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Designing Learning

NEW: A vision for education and skills at Newcastle University: Education for Life 2030+

The University has a three-stage process for programme approval that recognises the iterative nature of design. Documentation, policy and forms are available on the EGPS web pages

Designing Programmes

To achieve holistic programmes, programme teams need to engage stakeholders early to develop a shared vision. A high-level plan for programme development is needed which will support individual work streams, and provide regular opportunities to bring colleagues together to consider the programme as a whole from a variety of perspectives (e.g. assessment literacy, graduate skills, student workload).  

Support for Designing Programmes

We recommend that you consult your Faculty Learning and Teaching Team for guidance on arrangements for approval, for key dates, and on the support they can provide. 

A perspective from outside the programme team can be helpful to support programme design and colleagues from LTDS can be invited to facilitate workshops at key points in the process.

Support from the head of school and programme lead are essential to co-design the content of workshops offered as a part of the overall process.

Workshop content will be bespoke reflecting the requirements of the school/programme. Examples are given below:

Curriculum Discovery - to feed into strategic approval

  • Using personas, employer and graduate feedback to articulate a shared vision for the programme. Defining the key aims, approach to assessment and range of teaching methods.

Curriculum Design - to feed into business case/ programme approval

  • Blueprinting modules; mapping skills development across stages; reviewing the student assessment and feedback journey across the programme. 

Curriculum Development -  post approval

  • Module storyboarding/prototyping; Planning and prototyping modules, selecting tools and approaches.

Contact LTDS if you would like to discuss this support in more detail.

For detailed guidance on the approval processes see Programme Approval and Changes - EPGS.

Designing Modules

Constructive alignment is at the heart of good module design. A new module needs a clearly articulated set of learning outcomes, an associated assessment approach, and activities which support students to achieve these outcomes. The module's design also needs to support the programme it supports, building on previous learning and underpinning future stages. 

Key information on modules is held in a Module Outline Form and there are fixed points in the year when these are approved and published. For more information, see Modules | Education Policy and Governance Service | Newcastle University (

For inspiration on the huge variety of approaches to module delivery, blended and face to face, visit our Case Study Database.

Supporting Module Design

UCL’s ABC design tool is an effective way to storyboard student activity on your module. The approach is based on Laurillard’s learning types and supports you in choices of in-person and digital approaches. For a custom version based on digital tools at Newcastle University, see our online ABC to Canvas course and NU Learning type cards.

For advice on digital learning and e-assessment approaches, or to request in-school ABC and module design workshops, contact LTDS/FMS-TEL.