Yemi Oyedeji-Arogundade
Yemi's subject area is Economics. Yemi's PhD project title is 'Gentrification and Schooling in the U.K'. Read more about Yemi's research.
Project title
Gentrification and Schooling in the U.K.
- Prof Nils Braakmann
- Dr Barbara Eberth

Project description
Activities of gentrifier’s cut across four key social areas mainly housing, employment, consumption, and education but out of the four, education is the least discussed in the literature. There is the existence of small literature that examined the relationship between gentrification and education in the UK, with few studies such as Butler et al, (2013) focusing on East London and the rural South East of England is studied by Smith and Higley, (2012) which shows that there's a positive relationship.
The traditional approach addresses the effect of good schooling/education leading to gentrification, more interesting a recent study by Keels et al (2013) says that gentrification does not affect schools. Using House Price data (price-paid data), Lower Layer Super Output Area (LSOA), Middle Layer Super Output Area (MSOA), School Performance Data form year 2011-2019; we determine if gentrification affects school quality or not using fixed-effect methods.