Staff Profile
Dr Colin Davie
Senior Lecturer in Civil Engineering, Associate Dean for Education (Intl. Recruitment)
- Personal Website:
- Address: School of Engineering
Drummond Building (Rm 3.10)
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne
Dr Colin Davie joined Newcastle University in 2004 as part of the Geotechnical and Structural Engineering Group in the School of Engineering. His research interests are broadly in coupled, multi-field problems of flow and conductivity in porous (geo)materials and cover fluid flow, heat transfer, electrical conductivity, chemical and microbial activity as well as mechanical responses, applying both numerical and experimental techniques.
He has a track record working in varied areas including:
- concrete exposed to elevated temperatures with applications in nuclear power plant structures and fires in tunnels and structures
- engineered barrier systems for sustainable urban drainage and for geological disposal of radioactive waste
- deterioration and dessication cracking of engineered soils with applications in stability of road and rail embankments and flood levees
- passive, responsive, variable-permeability materials with applications in construction and building skins
Colin's area of teaching revolves around geotechnics, geology and rock engineering for civil engineers and engineering geologists, as well as a little bit of concrete materials.
- BEng Civil Engineering with Geology (1998)
- MSc Geotechnical Engineering (1999)
- Ph.D (Particulate Mechanics Framework for Modelling Multi-Physics Processes in Fracturing Geomaterials) (2002)
Roles and Responsibilities
- Associate Dean for Education (Intl. Recruitment), SAgE Faculty
Area of expertise
- Flow and conductivity in porous geomaterials
Industrial Experience
Various consultancy work for Magnox, AMEC Power and Process and EDF related to concrete exposed to elevated temperatures in nuclear applications. Secondments to Scottish Power (1998) and Halcrow Special Structures (2001).
Research Interests
Colin's research interests are broadly in coupled, multi-field problems of flow and conductivity in porous (geo)materials and cover fluid flow, heat transfer, electrical conductivity, chemical and microbial activity as well as mechanical responses, applying both numerical and experimental techniques.
He has a track record working in varied areas including:
- concrete exposed to elevated temperatures with applications in nuclear power plant structures and fires in tunnels and structures
- engineered barrier systems for sustainable urban drainage and for geological disposal of radioactive waste
- deterioration and dessication cracking of engineered soils with applications in stability of road and rail embankments and flood levees
- passive, responsive, variable-permeability materials with applications in construction and building skins
I am actively recruiting Postgraduate Research Students in all areas of my interest. Please contact me for further discussion.
Research Projects and Funding
- CACTUS - Climate Adaptation Control Technologies for Urban Spaces - EPSRC
- SAFE Barriers - a Systems Approach For Engineered Barriers - EPSRC/NDA (EP/I036427/1)
- EPSRC Small Equipment Grant - EPSRC
- University EPSRC Impact Award - EPSRC
- MSc Engineering Geology. Masters Training Grant (MTG) - NERC
- MSc Enviro. Biogeochemistry. Masters Training Grant (MTG) - NERC
- An Advanced Numerical Tool for the Prediction and Analysis of Spalling in Concrete Structures Exposed to Combined Thermal and Mechanical Loading - EPSRC
- Thermo-mechanical behaviour in concrete at high temperatures – EPSRC/Halcrow Group Ltd.
- Management, monitoring and treatment of mine workings - NetworkRail
- Travel Grant – RAEng
Postgraduate Supervision
- Peter Helm - Void migration in shallow mine workings (Completed 2011)
- Chris Robson - Thermo-mechanical behaviour in concrete at high temperatures (Completed 2012)
- Carla-Leanne Washbourne - Engineering soils to create carbon sinks (Completed 2014)
- Ross Stirling - Cracking in engineered soils and compacted fills (Completed 2014)
- Chris Davies - Investigation of the geotechnical and physico-chemical behaviour of the steel-clay interface in engineered barrier systems for geological disposal of radioactive wastes (Completed 2014)
- Rose Hen-Jones - Electrical resistivity tomography monitoring of slopes (Completed 2017)
- Oboho Eminue - Crack development mechanisms in clay embankments (Completed 2018)
- Alfred Opukumo - Sodium Silicate Stabilization of Collapsible Clayey Calcareous Soils (Completed 2018)
- Jiayi Wang - Microstructural processes in concrete exposed to elevated temperatures (Completed 2020)
- Katie Gilmour - Microbial interactions and their limits within Engineered Barriers for Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste (Completed 2022)
- Kumaran Coopamootoo - Nanoscale simulation model of geopolymer microstructures (Completed 2022)
- Abbas Abubaker - Numerical Investigations of Spalling in Concrete Subjected to Fire (Completed 2023)
- Nikolaos Reppas - Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical analysis of rock formations subject to low temperature CO2 sequestration (Completed 2023)
- Inga Sirbu - Imaging of water flow in soils using PET and XRCT with radio tracers (Completed 2024)
- Daha Aliyu - Influence of polypropylene on strength and transient thermal strain in cements subjected to elevated temperatures
- Emma McConnell - Investigating coupled interactions of desiccation cracking with moisture content and pore pressures within an embankment slope over different temporal and spatial scales
- Elena Mugarza - Drainage-based mitigation measures for climate change effects on slope stability
- Narryn Thaman - Vegetation influences on soil-water dynamics in the built environment
- Gianluca Amicarelli - Multiscale fracture systems and fluid flows in granites and their implications for radioactive waste management, geothermal energy, and recovery of rare earth minerals from geothermal fluids
- Natalia Pynirtzi - Passive, reposnsive, variable porosity building skins
- Traad Alzhrani - Assessment of the Impact of Pre-Hydrated Cement on the Long-Term Performance of Concrete
National and International Recognition
• Member of the Geotechnique Assessors Panel (Jan 2016- Mar 2019)
• Reviewer for high impact international journals across concrete research and geotechnical engineering disciplines, including Cement and Concrete Research, Construction & Building Materials, Materials and Structures, Fire Safety Journal, Geotechnique, Computers and Geotechnics,
• Reviewer for EPSRC responsive mode and first grant proposals
• Member of the Scientific Committee of 6th International Workshop on Concrete Spalling due to Fire Exposure, Sheffield, UK (2019)
• Member of the Scientific Committee for 8th International Conference on Material Problems in Civil Engineering, Cracow (2018)
• Member of the Scientific Committee of 5th International Workshop on Concrete Spalling due to Fire Exposure, Borås, Sweden (2017)
• Invited presentation – Computational fracture modelling workshop – Durham University (2016)
• Member of the Scientific Committee of 4th International Workshop on Concrete Spalling due to Fire Exposure, Leipzig, Germany (2015)
• Member of the RILEM Technical Committee 256-SPF ' Spalling of concrete due to fire: testing and modelling', (2013-Present)
• Member of the Scientific Committee of 3rd International Workshop on Concrete Spalling due to Fire Exposure, Paris, France (2013)
• Chair and co-organiser NAFEMS seminar on Concrete under Fire: Effects of Heat on Concrete, disseminating research to industry (2011)
• Member of the Scientific Committee of 2nd International Workshop on Concrete Spalling due to Fire Exposure, TU Delft, Netherlands (2011)
• Invited session chair & presenter - European Conference on Computational Mechanics, Paris (2010)
• Invited presentation – Intl. Workshop on Geoenvironmental Engineering, Wuhan, China (2009)
• Invited speaker - Structures in Fire Forum, Sheffield University, (2009)
• Member of the Scientific Committee of 1st International Workshop on Concrete Spalling due to Fire Exposure, Leipzig, Germany (2009)
• Invited member of the RILEM Technical Committee 227-HPB 'Physical Properties and behaviour of High-Performance Concrete at high temperature'. Sole UK representative. (2008-2014)
• Mike Crisfield Prize in Computational Mechanics (2004)
• Prize for Best Paper in Computational Mechanics (Student)(ACME 2002)
• Scottish Geotechnical Group Trophy (2001)
• Prize for Best Paper in Computational Mechanics (Student - Runner-up)(ACME 2001)
Undergraduate Teaching
Materials for engineers (cement and concrete)
- ENG1006 Engineering Materials
Final year project lead
- CEG3099 Individual Design Project (BEng)
Project supervision:
- CEG8099 Investigative Research Project (MEng)
Postgraduate Teaching
Rock engineering and geotechnics for geotechnical engineers and engineering geologists
Module leader for:
- CEG8213 Applied Rock Engineering
- CEG8207 Engineering Geology Field Skills (Alpes de Haute Provence - France)
Project supervision:
- CEG8296 Project and Dissertation in Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology (MSc)
- Reppas N, Gui Y, Wetenhall B, Davie CT, Ma J. A fully coupled thermo‑hydro‑mechanical elastoplastic damage model for fractured rock. Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources 2024, 10, 29.
- Wang J, Yio MHN, Zhou T, Wong HS, Davie CT, Masoero E. Water sorption isotherms and hysteresis of cement paste at moderately high temperature, up to 80 °C. Cement and Concrete Research 2023, 165, 107076.
- Reppas N, Davie CT, Gui Y, Wetenhall B, Graham SP. The Effects of Cooling on Fine-Grained Sandstone in Relation to Wellbore Injection of Carbon Dioxide. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 2023, 56, 7619-7637.
- Abubaker AM, Davie CT. Effects of restraint and test configuration on thermo-mechanical stress states in high temperature laboratory tests for spalling in concrete. Fire Safety Journal 2023, 141, 103990.
- Opukumo AW, Glendinning S, Davie CT. Collapse of Calcareous Silty Clay: Implication of Calcite Content and Wetting Fluid Type. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering 2023, 42, 165-184.
- Abubaker AM, Davie CT. A Generalised Model for Direct Prediction of Stresses in Concrete at High Temperatures. Magazine of Concrete Research 2023, 75(4), 176-186.
- Gilmour KA, Davie CT, Gray N. Survival and activity of an indigenous iron-reducing microbial community from MX80 bentonite in high temperature / low water environments with relevance to a proposed method of nuclear waste disposal. Science of the Total Environment 2022, 814, 152660.
- Gilmour K, Davie C, Gray N. Microbial community of MX80 bentonite and their interaction with iron. Access Microbiology 2022, 4(5).
- Opukumo AW, Davie CT, Glendinning S. A simple laboratory method to simulate calcite-bonded loose-structured soil samples for collapsibility study. Journal of Engineering and Applied Science 2022, 69(1), 55.
- Yu Z, Eminue O.O, Stirling R, Davie C, Glendinning S. Desiccation cracking at field scale on a vegetated infrastructure embankment. Géotechnique Letters 2021, 11(1), 1-21.
- Gilmour KA, Davie CT, Gray N. An indigenous iron-reducing microbial community from MX80 bentonite - A study in the framework of nuclear waste disposal. Applied Clay Science 2021, 205, 106039.
- Reppas N, Gui YL, Wetenhall B, Davie CT, Ma J. Elasto-Plastic Behavior of Rock during Temperature Drop. International Journal of Geotechnical and Geological Engineering 2020, 14(7), 177-184.
- Davie CT, Pearce CJ, Kukla K, Bićanić N. Modelling of transport processes in concrete exposed to elevated temperatures – An alternative formulation for sorption isotherms. Cement and Concrete Research 2018, 106, 144-154.
- Davies CW, Davie CT, Edward CA, White ML. Physicochemical and Geotechnical Alterations to MX-80 Bentonite at the Waste Canister Interface in an Engineered Barrier System. Geosciences 2017, 7(3), 69.
- Stirling RA, Glendinning S, Davie CT. Modelling the deterioration of the near surface caused by drying induced cracking. Applied Clay Sciences 2017, 146, 176-185.
- Stirling RA, Hughes P, Davie CT, Glendinning S. Tensile behaviour of unsaturated compacted clay soils — A direct assessment method. Applied Clay Science 2015, 112-113, 123-133.
- Davie CT, Pearce CJ, Bićanić N. Fully coupled, hygro-thermo-mechanical sensitivity analysis of a pre-stressed concrete pressure vessel. Engineering Structures 2014, 59, 536-551.
- Stirling RA, Simpson DJ, Davie CT. The application of digital image correlation to Brazilian testing of sandstone. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 2013, 60, 1-11.
- Helm PR, Davie CT, Glendinning S. Numerical modelling of shallow abandoned mine working subsidence affecting transport infrastructure. Engineering Geology 2013, 154, 6-19.
- Zhang HL, Davie CT. A numerical investigation of the influence of pore pressures and thermally induced stresses for spalling of concrete exposed to elevated temperatures. Fire Safety Journal 2013, 59, 102-110.
- Davie CT, Zhang HL, Gibson A. Investigation of a continuum damage model as an indicator for the prediction of spalling in fire exposed concrete. Computers & Structures 2012, 94-95, 54-69.
- Davie CT, Pearce CJ, Bicanic N. Aspects of Permeability in Modelling of Concrete Exposed to High Temperatures. Transport in Porous Media 2012, 95(3), 627-646.
- Davie CT, Pearce CJ, Bićanić N. A fully generalised, coupled, multi-phase, hygro-thermo-mechanical model for concrete. Materials and Structures 2010, 43(1 - Supplement), 13-33.
- Davie CT, Pearce CJ, Bićanić N. Coupled heat and moisture transport in concrete at elevated temperatures - Effects of capillary pressure and adsorbed water. Numerical Heat Transfer Part A: Applications 2006, 49(8), 733-763.
- Davie CT, Bicanic N. Failure criteria for quasi-brittle materials in lattice-type models. Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering 2003, 19(9), 703-713.
Book Chapter
- Stirling RA, Hughes PN, Davie CT, Glendinning S. Cyclic relationship between saturation and tensile strength in the near-surface zone of infrastructure embankments. In: Khalili K, Russell A, Koshghalb A, ed. Unsaturated Soils: Research and Applications. London: CRC Press, 2014, pp.1501-1505.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Debnath KB, Pynirtzi N, Scott J, Davie C, Bridgens B. Potential of relative humidity as a proxy of air temperature in developing passive and adaptive building façades with bio-based responsive materials. In: CEES 2023 | 2nd International Conference on Construction, Energy, Environment & Sustainability. 2023, Funchal (Madeira Island), Portugal: Itecons (Institute for Research and Technological Development for Construction, Energy, Environment and Sustainability).
- McConnell E, Holmes J, Stirling R, Davie CT, Glendinning S. Investigation of the hydraulic regime of a desiccated slope under both natural and simulated environmental conditions. In: 8th International Conference on Unsaturated Soils (UNSAT 2023). 2023, Milos, Greece: EDP Sciences.
- Pynirtzi N, Debnath KB, Lantzanakis G, Bloch K, Scott J, Davie C, Bridgens B. Evaluating the Humidity Responsiveness of Bacterial Cellulose for Application in Responsive, Breathable Building Skins. In: International Conference on Bio-Based Building Materials (ICBBM 2023). 2023, Vienna, Austria: Springer.
- Thaman N, Holmes J, Wilkinson P, Boyd J, Meldrum P, Chambers J, Stirling R, Davie C, Glendinning S. Developing a novel geophysical tool to investigate the influence of vegetation on slope stability. In: 8th International Conference on Unsaturated Soils (UNSAT 2023). 2023, Milos, Greece: EDP Sciences.
- Holmes JL, Stirling R, Davie CT, Thaman N, Glendinning S. Composite Barrier Systems for Climate Adaptation. In: 8th International Conference on Unsaturated Soils (UNSAT 2023). 2023, Milos Island, Greece: EDP Sciences.
- Debnath KB, Pynirtzi N, Scott J, Davie C, Bridgens B. Bio-jaali: Passive building skin with mycelium for climate change adaptation to extreme heat. In: Proceedings of Building Simulation 2023: 18th Conference of IBPSA. 2023, Shanghai, China: International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA).
- Reppas N, Davie C, Wetenhall B, Gui YL, Ma J. Numerical simulation of triaxial experimental results on Sandstone using critical state mechanics. In: 56th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium. 2022, Santa Fe, New Mexico: American Rock Mechanics Association.
- Toll DG, Kerr H, Hughes PN, Johnson KL, Osman AS, Tripathy S, Wang H, Rees SW, Bengough AG, Boldrin D, Knappett JA, Thangarajah J, Pandey P, Sivakumar V, McKinnon P, Tsiampousi A, Petalas A, Zdravkovic L, Potts DM, Stirling RS, Holmes J, Glendinning S, Davie CT, Leung AK. Investigating Water Holding Barriers for Climate Adaptation. In: 20th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. 2022, Sydney, Australia: Australian Geomechanics Society.
- McConnel E, Holmes J, Stirling R, Davie C, Glendinning S. Hydrological monitoring of an outdoor, large-scale desiccation crack experiment. In: 11th International Symposium on Field Monitoring in Geomechanics. 2022, Imperial College London, London, UK.
- Reppas N, Gui Y, Wetenhall B, Davie C, Ma J. Wellbore stability analysis during CO2 injection considering elastoplastic and continuous damage effects. In: 11th Conference of Asian Rock Mechanics Society ARMS11. 2021, Beijing: Institute of Physics Publishing Ltd.
- Holmes JL, Stirling R, Davie CT, Glendinning S. Experimental SuDS-Barrier Systems for Climate Adaptation and Protection of Buried Geo-Infrastructure. In: 15th International Conference on Urban Drainage. 2021, Melbourne, Australia.
- Wang J, Davie CT, Masoero E. The Effect of Micro-structural Mechanisms on the Macro-level Behaviour of Cementitious Materials at Elevated Temperatures. In: The 6th International Workshop on Concrete Spalling due to Fire Exposure. 2019, Sheffield, UK: University of Sheffield, Department Of Civil & Structural Engineering.
- Stirling RA, Glendinning S, Davie CT, Hen-Jones R, Hughes PN. The Behaviour and Influence of Desiccation Cracking on a Full-Scale, Vegetated Infrastructure Embankment. In: 7th International Conference on Unsaturated Soils (UNSAT2018). 2018, Hong Kong, China: UNSAT.
- Manzano H, Duque-Redondo E, Masoero E, Lopez-Arbeloa I. The Role of Water on C-S-H Gel Shear Strength Studied by Molecular Dynamics Simulations. In: CONCREEP 2015: Mechanics and Physics of Creep, Shrinkage, and Durability of Concrete and Concrete Structures - Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Mechanics and Physics of Creep, Shrinkage, and Durability of Concrete and Concrete Structure. 2015, Vienna, Austria: American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).
- Del Gado E, Ioannidou K, Masoero E, Pellenq RJ-M, Ulm F-J, Yip S. The Meso-Scale Texture of Cement Hydrate Gels: Out-of-Equilibrium Evolution and Thermodynamic Driving. In: CONCREEP 2015: Mechanics and Physics of Creep, Shrinkage, and Durability of Concrete and Concrete Structures - Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Mechanics and Physics of Creep, Shrinkage, and Durability of Concrete and Concrete Structure. 2015, Vienna, Austria: American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).
- Ene GE, Davie CT, Okogbue CO. Numerical Analysis of the Influence of Tunnel Dimensions on Stress and Deformation Around Tunnels in Rocks. In: XII International IAEG Congress. 2015, Tornio, Turin: Springer.
- Stirling RA, Davie CT, Glendinning S. Multiphase modelling of desiccation cracking in the near-surface of compacted soils. In: XVI European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. 2015, Edinburgh, UK: ICE Publishing.
- Stirling RA, Davie CT, Glendinning S. Multiphase modelling of desiccation cracking in the near-surface of compacted soils. In: XVI European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering for Infrastructure and Development. 2015, Edinburgh, UK: ICE Publishing.
- Masoero E, Pinson MB, Bonnaud PA, Manzano H, Ji Q, Yip S, Thomas JJ, Bazant MZ, Van Vliet K, Jennings HM. Modelling hysteresis in the water sorption and drying shrinkage of cement paste. In: CONCREEP 10: 10th International Conference on Mechanics and Physics of Creep, Shrinkage, and Durability of Concrete and Concrete Structures, 2015. 2015, Vienna, Austria: American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).
- Davie CT, Masoero E. Modelling Damage from the Nano-Scale Up. In: 10th International Conference on Mechanics and Physics of Creep, Shrinkage, and Durability of Concrete and Concrete Structures (CONCREEP 10). 2015, Vienna, Austria: ASCE.
- Ioannidou K, Masoero E, Levitz P, Pellenq RJM, Del Gado E. Hydration kinetics and gel morphology of C-S-H. In: 10th International Conference on Mechanics and Physics of Creep, Shrinkage, and Durability of Concrete and Concrete Structures (CONCREEP 10). 2015, Vienna, Austria: ASCE.
- Qomi MJA, Masoero E, Bauchy M, Ulm FJ, Del Gado E, Pellenq RJM. C-S-H across Length Scales: From Nano to Micron. In: 10th International Conference on Mechanics and Physics of Creep, Shrinkage, and Durability of Concrete and Concrete Structures (CONCREEP 10). 2015, Vienna, Austria: American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).
- Stirling RA, Hughes PN, Davie CT, Glendinning S. Cyclic relationship between saturation and tensile strength in the near-surface zone of infrastructure embankments. In: Sixth International Conference on Unsaturdated Soils, UNSAT 2014. 2014, Sydney, Australia: CRC Press.
- Stirling RA, Davie CT, Glendinning S. Numerical modelling of desiccation crack induced permeability. In: 18th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. 2013, Paris, France.
- Davie CT, Zhang HL. Numerical Investigation of Damage and Spalling in Concrete Exposed to Fire. In: Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures (EURO-C). 2010, Rohrmoos/Schladming, Austria: Taylor & Francis Group.
- Davie CT, Zhang HL, Gibson A. Investigation of a Continuum Damage Model as an Indicator for the Prediction of Spalling in Fire Exposed Concrete. In: Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of the Association for Computational Mechanics in Engineering. 2010, Southampton, UK.
- Robson CJ, Davie CT, Gosling PD. Investigation into the Form of the Load-Induced Thermal Strain Model. In: Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures (EURO-C). 2010, Rohrmoos/Schladming, Austria: Taylor & Francis Group.
- Robson CJ, Davie CT. Modelling the Load-Induced Thermal Strain of Concrete. In: Proceedings of the 17th Annual Conference of the Association for Computational Mechanics in Engineering - UK. 2009, University of Nottingham.
- Zhang H, Davie CT. Finite Element Analysis of Pore Pressures and Thermally Induced Stresses for Spalling of concrete Exposed to Elevated Temperatures. In: 1st International Workshop on Concrete Spalling due to Fire Exposure. 2009, Leipzig, Germany: MFPA.
- Zhang HL, Davie CT. FEM Analysis of Concrete Exposed to elevated Temperatures Using a Coupled Thermo-Hygro-Mechanical-Damage Model. In: Proceedings of the 17th Annual Conference of the Association for Computational Mechanics in Engineering - UK. 2009, Nottingham, UK.
- Zhang H, Davie CT, Pearce CJ, Bicanic N. A Numerical Model for Prediction of Spalling of Concrete Exposed to Elevated Temperatures. In: Applications of Structural Fire Eginnering: proceedings of international conference. 2009, Czech Technical University, Prague.
- Helm PR, Davie CT, Glendinning S. Numerical modelling of the stability of shallow mine workings. In: Advances in transportation geotechnics : proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics. 2008, Nottingham, UK: Taylor & Francis: London.
- Helm P, Davie CT, Glendinning S. Numerical Modelling o the Stability of Shallow Mine Workings. In: Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference of the Association for Computational Mechanics in Engineering. 2008, Newcastle University.
- Zhang H, Davie CT. Numerical Investigation of Concrete Exposed to Elevated Temperatures. In: Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference of the Association for Computational Mechanics in Engineering. 2008, Newcastle University.
- Robson CJ, Davie CT. Modelling the Strain Behaviour of Heated Concrete as a Two-Phase Isotropic Composite Using the Concept of Effective Stress. In: Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference of the Association for Computational Mechanics in Engineering. 2008, Newcastle University.
- Davie CT, Zhang HL, Pearce CJ, Bicanic N. Computational Modelling of Concrete Exposed to Fire: The Effects of Coupled Hygro-Thermo-Mechancial Behaviour on the Development of Spalling in Concrete Structures. In: Fifth International Conference on Structures in Fire (SiF08). 2008, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore: NTU.
- Kukla K, Pearce CJ, Davie CT, Bicanic N. Modelling of Transport Processes in Concrete at Elevated Temperatures. In: 15th Annual Conference of the Association for Computational Mechanics in Engineering - UK. 2007, University of Glasgow: Civil-Comp Press.
- Bicanic N, Pearce C, Davie C. Computational modelling of safety critical concrete structures at elevated temperatures. In: Extreme Man-Made and Natural Hazards in Dynamics of Structures. 2007, Opatija, Croatia: Springer.
- Pearce CJ, Kukla K, Davie CT, Bicanic N. Modeling of transport processes in concrete at elevated temperatures - an alternative formulation for sorption isotherms. In: Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures, EURO-C. 2006, Mayrhofen, Tirol, Austria: Balkema.
- Pearce CJ, Kukla K, Davie CT, Bicanic N. An alternative formulation for sorption isotherms used in the modelling of transport processes in concrete at elevated temperatures. In: 14th Annual Conference of the Association for Computational Mechanics in Engineering. 2006, Queen's University, Belfast.
- Bicanic N, Pearce CJ, Davie CT, Kourepinis D. Some Aspects of Computational Modelling of Safety Critical Concrete Structures. In: 5th GRACM International Congress on Computational Mechanics. 2005, Limassol.
- Pearce CJ, Davie CT, Bicanic N. Effects of Fluid Transport on the Integrity of Concrete Structures. In: Proceedings of VIII International Conference on Computational Plasticity (COMPLAS VIII). 2005, Barcelona, Spain: CIMNE.
- Davie CT, Pearce CJ, Bicanic N. Effect of Fluid Transport on the Structural Integrity of Concrete Nuclear Pressure Vessels. In: Proceedings of 13th Annual Conference of the Association for Computational Mechanics in Engineering - UK. 2005, University of Sheffield, Sheffield.
- Davie CT, Pearce CJ, Bicanic N. Influence of Capillary Pressure and Adsorbed Water Diffusion on Heat and Moisture Transport in Concrete at High Temperatures. In: Proceedings of 12th Annual Conference of the Association for Computational Mechanics in Engineering - UK. 2004, University of Cardiff, Cardiff.
- Davie CT, Pearce CJ, Bicanic N. Comparative Study of Multi-Physics Formulations for Heat and Moisture Transport in Concrete at High Temperatures. In: Multi-physics and Multi-scale Computer Models in Non-linear Analysis and Optimal Design of Engineering Structures under Extreme Conditions, NATO Advanced Research Workshop, PST.ARW980268. 2004, Bled, Slovenia: University of Ljubljana.
- Pearce CJ, Davie CT, Nielsen CV, Bicanic N. A Transient Thermal Creep Model for the Hygral-Thermal-Mechanical Analysis of Concrete. In: Proceedings of 11th Annual Conference of the Association for Computational Mechanics in Engineering - UK. 2003, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow: University of Strathclyde Publishing.
- Pearce CJ, Davie CT, Nielsen CV, Bicanic N. A Transient Thermal Creep Model for the Hygral-Thermal-Mechanical Analysis of Concrete. In: Proceedings of VII International Conference on Computational Plasticity (COMPLAS VII). 2003, Barcelona, Spain: CIMNE.
- Davie CT, Bicanic N. Failure Criteria for Quasi-Brittle Materials in Lattice Models. In: Proceedings of 10th Annual Conference of the Association for Computational Mechanics in Engineering - UK. 2002, University of Wales, Swansea: Faculty of Engineering.
- Davie CT, Bicanic N. Progressive Fracturing Using Lattice Models. In: Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Analysis of Discontinuous Deformation. 2001, Glasgow: University of Glasgow.
- Davie CT, Bicanic N. Progressive Fracturing Using Lattice Models. In: Proceedings of 9th Annual Conference of the Association for Computational Mechanics in Engineering - UK. 2001, University of Birmingham, Birmingham: School of Civil Engineering.
- Davie CT. Particulate Mechanics Framework for Modelling Multi-Physics Processes in Fracturing Geomaterials. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2002. Department of Civil Engineering.
Research Dataset/Database
- Yu Z, Stirling RA, Davie CT, Eminue O. BIONICS Cracking Data. 2020. Newcastle upon Tyne: Newcastle University, Newcastle Data Repository.
- Opukumo AW, Davie CT, Glendinning S, Oborie E. A review of the identification methods and types of collapsible soils. Journal of Engineering and Applied Science 2022, 69, 17.