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Digital Environment for Collaborative Intelligent Decarbonisation

The Digital Environment for Collaborative Intelligent Decarbonisation (DECIDe) aims to help decarbonise high speed rail.

Project leader

Dr Roberto Palacin



Project staff

Dr David Golightly

Dr Carl Gamble

Dr Ken Pierce


Rail Safety and Standards Board (RSSB)


The aim of DECIDe is to assess the feasibility of a single, accessible, multi-stakeholder environment for whole systems modelling of decarbonisation /power solutions, relevant to high speed rail.

The DECIDe project takes a multi-model approach to provide integrated modelling. It uses diverse model types for subcomponents.

This draws on two capabilities: 

  1. The multi-model approach provides integrated models based on diverse model types for subcomponents.
  2. The model marketplace approach which provides an accessible, secure environment for stakeholders to share and integrate data.

This environment will support cost-effective, integrated modelling to identify decarbonisation benefits in a manner that encourages stakeholder engagement, including new entrants to the rail domain. 

The project is a collaboration between Newcastle University Schools of Engineering and Computing