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Canvas New Analytics

NEW: A vision for education and skills at Newcastle University: Education for Life 2030+

Canvas New Analytics

New Analytics aggregates data about content on Canvas at course and account levels that could be used by colleagues to make informed decisions about their course design and students learning.

Frequently asked questions

Who can use New Analytics at Newcastle University?

Teachers, Teaching Assistants, Designers and External Examiners enrolled in a course in Canvas can access New Analytics. 

New Analytics is available once a course is published. 

Colleagues with a Sub-Account Admin or L&T Coordinator role within their Canvas sub-account (Academic Unit) can also view New Analytics on an individual course, or collectively for several courses, within their Academic Unit. 

Currently, students do not have access to this tool or information. 

What does Canvas New Analytics show me?

Canvas New Analytics shows students’ interactions (pages and content item views) and participation (submitting quiz, discussion, forum, creating any item of content) in visual and tabular format. 

How can I access New Analytics?

Canvas New Analytics can be accessed in any course in Canvas in several locations including:

  1. The Home Page on the menu on the right side of the screen.
  2. On the Navigation menu in the Course Settings.  If New Analytics is not visible in the Navigation menu, you can enable it by doing the following:
  • click the Settings on the course menu
  • click the Navigation tab
  • right-click and enable New Analytics or drag and drop New Analytics into the visible navigation list
  • click Save at the bottom of the page
What does page views mean?

The page and object views mean that a student has clicked on a page and seen an object, however, it does not necessarily mean that they have read or understood the content.

The collective number of all students, sections and groups views indicate the total number of views. For example, several students viewing a video on a page could be the basis of a discussion or further synchronous or asynchronous activities.

What does page participation mean?

The participation in a page or an object means that a student has made a contribution, for example, a student might participate by adding a thread or a comment to a discussion, complete a quiz or submit an assignment. However, these activities do not necessarily indicate the quality of the student contribution.

How often is the data refreshed?

It takes 24 hours for views and interactions to be synchronised with Canvas New analytics.

How can I share Canvas New Analytics with my students?
Can I see analytics for a specific student or a group of students?

Yes, the weekly views and course grades can be filtered to one or more students, group, section, specific page or content. Please note: Canvas New Analytics cannot provide students' personal information. Individual student names and email addresses are the only pieces of personal information visible. All other information relates to how students are engaging with the Course e.g. page views, assignment grades.

Does Canvas New Analytics provide a view of students’ assessment results?

Canvas New Analytics provides a view of grades for quizzes and Canvas assignments. It will also show grades for Turnitin assignments which are embedded in Canvas.

Other systems such as NESS are not integrated with Canvas New Analytics.

Can New Analytics provide data on the usage of library learning systems?

Canvas logs students' views of pages and content. If a library reading list is enabled as an LTI or links to the library resources are included in pages, these will show on New Analytics. 

How do I know what interventions are necessary?

Any interventions on the basis of Canvas New Analytics at Newcastle University is left to the discretion of academic units.

However, it is advised to initiate a one-to-one discussion with students where there are concerns about their engagement and performance. Any interventions should be positive towards, and for the purpose of, improving the student experience. 

See also: