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Recording on Campus

NEW: A vision for education and skills at Newcastle University: Education for Life 2030+

Recording live content in a teaching room

ReCap is available in over 200 university teaching rooms. It captures the presenters voice and digital content from devices connected to the audio-visual system. All recordings in teaching rooms are scheduled to start and stop automatically; however there is some in-venue control available via the teaching PC.

Managing Bookings

The University operates an opt-out policy for the recording of lectures, meaning that anything identified in the timetable as a lecture (and taking place in a ReCap-enabled venue) is automatically recorded by ReCap unless colleagues choose to opt-out. The recording of other teaching events, such as seminars, can be requested. Colleagues can check and manage their scheduled teaching recordings using the ReCap Booking Management System

Please be aware that the Booking Management System controls bookings for an entire module, and therefore you might wish to discuss the arrangements for a module with other colleagues teaching on it.

Any changes to bookings must be made by 8pm the day before the recording is due to take place.

Note: The recording of non-timetabled and one-off events can be requested by completing the one-off booking request form a minimum of 5 working days before the event is due to take place.

What is Recorded?

When ReCap is used in a teaching room the following is captured:

  1. Digital content from devices connected to the AV system (e.g. teaching PC, visualiser, laptop).  
  2. The presenter's voice, via the boundary microphone, which is situated at the lectern.

Note:  Video cameras are not present in venue, therefore the presenter and use of traditional writing surfaces (e.g. whiteboards, glassboards or chalkboards) will not be captured.

Recording Times

ReCap recordings will start 5 minutes after the scheduled start time and will stop recording at the scheduled end time; this is to enable back-to-back ReCap recordings to take place.

For example, a lecture timetabled between 10.00 and 11.00 will automatically start recording at 10.05 and stop at 11.00.

Recordings can be started earlier, stopped manually or extended if required by using the 

In-venue Controls

ReCap includes functionality to start recordings early, pause and stop recordings using either keyboard shortcuts or the Windows system tray controls on the teaching PC. You can also extend a recording in increments of 5 minutes.

Keyboard shortcuts

You can manage your ReCap recording by using the following keyboard shortcut controls on the teaching PC:

    • F8 - allows you to start your booked recording early 
    • F9 - allows you to pause and resume your current recording
    • F10 - allows you to stop your current recording

Note that if you choose to stop a session then it cannot be re-started.

System tray controls

By right-clicking on the Panopto icon in the teaching PC Windows System Tray (see image below) you can also manage your recording as you would using the shortcut keys. You can also monitor the current status of your recording:

The Panopto (ReCap) icon displays red circle when recording.

Extending a recording

If you wish to extend a recording you can do this in increments of 5 minutes by clicking on the Panopto icon in the computer’s system tray (the bottom right of the screen) and selecting Extend.  Please be aware that this will NOT extend your room booking and therefore you should not extend your recording past the time you have the room booked until. 


In most ReCap enabled venues, a digital USB boundary microphone (known as the ReCap microphone) is installed. This will record the presenter’s voice, but does not amplify through the in-room speakers. It will automatically record any scheduled ReCap sessions and therefore doesn't need to be switched on or off.

Please note that the red light on the microphone only shows that the microphone has power and does not indicate that a recording is taking place. The recording status is shown via the  and the icon in the .

Please do not attempt to unplug or move the ReCap microphone as this will stop any ReCap recordings from happening, and could affect subsequent recordings.

Recording Status Light

Most ReCap enabled venues have a recording status light installed which will show the current status of your scheduled ReCap recording. The light will:

  • Illuminate red when a recording starts
  • Flash yellow if the recording is paused

You can also check the status of your recording in the  on the teaching PC.

Live Annotation Capture

For several years the ReCap team have carried out extensive research and evaluation with the aim of enabling written content, delivered during lectures, to be captured by the ReCap system. During our research we have tested a number of solutions, from cameras pointed at whiteboards to commercial, software based, digital capture systems. Whilst we are still working on finding a solution which meets the needs of all stakeholders, we are now able to provide staff with a number of options to capture their written material.

Training on any of the solutions provided below can be arranged by request by contacting the ReCap team.

Document Cameras/Visualiser

All centrally supported teaching spaces have a document camera (or visualiser) which is essentially a digital version of the traditional ‘overhead projector’. Using the document camera, you can project either pre-prepared/spontaneous written material (or objects) via the main display in the room, which is captured by ReCap.

It is also possible to zoom in to ensure that the text is legible for all students.

For information on specific equipment in Teaching Venues please see the Room Finder webpages.

Interactive Displays

A number of centrally supported seminar rooms have large, wall mounted interactive displays with technology to allow digital annotation. When delivering your teaching session you can use a stylus (or your finger) to annotate existing presentation material. You can also use a whiteboard tool to deliver written content which is captured by ReCap.

For information on specific equipment in Teaching Venues please see the Room Finder webpages.

Touch Screen Monitors

We are currently trialling a new solution in larger teaching spaces using interactive PC monitors and annotation software which is accessible from the desktop on the teaching PC. When delivering your teaching session you can use a stylus (or your finger) to annotate existing presentation material. You can also use a whiteboard tool to deliver written content which is captured by ReCap.

Touch screen monitors are provided in the following rooms:

  • Law Lecture Theatre
  • Herschel LT2
  • Dental LT D
  • Cassie 2.32

For information on specific equipment in Teaching Venues please see the Room Finder webpages.