Staff Profile
Professor Peter Gosling
Professor of Computational Structural Mechanics
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 6422
- Address: School of Engineering
STB.3.025, 3rd floor
Stephenson Building
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne
Having completed a Royal Society International Research Fellowship, Peter joined Newcastle University in 1994 as a Lecturer in Structural Engineering. His research and teaching were concentrated on computational mechanics.
With a background firmly set in the mathematical aspects of computational mechanics, the need to develop materials testing research was not immediately obvious. This changed with the desire to verify this work in the simulation of textile and rigid composite structures. The requirement for high fidelity material properties has now led to the development of testing technologies and clearer understanding of material behaviour.
More importantly, the applied sciences of computational mechanics and material characterisation are now seen to be intrinsically linked in the research we undertake within the Group, with each being equally important and essential.
B.Eng (Plymouth Polytechnic, 1987),
M.Sc.(Eng.) (Imperial College, 1989),
D.I.C. (Imperial College, 1989),
Ph.D. (University of Warwick, 1992),
C.Eng. (2004)
C.Eng., F.I.Struct.E. Fellow of the Institution of Structural Engineers.
Industrial Experience
Chartered Structural Engineer.
Seconded to Arup 2001 for 2 years (part-time).
Google scholar: Click here.
SCOPUS: Click here.
Research Interests
Professor Peter Gosling is Professor of Computational Structural Mechanics.
Professor Gosling has an international reputation for his work in the field of computational structural mechanics for the simulation of composite materials and structures established in a holistic stochastic-based framework encompassing experimentation through to simulation. The integration of materials design and testing into his computational mechanics research through the application of reliability analysis techniques has led to robust design optimal solutions and material analysis for composite materials.
Key current esteem indicators
- Associate-editor Int J. Applied Mathematical Modelling
- UK representative on ISO/TC 45/SC 4 /WG 13 (coated fabrics)
- UK representative on CEN248 WG4 (coated fabrics)
- UK representative on CEN250 WG5 (EC10 drafting committee)
- Member of BSI TC100 (for coated fabrics)
- Chair BSI mirror committee CEN250 WG5.
- EPSRC Peer Review
College Member
ENG1009 Sustainable Design, Creativity, & Professionalism
CEG8304 Structural Reliability
MEC3029 Advanced Mechanics and Structural Optimisation
- Zhou X-Y, Qian S-Y, Wang N-W, Wu W-Q, Jiang C, Cai CS, Gosling PD. A multiscale uncertainty propagation method for dynamic analysis of laminated FRP composite plates with hybrid random and interval uncertainties. Composite Structures 2023, 321, 117223.
- Masoero E, O'Shaughnessy C, Gosling PD, Chiaia BM. Topology optimization using the discrete element method. Part 2: Material nonlinearity. Meccanica 2022, 57, 1233-1250.
- O'Shaughnessy C, Masoero E, Gosling PD. Topology optimization using the discrete element method. Part 1: Methodology, validation, and geometric nonlinearity. Meccanica 2022, 57, 1213-1231.
- Aghamohammadi R, Nasrollahzadeh K, Mofidi A, Gosling P. Reliability-based assessment of bond strength models for near-surface mounted FRP bars and strips to concrete. Composite Structures 2021, 272, 114132.
- Dodwell TJ, Fleming LR, Buchanan C, Kyvelou P, Detommaso G, Gosling PD, Scheichl R, Kendall WS, Gardner L, Girolami MA, Oates CJ. A Data-Centric Approach to Generative Modelling for 3D-Printed Steel. Proceedings of the Royal Society A 2021, 477(2255), 20210444.
- Zhou X-Y, Ruan X, Gosling PD. Thermal buckling optimization of variable angle tow fibre composite plates with gap/overlap free design. Composite Structures 2019, 223, 110932.
- Zhou X-Y, Ruan X, Gosling PD. Robust design optimization of variable angle tow composite plates for maximum buckling load in the presence of uncertainties. Composite Structures 2019, 223, 110985.
- Zhou X, Gosling PD. Towards an understanding of variations in the buckling of tailored variable angle tow composite plates. Composite Structures 2018, 203, 797-809.
- Zhou X-Y, Gosling PD. Influence of stochastic variations in manufacturing defects on the mechanical performance of textile composites. Composite Structures 2018, 194, 226-239.
- Bridgens B, Powell M, Farmer G, Walsh CL, Reed E, Royapoor M, Gosling P, Hall J, Heidrich O. Creative upcycling: reconnecting people, materials and place through making. Journal of Cleaner Production 2018, 189, 145-154.
- Zhou X-Y, Gosling PD, Ullah Z, Kaczmarczyk L, Pearce CJ. Stochastic multi-scale finite element based reliability analysis for laminated composite structures. Applied Mathematical Modelling 2017, 45, 457-473.
- Zhou X-Y, Gosling PD, Pearce CJ, Kaczmarczyk L, Ullah Z. Perturbation-based stochastic multi-scale computational homogenization method for the determination of the effective properties of composite materials with random properties. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2016, 300, 84–105.
- Zhou X-Y, Gosling PD, Pearce CJ, Ullah Z, Kaczmarczyk L. Perturbation-based stochastic multi-scale computational homogenisation method for woven textile composites. International Journal of Solids and Structures 2016, 80, 368-380.
- Zhou XY, Gosling PD, Ullah Z, Kaczmarczyk Ł, Pearce CJ. Exploiting the benefits of multi-scale analysis in reliability analysis for composite structures. Composite Structures 2016, 155, 197-212.
- An X, Gosling PD, Zhou X. Analytical structural reliability analysis of a suspended cable. Structural Safety 2016, 58, 20-30.
- An X, Hou J, Gosling PD, Dai D, Xiao L, Zhou X. Improved Failure Mode Identification and Reliability Estimates for Electricity Transmission Towers. Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences 2015, 107(1), 1-25.
- Colman AG, Bridgens BN, Gosling PD, Jou GT, Hsu XY. Shear behaviour of architectural fabrics subjected to biaxial tensile loads. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 2014, 66, 163-174.
- Gosling PD, Faimun, Polit O. A high-fidelity first-order reliability analysis for shear deformable laminated composite plates. Composite Structures 2014, 115, 12-28.
- Edem IB, Gosling PD. Physically stabilised displacement-based ANS solid-shell element. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 2013, 74, 30-40.
- Gosling PD, Bridgens BN, Zhang L. Adoption of a reliability approach for membrane structure analysis. Structural Safety 2013, 40, 39-50.
- Edem IB, Gosling PD. One-point quadrature ANS solid-shell element based on a displacement variational formulation Part I – Geometrically linear assessment. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2012, 237-240, 177-191.
- Bridgens BN, Gosling PD, Jou G-T, Hsu X-Y. Inter-laboratory comparison of biaxial tests for architectural textiles. Journal of the Textile Institute 2012, 103(7), 706-718.
- Gosling PD, Bridgens BN, Albrecht A, Alpermann H, Angeleri A, Barnes M, Bartle N, Canobbio R, Dieringer F, Gellin S, Lewis W, Mageau N, Mahadevan R, Marion J-M, Marsden P, Milligan E, Phang YP, Sahlin K, Stimpfle B, Suire O, Uhlemann J. Analysis and design of membrane structures: results of a round robin exercise. Engineering Structures 2012, 48, 313-328.
- Gosling PD, Zhang L. A linear strain, curvature-driven triangular element for the analysis of membrane structures. CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 2012, 83(2), 97-141.
- Shaw AJ, Gosling PD. Removal of shallow shell restriction from Touratier kinematic model. Mechanics Research Communications 2011, 38(6), 463-467.
- Gosling PD, Zhang L. A High-Fidelity Cable-Analogy Continuum Triangular Element for the Large Strain, Large Deformation, Analysis of Membrane Structures. Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 2011, 71(3), 203-251.
- Bartle NJ, Gosling PD. Numerical Formulations for the Prediction of Deformation, Strain and Stress of Un-patterned ETFE Cushions. Computers, Materials & Continua 2010, 20(1), 19-62.
- Shaw AJ, Gosling PD. Comprehensive Laminate Level Sensitivities of the Touratier Kinematic Model for Reliability Analyses and Robust Optimisation of Composite Materials and Structures. Computers, Materials & Continua 2010, 18(3), 237-270.
- Lin S-Y, Mills JP, Gosling PD. Videogrammetric monitoring of as-built membrane roof structures. Photogrammetric Record 2008, 23(122), 128-147.
- Gosling PD, Bridgens BN. Material testing & computational mechanics: a new philosophy for architectural fabrics. International Journal of Space Structures 2008, 23(4), 215-232.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- O'Shaughnessy C, Masoero E, Nadimi S, Gosling PD. Topology Optimization with the Discrete Element Method. In: Annual Conference of the UK Association for Computational Mechanics (UKACM 2022). 2022, University of Nottingham: UK Association for Computational Mechanics.
- Zhou X-Y, Gosling PD, Ullah Z, Pearce CJ, Kaczmarczyk L. Multi-scale finite element based time-dependent reliability analysis for laminated fibre reinforced composite. In: 24th UK Conferences of the Association for Computational Mechanics in Engineering. 2016, Cardiff, UK.
- Zhou X-Y, Gosling PD, Ullah Z, Pearce CJ, Kaczmarczyk L. Multi-scale finite element based durability and reliability analysis of laminated fibre reinforced composites for civil engineering applications. In: IABSE Conference, Guangzhou 2016: Bridges and Structures Sustainability - Seeking Intelligent Solutions - Report. 2016, Guangzhou, China: International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE).
- Colasante G, Gosling PD. Including shear in a neural network constitutive model for architectural textiles. In: TENSINET – COST TU1303 International Symposium 2016: Novel structural skins - Improving sustainability and efficiency through new structural textile materials and designs. 2016, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Elsevier.
- Zhou X-Y, Gosling PD. Stochastic multi-scale finite element analysis for laminated composite plates. In: 12th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering. 2015, Vancouver, Canada.
- Zhou X-Y, Gosling PD, Ullah Z, Kaczmarczyk L, Pearce CJ. Reliability analysis of laminated fibre reinfroced composites using stochastic multi-scale finite element method. In: The 13th International Probabilistic Workshop. 2015, Liverpool, UK.
- Zhou X-Y, Gosling PD. Probabilistic structural analysis of composite structure using stochastic multi-scale finite element method. In: 7th Biennial Conference on Advanced Composites in Construction. 2015, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.
- Gosling P, Bartle N, Bridgens BN. Aleatoric & epistemic uncertainty in the analysis of tensile structures. In: 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XI) 5th European Conference on Computational Mechanics (ECCM V) 6th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ECFD VI). 2014, Barcelona, Spain.
- Iliffe CN, Bridgens BN, Gosling PD. A predictive model for the design of functional textiles structural membranes 2013. In: Textile Composites and Inflatable Structures VI - Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Textile Composites and Inflatable Structures, Structures Membranes 2013. 2013, Munich, Germany.
- Iliffe CN, Bridgens BN, Gosling PD. A Predictive Model for the Design of Functional Textiles. In: VI International Conference on Textile Composites and Inflatable Structures. 2013, Munich, Germany.
- Gosling PD, Bridgens BN. Specification of a round robin exercise for the design of membrane structures. In: Tensinet Symposium: Tensile Architecture: Connecting Past and Future. 2010, Sofia, Bulgaria: GSP.
- Bridgens BN, Gosling PD. Interpretation of results from the MSAJ "Testing Method for Elastic Constants of Membrane Materials". In: Tensinet Symposium: Tensile Architecture: Connecting Past and Future. 2010, Sofia, Bulgaria: GSP.
- Gosling PD, Zhang L. A non-safety factor approach to the design of membrane structures. In: Tensinet Symposium: Tensile Architecture: Connecting Past and Future. 2010, Sofia, Bulgaria: GSP.
- Shaw A, Gosling P. Stochastic micromechanical and macromechanical reliability analyses of composite plates. In: 50th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference. 2009, Palm Springs, California, USA: AIAA.
- Shaw AJ, Sriramula S, Gosling PD, Chryssanthopoulos MK. Stochastic Composite Material Property Characterisation for Reliability Modelling. In: 16th Annual Conference of the Association of Computational Mechanics in Engineering. 2008, Newcastle University: School of Civil Engineering & Geosciences, Newcastle University.
- Faimun F, Gosling P, Polit O. Optimization of laminated composite plates with reliability constraints. In: 12th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, MAO. 2008, Victoria, British Colombia, Canada: American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics.
- Shaw AJ, Gosling PD. A Stochastic Micromechanics Approach To Predict Composite Material Properties. In: 10th AIAA Non-Deterministic Approaches Conference. 2008, Schaumburg, Illinois, USA: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA).