Robust and secure wireless communication for demanding applications and environments.
Our pioneering research enables communication through air, space and the sea.
We design powerful receiver structures and error correction codes for reliable communication in hostile channels.
Our leading-edge underwater communication technologies are used with divers, underwater vehicles and subsea sensors throughout the world.
We use our MIMO base station to carry out research in 5G and future 6G cellular systems.
We're developing innovative, scalable approaches to encryption and network security.
Wireless communications
MIMO is a method for sending and receiving more than one data signal at the same time over the same channel, using multipath propagation.
Our research focuses on the design of novel:
- spectrally efficient modulations
- physical-layer waveforms
- error-correction and detection schemes
These are used in massive (large scale), MIMO, multi-user and full-duplex network scenarios.
We have a strong track record in the area of MIMO transceiver design and error-correcting codes. We have received funding by industry and EPSRC for several research projects.
We work with academia and industry, including:
- Alcatel Lucent
- BP
- Silicon Infusion Ltd
- Cambridge University
- University of Southampton
- Lancaster University
- Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL), an executive agency of the Ministry of Defence (MoD)
Our facilities
The results of the new algorithms that we develop are supported and verified by practical implementations and measurements. Our excellent research facilities include:
- a massive MIMO base station that enables research in 5G cellular systems and beyond
- an anechoic RF chamber that allows for interference-free measurements
Underwater acoustic communications
Radio waves are severely attenuated by sea water. Thus, sound waves are more effective for underwater communication.
The underwater acoustic channel is affected by severe multipath distortion, Doppler effects and non-Gaussian noise. We are developing advanced modulation, coding and receiver structures to overcome these issues. This enables reliable data transfer through the oceans, over distances from a few hundred metres to tens of kilometres.
Our research includes:
- adaptive equalisation and beamforming for high data rate communication (> 10 kbits/s)
- ultra-reliable low data rate spread spectrum communications (< 1 kbits/s)
- low power, environmentally friendly communication
- underwater tracking and navigation by acoustic ranging and direction-finding
- underwater wireless sensor networks (the “Internet of Underwater Things”) enabled by low cost, low energy acoustic modem designs
Our technology is used in commercial products. We work with companies such as Blueprint Subsea and Succorfish. These products are used throughout the world for:
- the control and tracking of autonomous underwater vehicles
- diver tracking, messaging and monitoring
- subsea sensor data gathering
Our Sensors, Electromagnetics and Acoustics Lab develops world-leading research in wireless sensor systems and communications within extreme environments.
Our research is supported by EPSRC, NERC, Innovate UK and European Union funding. We collaborate with many other leading institutions, including:
- University of York
- Heriot-Watt University
- National Oceanography Centre
- University of Washington
- University of Zagreb
- University of Rome Sapienza
- INESC-TEC ( Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering, Technology and Science)
- DSTL (Defence Science and Technology Laboratory)
Encryption and secure communications
Computer networks and Internet use have grown alongside big advances in communications technology. These developments have made it possible to trade and exchange information from almost anywhere in the world.
Threats of interception are increasing in frequency and sophistication. Algorithms to prevent interception and enhance data security are now of primary importance
These algorithms must provide efficient encryption. They must offer security for fast-evolving communication and storage applications.
We provide novel approaches to encryption and protocols, combined encryption and error control. We are developing scalable, secure and robust wired and wireless communications networks. We use these networks in data storage and secure applications, such as e-voting, e-commerce and e-health.
As well as being robust and secure, the encryption must be fast and cheap to install on different platforms. We develop algorithms for use on Small Devices, Digital Signal Processors (DSPs), and Field-programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), as well as on general-purpose computers.