Water Infrastructure and Resilience (WIRe) CDT
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Water Infrastructure and Resilience
PhD opportunities
New PhD opportunities will be announced in early 2023.
60 PhD Students are to be funded over the next five years. Minimum entry requirements equivalent to a UK upper second class degree (2.1) and preferably an MSc in a relevant subject.
You will:
- tackle critical issues associated with our water infrastructure to make them more resilient to the effects of climate change, population growth, changing water quality and regulatory pressures
- develop solutions that consider the complexity of water infrastructure through whole systems thinking
- work on PhD projects that have been co-created with end-user partners
- undertake an industrial placement and an overseas placement
- receive hands-on training using large scale, experimental facilities
- receive a stipend of £19,000 per year (with fees paid) for eligible students (UK and EU)
Why this CDT?
You will:
- develop multi-disciplinary skills
- deliver cutting edge research with industry partners
- have access to outstanding, world-leading experimental facilities thanks to the UKCRIC
- develop effective communication strategies to disseminate your research
Find out what you can expect from the typical WIRe CDT student experience.
Visit the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Water Infrastructure and Resilience website for more information.
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CDT end-user partners
The programme centres around unique and world-leading water infrastructure facilities. It builds on an internationally renowned research consortium. Cranfield University, The University of Sheffield and Newcastle University are partners in this innovative programme.
The CDT will produce scientists and engineers to deliver novel and disruptive thinking. This will enable a resilient water infrastructure future. The training programme is inspirational, relevant and end user-led
Being a PhD student in the WIRe programme is a special and unique experience. It offers opportunities beyond most doctoral training. In return you will need to be fully committed to the CDT. You will attend an induction semester at Cranfield University. You will also attend a transferable skills programme and a Summer Challenge.