Staff Profile
Dr Nigel Russell-Sewell
Education Development Manager
- Address: School Office
Room 3.30
Stephenson Building
I am focussed on providing students in higher education with the best possible learning experience whilst at university. In my current role this is achieved through curriculum reform, regulatory support and guidance, working closely with the executive Directors of Education and Student Recruitment in the School of Engineering.
My interests and expertise centre on: curriculum design; professional development for all who teach and/or support learning; distance learning; strategic development of learning and teaching; the scholarship of learning and teaching; encouraging engagement with the Professional Standards Framework for teaching and supporting learning in higher education; exploring what is meant by "teaching excellence"; equality, diversity and inclusion in higher education.
I have over 100 publications in literature relating to topics in medical education, pedagogic practice, sustainable energy engineering, coal science and engineering, and materials chemistry. My website on 'education for sustainable development' to help engineering academics and students engage with the AHEP 4 learning outcomes, UNESCO Sustainability Competencies, and the UN Sustainable Development Goals has been well-received globally.
Career Overview
2023-present: Education Manager for Student Recruitment and Educational Reform, School of Engineering, Newcastle University
2022-2023: Education Manager for Accreditation and Educational Reform, School of Engineering, Newcastle University
2019-2022: University Teacher (Education Specialist), Department of Biomedical Science, The University of Sheffield [Deputy Head of Department, 2021-22]
2012-2019: Professional Development Manager (Team Leader) for Learning and Teaching, The University of Sheffield
2011-2012: Research Fellow, Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering, The University of Sheffield
2008-2010: Cathedral Administrator & Chapter Clerk, Wakefield Cathedral
2001-2003: PGDipHE Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, The University of Sheffield
2000-2008: University Lecturer in Chemical Engineering, The University of Sheffield
1998-2000: Postdoctoral Research, Department of Materials, Imperial College London
1994-1998: PhD & DIC in Coal Science, University of London (Imperial College)
1993-1994: MSc Chemistry by Research, The University of Kent at Canterbury
1989-1993: BSc(Hons) Chemistry with Environmental Science with Studies in The Netherlands, The University of Kent at Canterbury & Rijksuniversiteit te Utrecht
Awards and recognition
2024: Lean Six Sigma White Belt (Council for Six Sigma Certification)
2024: Project Management Diploma (accredited IoL)
2023: AdvanceHE Professional Development Course for External Examiners (Registered)
2022: Member of the Institute of Leadership (MIoL)
2022: Member of the Association of Higher Education Professionals (MAHEP)
2021: Vice-Chancellor's Award for Teaching Excellence nominee, The University of Sheffield
2019: Fellow of the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (FRSA)
2016: Principal Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (PFHEA)
2013: Senior Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA)
2008: Customer Service Award, The University of Sheffield
2001-2006: Royal Academy of Engineering/ExxonMobil Engineering Teaching Fellowship
2003: Roscoe Prize for best paper presented in 2002, Institute of Energy
1999: Armstrong Medal for novel PhD research with an industrial application, Imperial College London
1999: The Daily Telegraph Young Science Writers Awards Certificate of Merit
Professional activities
2017-present: External Assessor for the Principal’s Teaching Award Scheme, The University of Edinburgh
2014-present: Academic Associate, Advance HE (formerly Higher Education Academy)
2003-2024: Associate Lecturer, The Open University
2016-2020: External Examiner, Postgraduate programmes relating to learning and teaching, The University of Liverpool
2015-2019: Mentor and Assessor for Advance HE-accredited ATLAS programme, Lancaster University
2002-2010: Energy Institute activities including: Council Member & Trustee, Chair of Yorkshire Branch, Member of Accreditation and Approvals Panel
2001-2006: Royal Academy of Engineering/ExxonMobil Engineering Teaching Fellowship
Professional Musicianship
2022-present: Bass Lead, Choir of the Parish Church of St George, Jesmond
2022-2024: Saturday Lay Clerk, Newcastle Cathedral
2017-2022: Music Director, Escafeld Chorale
2004-2019: Musical Director, Worrall Male Voice Choir
2003-2020: Lay Clerk, Sheffield Cathedral Choir
2000-2001: Diploma in Music, The Open University
CME8128 MEng Research Project (2022-2023)
Co-supervision with Professor Jarka Glassey of
- Assessment and feedback in Engineering Education
- How effectively is chemical engineering education preparing graduates to face future sustainable challenges?
SPG8094 MSc Research Project (2022-2023)
Co-supervision with Professor Jarka Glassey of
- Sustainability skills in engineering education: comparison of delivery and assessment between China and the rest of the world
- Ravi M, Russell-Sewell N, Hoadley A, Glassey J. Sustainability - the core of responsible engineering practice and education: reality or still just utopia? A comparative study between China and the Rest of the World.. Education for Chemical Engineers 2025. Submitted.
- Burr J, Russell-Sewell N. The Social Production of the Dead Human Body in the Practice of Teaching Anatomy Through Cadaveric Dissection. Sociological Research Online 2024, 29(2), 370-385.
- Franchi T, Russell-Sewell N. Medical Students and the Impostor Phenomenon: A Coexistence Precipitated and Perpetuated by the Educational Environment?. Medical Science Educator 2023, 33, 27-38.
- Tan CCL, Finney KN, Chen Q, Russell NV, Sharifi VN, Swithenbank J. Experimental investigation of indoor air pollutants in residential buildings. Indoor and Built Environment 2013, 22(3), 471-489.
- Li H, Russell N, Sharifi V, Swithenbank J. Techno-economic feasibility of absorption heat pumps using wastewater as the heating source for desalination. Desalination 2011, 281, 118-127.
- Razuan R, Chen Q, Finney KN, Russell NV, Sharifi VN, Swithenbank J. Combustion of oil palm stone in a pilot-scale fluidised bed reactor. Fuel Processing Technology 2011, 92, 2219-2225.
- Bashir I, Nunes JMB, Russell NV. Knowledge management and innovation in UK energy sector SMEs: is there a close link?. International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies 2008, 2(3), 349-370.
- Zandi M, Russell NV, Edyvean RGJ, Hand RJ, Ward P. Interpretation of standard leaching test BS EN 12457: is your sample hazardous or inert?. Journal of Environmental Monitoring 2007, 9, 1426-1429.
- Zandi M, Russell NV. Design of a leaching test framework for coal fly ash: accounting for environmental conditions. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 2007, 131, 509-526.
- Russell NV, Wigley F, Williamson J. The roles of lime and iron oxide on the formation of ash and deposits in PF combustion. Fuel 2002, 81, 673-681.
- Russell NV, Mendez LB, Wigley F, Williamson J. Ash deposition of a Spanish anthracite: effects of included and excluded mineral matter. Fuel 2002, 81, 657-663.
- Russell NV, Wigley F, Williamson J. Microstructural changes to metal bond coatings on gas turbine alloys with time at high temperature. Journal of Materials Science 2000, 35(9), 2131-2138.
- Russell NV, Gibbins JR, Man CK, Williamson J. Coal char thermal deactivation under pulverised fuel combustion conditions. Energy and Fuels 2000, 14(4), 883-888.
- Russell NV, Gibbins JR, Williamson J. Structural ordering in high temperature coal chars and the effect on reactivity. Fuel 1999, 78(7), 803-807.
- Russell NV, Gibbins JR, Williamson J. Structural ordering in high temperature coal chars and reactivity. American Chemical Society Division of Fuel Chemistry Preprints 1998, 43(4), 1000-1004.
- Russell NV, Beeley TJ, Man CK, Gibbins JR, Williamson J. Development of TG measurements of intrinsic char combustion reactivity for industrial and research purposes. Fuel Processing Technology 1998, 57(2), 113-130.
- Man CK, Russell NV, Gibbins JR, Williamson J. A kinetic study of secondary volatile nitrogen release from coal. American Chemical Society Division of Fuel Chemistry Preprints 1998, 43(4), 1138-1142.
- Russell NV, Chadwick AV, Wilson A. Nanocrystalline nickel doped zinc oxide gas sensors. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 1995, 97, 575-578.
- Chadwick AV, Harsch A, Russell NV, Tse KF, Whitham AR, Wilson A. Nanocrystalline copper doped zinc oxide gas sensors. Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids 1995, 137, 1277-1281.
- Burkhard DJM, Russell NV. Nucleation characteristics of lithium disilicate (Li2O.2SiO2) at pressures up to 0.5 GPa. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 1994, 171, 236-242.
- Chadwick AV, Russell NV, Whitham AR, Wilson A. Nanocrystalline metal oxide gas sensors. Sensors and Actuators B 1994, 18, 99-102.
- Burkhard DJM, Russell NV. Narrow Si-O-Si angles in glasses and melts of the geological model system Li2O-SiO2 - evidence from nucleation and growth of Li2O.2SiO2 at high pressures. European Journal of Mineralogy 1993, 5, 152.
Authored Book
- Jones C, Russell N. Dictionary of Energy and Fuels. Dunbeath: Whittles Publishing & CRC Press, 2007.
Book Chapters
- Ford KE, Russell NV. Postgraduate certificate in learning and teaching: making the informal count. In: Rutherford S, ed. Informal learning: perspectives, challenges and opportunities. New York: Nova Publishers, 2017, pp.205-232.
- Russell NV, Wigley F, Williamson J, Borrego AG, Menendez R. Predictions of boiler slagging with indigenous and world-traded coals at UK and Spanish power stations. In: Mehta AK, Benson SA, ed. Effects of coal quality on power plant performance: ash problems, management and solutions. New York: EPRI, United Engineering Foundation, 2001, pp.5107-5121.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Ravi R, Jayasuriya R, Russell-Sewell N. Understanding and overcoming the barriers to developing research skills in medical students. In: Association for Medical Education in Europe Annual Conference “Inclusive learning environments to transform the future”. 2023, Glasgow. Submitted.
- Kumar P, Iqbal A, Russell-Sewell N, Glassey J. Transition to net zero circular economy: is (bio)chemical engineering education preparing graduates to face future challenges effectively?. In: 14th European Congress of Chemical Engineering and 7th European Congress of Applied Biotechnology. 2023, Berlin. Submitted.
- Ravi R, Jayasuriya R, Russell-Sewell N. Current practice and future recommendations to develop a surgical workforce. In: Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh International Students and Foundation Doctors Surgical Conference 2023. 2023, Sheffield.
- Ravi R, Jayasuriya R, Russell-Sewell N. Current practice and future recommendations to develop a medical workforce with diverse research skills. In: Association for the Study of Medical Education Annual Scholarship Meeting: "Developing a diverse workforce". 2023, Birmingham.
- Franchi T, Russell-Sewell NV. The role of examination rankings in medical students' experiences of the impostor phenomenon. In: 25th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Medical Science Educators "Global perspectives on health sciences education". 2021, Virtual: Springer.
- Franchi T, Russell-Sewell N. Impostor phenomenon in medical students: an experience precipitated and perpetuated by the educational environment?. In: Association for Medical Education in Europe Annual Conference “Redefining health professions education together”. 2021, Online: Association for Medical Education in Europe.
- Linehan K, Russell-Sewell N, Goulder L. Teaching the teachers: enhancing employability using reflective practice. In: Learning and Teaching Conference 2020 – preparing students for the future: employability and education for sustainable development. 2020, The University of Sheffield.
- Russell-Sewell NV. Reshaping the HE programme: equipping learners for life. In: Teaching in the spotlight: creative thinking to enhance the student experience – from curriculum design to student success. 2020, Advance HE Learning and Teaching Conference.
- Russell NV. Professional development to transform the student learning experience. In: 5th International Language in Focus Conference. 2018, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Russell NV. Informal learning in a formal programme. In: 5th International Language in Focus Conference. 2018, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Ford K, Russell N. Humanising professional recognition for learning and teaching: making it personal. In: Higher Education Academy Accredited Programme Leaders Network. 2018, Strathclyde University, Glasgow.
- Russell NV. Reshaping the HE programme: equipping learners for life. In: Reconnecting through engaged learning and scholarship: impact, frameworks and practice. 2017, The University of Sheffield.
- Zandi M, Russell N, Malcolmson R, Agbonyin A, Kalliris V. Project ACE: action on community energy engineering. In: Annual Learning and Teaching Conference. 2017, The University of Sheffield.
- Russell NV. Professional development to enable a transformation in the student learning experience. In: What is teaching excellence?. 2016, Plymouth University.
- Russell N, Zandi M, Priestman G. What influences postgraduates to pursue an MSc programme in the UK?. In: Learning and Teaching Conference. 2013, Liverpool John Moores University.
- Zandi M, Russell N, Priestman G. Understanding the factors influencing postgraduate taught students to pursue an MSc course in the UK. In: Engineering Education for Sustainable Development EESD13. 2013, Cambridge University.
- Swithenbank J, Russell N, Chan C, Sharifi V. Characterisation of solid recovered fuel (SRF) following torrefaction or pyrolysis. In: Torrefaction Workshop. 2012, Leeds University.
- Zandi M, Russell NV. Leaching test framework in practice: a case study. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Coal Science and Technology. 2007, The University of Nottingham.
- Zandi M, Russell NV, Edyvean RGJ, Hand R, Ward P. Effects of particle size on leachability of pulverised fuel ash. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Coal Science and Technology. 2007, The University of Nottingham.
- Bashir I, Nunes JMB, Russell NV. Investigating the use of knowledge management to support innovation in UK energy SMEs: a questionnaire survey. In: Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Knowledge Management. 2006, Budapest.
- Reganuth G, Tesar V, Zimmerman WBJ, Hewakandamby BN, Russell NV. Experimental investigation and visualization of helical structures in a novel swirling jet. In: Proceedings of the 2nd ASME Joint US-European Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting. 2006, Miami.
- Bashir I, Nunes JMB, Russell NV. An inductive triangulation approach as a vehicle to investigate the use of knowledge management to support innovation in UK energy sector small to medium-sized enterprises. In: Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies. 2006, Dublin, Ireland.
- Bashir I, Nunes JMB, Russell NV. An inductive triangulation approach as a vehicle to investigate the use of knowledge management to support innovation in UK energy sector small to medium enterprises. In: Proceedings of the 11th UK Academy for Information Systems Conference. 2006, University of Gloucestershire.
- Reganuth G, Tesar V, Zimmerman WBJ, Russell NV. Novel merging swirl burner design controlled by helical mixing. In: Proceedings of the 7th World Congress of Chemical Engineering. 2005, Glasgow.
- Bashir I, Russell NV, Nunes JMB. How could knowledge management support innovation in small to medium-sized enterprises in the UK energy sector?. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management and Organisational Learning. 2005, American University of Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
- Bashir I, Russell NV, Nunes JMB. How could knowledge management support innovation in small to medium-sized enterprises in the energy sector?. In: Proceedings of the 7th World Congress of Chemical Engineering. 2005, Glasgow.
- Zandi M, Russell NV. Effects on re-firing pulverised fly ash on trace element leaching behaviour. In: Proceedings of the 7th World Congress of Chemical Engineering. 2005, Glasgow.
- Russell NV, Shabangu SV, Swithenbank J, Lewis FM. Design and testing of a novel ultra-superheated steam gasifier. In: Proceedings of the 7th World Congress of Chemical Engineering. 2005, Glasgow.
- Russell NV. The quantification of trace elements in coal. In: Coal Research Forum AGM & Developments in Coal Characterisation. 2004, Cottam Power Station.
- Zandi M, Russell NV. Mobility of trace elements from re-fired fly ash. In: 5th European Conference on Coal Research and its Applications. 2004, Edinburgh.
- Shabangu SV, Russell NV, Swithenbank J, Lewis FM. The development of an innovative coal gasifier utilising ultra-superheated steam. In: 20th Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference. 2003, Pittsburgh PA, USA.
- Shabangu S, Munko B, Lewis FM, Russell NV, Swithenbank J. The development of an efficient ultra-superheated steam gasifier for embedded power generation. In: 4th International Symposium on Waste Treatment Technologies. 2003, Sheffield.
- Russell NV. Nature and management of gaseous emissions. In: BPIC Iran Workshop. 2003, The University of Sheffield.
- Lewis FM, Swithenbank J, Hoecke DA, Russell NV, Shabangu S. High temperature, steam-only gasification and steam reforming with ultra-superheated steam. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on High Temperature Air Combustion and Gasification. 2003, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan.
- Zandi M, Russell NV. Fate of Ca, Mg and trace elements in re-fired fly ash. In: 4th International Symposium on Waste Treatment Technologies. 2003, Sheffield.
- Swithenbank J, Shabangu S, Chang BF, Johari A, Russell NV, Sharifi VN, Warner N, Lewis FM. Biomass/coal gasification for efficient embedded power generation. In: Pyrolysis and Gasification of Biomass and Waste. 2003, Strasbourg, France.
- Swithenbank J, Yang YB, Ryu C, Goodfellow J, Shabangu S, Russell NV, Lewis FM, Sharifi VN. Biomass combustion. In: Plenary lecture, European Combustion Meeting. 2003, Orleans, France.
- Shabangu SV, Russell NV, Swithenbank J. An innovative gasifier utilising steam raised to ultra-high temperatures. In: 4th UK Meeting on Coal Research and its Applications. 2003, London.
- Lewis FM, Swithenbank J, Hoecke DA, Russell NV, Shabangu SV. Gasification and steam reforming of coal, biomass, and polymeric materials with an ultra-superheated steam flame. In: Proceedings of the 21st Annual International Conference on Incineration and Thermal Treatment Technologies. 2002.
- Lewis FM, Swithenbank J, Hoecke DA, Russell NV, Shabangu SV. Gasification and steam reforming of coal, biomass, and polymeric materials with an ultra-superheated steam flame. In: Proceedings of the 3rd Incineration Technology Conference. 2002, New Orleans.
- Lewis FM, Swithenbank J, Hoecke D, Russell NV, Shabangu SV. Fuel-assisted gasification and steam reforming with an ultra-superheated steam flame. In: i-CIPEC. 2002, Cheju, Korea.
- Russell NV. Energy for the future. In: Integrated Graduate Development Scheme. 2002, The University of Sheffield.
- Russell NV. Coal research: from power station to a sustainable future (Institute of Energy Roscoe Prize). In: Institute of Energy Yorkshire Branch. 2002, Leeds University.
- Swithenbank J, Shabangu S, Chang BF, Johari A, Russell NV, Sharifi VN, Warner N, Lewis FM. Biomass/coal gasification for efficient embedded power generation. In: Pyrolysis and Gasification of Biomass and Waste. 2002, Strasbourg, France.
- Russell NV. Atmospheric pollution formation and mitigation: NOx and SOx. In: Integrated Graduate Development Scheme. 2002, The University of Sheffield.
- Shabangu SV, Russell NV, Swithenbank J. An innovative gasifier utilising steam raised to ultra-high temperatures. In: 3rd UK Meeting on Coal Research and its Applications. 2002, London.
- Russell NV, Cleave AR, Wigley F, Williamson J. The role of Ca-based additions in reducing precipitator fly ash load. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Coal Science. 2001, San Francisco CA.
- Russell NV, Cleave AR, Wigley F, Williamson J. The role of Ca-based additions in reducing precipitator fly ash load. In: Incineration 2001. 2001, Brussels.
- Russell NV. Mineral related problems in pf combustion. In: Coal Research Forum Joint Meeting of the Environment and Characterisation Divisions “Characterisation of coals to predict the environmental impact of combustion processes”. 2001, Drakelow Power Station.
- Swithenbank J, Nasserzadeh V, Goh YR, Yang YB, Goodfellow J, Reynolds G, Gan S, Chang BF, Russell NV, Lewis FM. Fundamental aspects of incineration technology. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Incineration Technology Conference. 2001, Philadelphia, USA.
- Swithenbank J, Nasserzadeh V, Goh YR, Yang YB, Goodfellow J, Ward D, Gan S, Reynolds G, Chang BF, Russell NV, Lewis FM. Developments in incinerator bed modelling. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Incineration and Flue Gas Treatment Technologies. 2001, Institution of Chemical Engineers, London.
- Russell NV. Coal research: from the power station to a sustainable future. In: Incineration 2001. 2001, Brussels.
- Williamson J, Wigley F, Russell NV. Behaviour of calcium and iron in the consolidation of boiler deposits. In: Proceedings of United Engineering Foundation Conference on Power Production in the 21st Century: Impact of fuel quality and operations. 2001, Utah, USA.
- Man CK, Gibbins JR, Russell NV, Williamson J. Thermal deactivation of chars under blast furnace raceway conditions. In: Prospects for Coal Science in the 21st Century. 1999, Shanxi Science and Technology Press, China.
- Mendez LB, Borrego AG, Alvarez D, Tarazona R, Menendez R, Russell NV, Wigley F, Williamson J. The influence of coal mineral matter distribution on slag formation. In: Prospects for Coal Science in the 21st Century. 1999, Shanxi Science and Technology Press, China.
- Zhang J, Man CK, Russell NV, Seitz M, Gibbins JR, Williamson J, Beeley TJ, Riley G. Rapid and effective coal and char characterisation for PF combustion using non-isothermal TGA measurements. In: Prospects for Coal Science in the 21st Century. 1999, Shanxi Science and Technology Press, China.
- Williamson J, Russell NV, Wigley F, Alvarez D, Borrego AG, Menendez R. Predicting boiler slagging of UK and Spanish power station coals. In: Prospects for Coal Science in the 21st Century. 1999, Shanxi Science and Technology Press, China.
- Russell NV, West SS, Wigley F, Williamson J. Microstructural changes to metal bond coatings on gas turbine alloys with time at high temperature. In: Royal Society of Chemistry Faraday Discussion No.114: The Surface Science of Metal Oxides. 1999, Ambleside.
- Russell NV, Beeley TJ, Man CK, Gibbins JR, Williamson J. Intrinsic char combustion reactivity - TGA measurements. In: Prospects for Coal Science in the 21st Century. 1999, Shanxi Science and Technology Press, China.
- Russell NV. Structural ordering in high temperature coal chars and the effect on reactivity. In: 2nd UK National Meeting on Coal Research and its Applications. 1998, University of Nottingham.
- Russell NV, Gibbins JR, Williamson J. Structural ordering in high temperature coal chars and reactivity. In: American Chemical Society, Division of Fuel Chemistry. 1998, Boston MA, USA.
- Russell NV, Gibbins JR, Williamson J. Fundamentals of coal char thermal deactivation under combustion conditions. In: Coal Research Forum and BCURA AGM. 1998, CRE Group Ltd, Cheltenham.
- Man CK, Russell NV, Gibbins JR, Williamson J. A kinetic study of secondary volatile nitrogen release from coal. In: American Chemical Society Division of Fuel Chemistry. 1998, Boston MA.
- Russell NV, Gibbins JR, Williamson J. Made to order: investigations into structural ordering of high temperature coal chars and the implications for industry. In: British Carbon Group, Current UK Research in Carbon Science and Technology. 1997, Loughborough University.
- Man CK, Russell NV, Gibbins JR, Williamson J, Tominaga H. Coal characterisation for NOx prediction. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Coal Science. 1997, Essen, Germany: DGMK.
- Russell NV, Beeley TJ, Gibbins JR, Man CK, Williamson J. Char deactivation at elevated temperatures. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Coal Science. 1997, Essen, Germany: DGMK.
- Man CK, Gibbins JR, Russell NV, Williamson J, Thompson AW. Bench-top tests for realistic combustion properties. In: Proceedings of the 5th EPRI conference “Effects of Coal Quality on Power Plants”. 1997, Kansas City, USA.
- Russell NV, Gibbins JR, Man CK, Williamson J. Measurements of coal nitrogen release and char deactivation at 1500°C and above: applications for plant performance prediction. In: 2nd CUSTNET International Conference on Coal Research and Development through Collaboration in Europe. 1996, VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic.
- Man CK, Russell NV, Gibbins JR, Williamson J, Tominaga H. Coal characterisation for NOx prediction. In: 1st UK National Meeting on Coal Research and its Applications. 1996, Loughborough University.
- Russell NV, Beeley TJ, Gibbins JR, Man CK, Williamson J. Char deactivation at elevated temperatures. In: 1st UK National Meeting on Coal Research and its Applications. 1996, Loughborough University.
- Gibbins JR, Beeley TJ, Man CK, Russell NV, Williamson J. Fuel particle reactivity under gasification conditions. In: Proceedings of “Gasification: an alternative to natural gas”. 1995, Institute of Energy, London.
Digital or Visual Media
- Russell NV. Approaching educational enquiry: toolkit web resource. Higher Education Academy, 2014.
Edited Book
- Russell NV, Byron H, Dixon A, Richardson J, ed. Technology, the environment and us: Proceedings of the 6th IRNES Conference. Graduate School of the Environment: Imperial College, London, 1997.
- Li H, Russell N, Sharifi V, Swithenbank J. Utilisation of exhaust heat to run automobile air conditioners: technical, economical and environmental assessments. EPRSC Thermal Management of Industrial Processes, 2011.
- Chan CW, Russell N, Sharifi V, Swithenbank J. Thermal energy storage technologies, literature review. EPSRC Thermal Management of Industrial Processes, 2011.
- Li H, Russell N, Sharifi V, Swithenbank J. Case study: techno-economic feasibility of an absorption heat pump using waste water as the heating source for desalination. EPSRC Thermal Management of Industrial Processes, 2011.
- Edyvean RGJ, Russell NV, Hand RJ. Reduction and cleaning of waste within lead smelting. Final Report, DTI Zero Emission Enterprise, 2008. ZEE/6/1/21142.
- Zimmerman WBJ, Russell NV, Swithenbank J. Novel merging swirl burner design controlled by helical mixing. Final Report, EPSRC, 2006. GR/S08695/01.
- Zandi M, Russell NV. Trace element leaching behaviour from pulverised coal fly ash. Final Report, DTI Cleaner Coal Technology R&D Programme, 2004. Project 325.
- Russell NV, Swithenbank J. An innovative coal gasifier utilising steam from waste incineration raised to ultra-high temperature. Final Report EPSRC, 2004. GR/R41040/01.
- Russell NV. Prediction of ash slagging and fouling to improve coal combustion performance in power plants. Instituto Nacional del Carbon, Oviedo, Spain, 2001. Final Report ECSC Contract 7220-ED/753.
- Russell NV, Gibbins JR, Williamson J. Fundamentals of coal char thermal deactivation under combustion conditions. Final Report, BCURA, 1998. Contract B31.
- Gibbins JR, Man CK, Russell NV, Williamson J. A wire-mesh based standard test to characterise coals for pf combustion. ETSU (DTI), 1997. COAL R135.
Scholarly Editions
- Russell NV. Thermal deactivation and reactivity of high temperature coal chars. 1998. University of London, PhD Thesis.
- Russell NV. Characterisation and gas sensing properties of nanocrystalline metal oxides. 1994. The University of Kent at Canterbury, MSc Thesis.
Working Paper
- Russell NV. Developing excellence at The University of Sheffield: a learning and teaching strategy consultation discussion paper. 2015.