and there is a need for an August assessment period exam for students who are resitting or who deferred, you may be able to use Inspera. There are some constraints on using Inspera in August assessment period, detailed below.

In person August assessment period exams

  • For the 23/24 academic year, there is no minimum student number threshold for an in person August assessment period exam to be run using Inspera. Any Inspera exam from Semester 1 or 2 can run an Inspera resit in the August assessment period.
  • If the August assessment period exam is run using Inspera, any student who needs to sit the exam overseas will need to do so on paper, as it is not currently possible to support in person Inspera exam sittings at overseas venues.
  • All in person August assessment period digital exams will be delivered in PC Clusters, including those which are delivered on students’ own devices in the semester 1 and semester 2 assessment periods.

Take home August assessment period exams

  • There is no minimum student number threshold for a take home August assessment period exam to be run using Inspera.
  • If any student needs to sit the August assessment period take home exam overseas they will be able to do so using Inspera.

Please see below the deadlines for August 2024 assessment period exam preparation:


Deadline for 23/24 

Deadline to complete the digital exam form for the resit period 

  2 July 2024

Deadline to prepare question set in Inspera for the resit period                                                     

  9 July 2024

Digital exams: hard deadline to submit backup paper for digital exams to Exam Paper Portal for the resit period                                                     

Within 2 working days of backup paper being sent to module team by LTDS, and no later than 22 July 2024 

After an Inspera digital exam

Once the exam has taken place, the module team are responsible for:  

  • checking the results of automatically marked questions (for example multiple choice questions)  
  • marking manually marked questions (for example short written answer or essay questions)  
  • confirming the final marks If you wish to push the marks through into the Canvas Gradebook this step is required for every Inspera exam, even if your exam contains only automatically marked questions.  
  • releasing grades and feedback to students.   

To learn about these steps book onto an Inspera Digital Exam Marking webinar, or refer to the Inspera Guidance Canvas course.  

Using Inspera for take-home exams

Inspera can be used for take home exams.  Note that take home exams cannot be locked down. 

If it is necessary to change planned in person exams to take home exams this can be easily accommodated in Inspera.  Inspera was used successfully to deliver take home exams in semester 1 2021/22 assessment period after the decision was taken to move present in person exams to remote assessment.  

Students can take open book Inspera exams through a standard browser via a link in Canvas and are not required to download or install any special software.   

Turnitin similarity checking is available for written questions in Inspera if required. Marking will be done using the Inspera marking tools, it is not possible to use Turnitin Feedback Studio to mark an Inspera exam.  

Inspera Scan

A basic digital drawing tool can be made available for students to use when answering essay questions in Inspera. If your students need to create more sophisticated drawings as part of the answer to a question, or to handwrite content such as equations on paper, there is the option to use Inspera Scan.

Inspera Scan enables students to hand draw part of an answer to a question in their Inspera exam. After the exam the completed scan sheets will be returned to the School for scanning. The scans are uploaded to Inspera and can be marked online as part of a student's answer to the relevant question.

There are 2 different types of Insepra Scan sheet available, a Grid Scan Sheet and a Blank Scan Sheet. If Inspera Scan is required for your exam, when you complete the digital exam form you will be required to state how many of each type of scan sheet each student sitting the exam will require.

Note that Inspera Scan sheets are designed for content that students need to submit to be marked as part of their answers to questions in the exam. Scan sheets are not intended for rough work. As standard students are provided with a small amount of paper for rough work for all digital exams. If you require your students to be provided with more paper for rough work during your exam you can request this separately from the Exams Office when the backup paper is submitted via the Exam Paper Portal.