Staff Profile
Dr Sadegh Nadimi
Degree Programme Director of Civil Engineering Masters
- Email:
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 7924
- Personal Website:
- Address: 3.69 Stephenson Building
School of Engineering, Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU
My current research focuses on investigating interfacial processes at particle-to-particle and particle-to-structure contacts using multi-scale modelling and image-based characterisation techniques. I am dedicated to advancing fundamental engineering research and teaching. I am a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA) and have been actively involved in teaching since 2015.
Roles and Responsibilities
Degree Programme Director of PGT Programmes in Civil Engineering, School of Engineering, Newcastle University, since June 2024
External Examiner for MSc Civil Engineering, MSc Civil Engineering (Dubai), MSc Geotechnical Engineering, University of Birmingham, since Sept 2023
Programme Lead for MSc Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, School of Engineering, Newcastle University, Jan 2022- Sept 2024
Academic Adviser to the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission, since Dec 2021
Chair of the Board of Examiners, MEng General Engineering Programme, School of Engineering, Newcastle University, Aug 2021 - Oct 2023
Visiting Researcher, School of Chemical and Process Engineering, University of Leeds, since Mar 2019
Member of the EPSRC Peer Review College since 2021
Committee Member of IOP Applied Mechanics Group from 2020 to 2024
Member of International Technical Committee of ISSMGE (TC105, TC211, TC306) since 2019
Member of Institute of Physics (IOP) since 2018
Member of British Geotechnical Association (BGA) since 2011
Google Scholar: Click here
Research Interests
Studying interfacial processes at particle-to-particle and particle-to-structure contacts
Particle characterisation
Image-based characterisation – application of imaging techniques, such as X-ray tomography, PIV, and DIC in particle characterisation, centrifuge modelling, etc.
Multi-scale computational modelling of granular materials
Funded Projects
2024-2025 (PI) Northern Accelerator, OCULAR Smart Sample Presentation Unit, value £50k
2023-2025 (PI) Royal Society Research Grant, Bio-OCULAR, value £70k
2023-2027 (Co-I) COST Action Open Network on DEM Simulations (ON-DEM), value €530k
2023 (PI) Innovate UK ICURe (Innovation to Commercialisation of University Research) Explore Programme, value £32k
2022-2023 (PI) Northern Accelerator, OCULAR2.0: autOmated aCqUisition and cLassificAtion of paRticles, value £48.2k
2021-2024 (PI) EPSRC New Investigator Award, RAILSANDING - EP/V053655/1, value £361k (80%FEC) + ~£40k in-kind contributions
2021-2022 (PI) EPSRC IAA, OCULAR: automated acquisition & classification of particles, value £43k
2017-2022 (Co-I) EPSRC, Friction: The Tribology Enigma - EP/R001766/1, value £5.7m (80%FEC)
2019-2021 (PI) Joint JSPS-Royal Society, International Exchanges 2018 Cost Share - IEC\R3\183026 with the collaboration of University of Tokyo - Entitled: The role of particle shape and surface friction on interlocking phenomenon for granular materials, value £36k
2018-2020 (Co-I) Newton Fund, Royal Academy of Engineering, with the collaboration of University of Cape Town in South Africa - Entitled: CAPE Partnership – Characterisation Advances in Particle Engineering, value £50k
Consultancy Projects
2023 LKAB Minerals Ltd – surface area characterisation of newly developed aggregates
2022-2024 Rail Standard Safety Board (RSSB) - Sand Consist Change 2.0
2020-2021 Rail Standard Safety Board (RSSB) - Sand Consist Change for Improved Track Circuit Performance
2021 University of Surrey - Application of X-ray Computed Tomography for better understanding the packing state of powders under ball indentation
2019 Hewlett-Packard (hp) - Particle characterisation and modelling of metal 3D printing
Postdoctoral Associates
Sadaf Marami (2022-25) - RA in Particle Modelling
Iain Brown (2022-23) - RA in Particle Imaging
Vasileios Angelidakis (2021-22) - RA in Particle Imaging
PhD Supervisions
Jack Thorne - Developing a novel imaging flow cytometer
Lorenzo Pedrolli - visiting student - CFD-DEM modelling of particle deposition in additive manufacturing
Chao Zhang - DEM modelling of high-pressure torsion for electromechanical investigation of wheel-rail interface
Geng Fei - CFD-DEM Modelling of the failure mechanism of offshore wind turbine foundation
Connor O'Shaughnessy - Numerical analysis and optimisation of engineering structures using Discrete Element Method
Peng Jia - visiting student - Micromechanical characteristics of coal before and after freezing
Bin Zhang - Granular simulation based on image analysis and particle morphology
Vasileios Angelidakis - Discrete element modelling of polyhedral particles: application to materials with highly angular grains
Cailin Wang (University of Leeds) - Determination of thickness and air-void distribution within the iron carbonate layer using X-ray computed tomography
External examiner of PhD Thesis at Leeds, Warwick, Durham
Esteem Indicators
Associate Editor of Géotechnique, from Jan 2023
Young Professional Editorial Board of Particuology, from January 1st, 2022 to December 31st, 2025.
Member of Editorial Board of Soils and Foundations, the official journal of the Japanese Geotechnical Society.
Sadegh regularly reviews for international journals, such as Géotechnique, Computers and Geotechnics, Granular Matter, Powder Technology, Computational Particle Mechanics, Tribology Letters
Organised 17th Annual UK Workshop on Geomechanics from Micro to Macro - GM3 (Dec 2020).
Member of Organising Committee of 16th European Symposium on Comminution & Classification (ESCC2019) at Leeds (UK) on 2nd-4th September 2019.
Member of Organising Committee of Powders and Granular Materials Challenges and Future Trends at Montpellier (France) 6th-7th June 2019.
Postgraduate Teaching
CEG8201 Geomechanics (Module Leader, contributing 50%)
CEG8214 Soil Modelling and Numerical Methods (contributing 20%)
CEG8220 Data-centric Ground Engineering (Module Leader, contributing 30%)
Undergraduate Teaching
CEG2201 Geotechnics (Module Leader, contributing 70%)
ENG1006 Properties & Behaviour of Engineering Materials
Project Supervision
CEG8296 MSc Project in Geotechnical Engineering (Module Leader, supervising ~3 projects annually)
CEG8099 Investigative Research Project (supervising ~1 project annually)
CEG3099 Individual Project (supervising ~2 projects annually)
Current and Previous Master Students
Shreya Ranjan (MSc): Monitoring partially saturated triaxial test using 3D imaging system
Omar Alhamedah (MSc): Influence of particle surface energy on the dynamics of hillslope creep
Nathan Fullerton (MSc): Numerical modelling of degradation of ballasted rail track
Dan Thorne-Large (MEng): Modelling the behaviour of recycled construction materials in stone columns
Amy Pritchett (MSc): Influence of grain shape on the dynamics of hillslope creep
Jack Welch (MSc): Modelling friction and abrasion in railway ballast
Daniel Sultana (MSc): Modelling fracturing process using Lattice Element Method
Nina Kemp (MSc): How do roots interact with structured soils?
Liam Leung (MEng): Influence of particle shape modelling on simulations of two geotechnical tests
Clinton Chou (MEng): How soil characteristics affect the efficiency of energy geostrucutres?
Jack Collishaw (MSc): Modelling fracturing process of sandstone
Ivan Cheung (MSc): Modelling friction and abrasion in railway ballast
Nathan Freeman (MSc): Numerical modelling of degradation of ballasted rail track
Zac Herrod (MSc): Influence of grain shape on the dynamics of hillslope creep and landsliding
Thomas Kunnathu (MSc): Surface characterisation of sand particles
Mark Bradley (MSc): An investigation of the effects of backing material on masonry arch bridges
Leung Ka (MSc): Numerical modelling of the seismic response of tunnels observed in centrifuge experiments
- Otsubo M, Li Y, Kuwano R, Nadimi S, Angelidakis V. Contact-scale insights into the shear stiffness of non-spherical granular materials. Géotechnique 2025, Ahead of Print, 1-51. In Press.
- Canbolat,AU,Nadimi,S,Angelidakis,V. A Python implementation of CLUMP, the Code Library to generate Universal Multi-sphere Particles. SoftwareX 2025, 29, 101957. In Preparation.
- Pham TA, Sutman M, Nadimi S, Medero GM. Softening-based interface model and nonlinear load-settlement response analysis of piles in saturated and unsaturated multi-layered soils. Computers and Geotechnics 2024. In Press.
- Zhang B, Nadimi S, Lewis R. Modelling the adhesion enhancement induced by sand particle breakage at the wheel-rail interface. Wear 2024, 538-539, 205232.
- Nadimi A, Mendes J, López A, Schröer L, Manoorkar A, Ellman A, Cnudde V, Bruno AW. Micro computed tomography images of capillary actions in rough and irregular granular materials. Scientific Data 2024, 11, 78.
- Duverger S, Angelidakis V, Nadimi S, Utili S, Bonelli S, Philippe P, Duriez J. Investigation techniques and physical aspects of the angle of repose of granular matter. Granular Matter 2024, 26(1).
- Pedrolli L, Nadimi S, Achiaga B, López A. Estimation of mesoscale surface energy in the kinetic adhesion test. Powder Technology 2024, 435, 119426.
- Geng F, Yang W, Nadimi S, Hu Z. Development and prediction of scour around offshore wind turbine monopile foundations in ebb and flow tides. Ocean Engineering 2024, 311(Part 2), 118905.
- Pham TA, Nadimi S, Sutman M. Critical Review of Physical-Mechanical Principles in Geostructure-Soil Interface Mechanics. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering 2024, 42, 6757-6808.
- Nan W, Pasha M, Zafar U, Nadimi S, Goh WP, Ghadiri M. Characterisation of gas-atomised metal powders used in binder jet 3D printing. Powder Technology 2024, 436, 119471.
- Maramizonouz S, Nadimi S, Lewis R. CFD-DEM modelling of particle entrainment in wheel–rail interface: a parametric study on train characteristics. Acta Mechanica 2024, 235, 6077–6087.
- Nadimi,S, Angelidakis,V, Maramizonouz,S, Zhang,C. Automated Dynamic Image Analysis for Particle Size and Shape Classification in Three Dimensions. arXiv 2024, 2412.05347.
- Zhang C, Maramizonouz S, Milledge D, Nadimi S. An Electro-Mechanical Contact Model for Particulate Systems. Powder Technology 2024, 440, 119759.
- Zhang C, Nadimi S, Maramizonouz S, Milledge D, Lewis R. A Discrete Element Model of High-Pressure Torsion Test to Assess the Effect of Particle Characteristics in the Interface. ASME Journal of Tribology 2024, 146(8), 081501.
- Geng F, Yang W, Nadimi S, Han B, Huang G. Study for predicting the earthquake-induced liquefaction around the monopile foundation of offshore wind turbines. Ocean Engineering 2023, 268, 113421.
- Saomoto H, Kikkawa N, Moriguchi S, Nakata Y, Otsubo M, Angelidakis V, Cheng YP, Chew K, Chiaro G, Duriez J, Duverger S, Irazabal Gonzalez J, Jiang M, Karasaki Y, Kono A, Li X, Lin Z, Liu A, Nadimi S, Nakase H, Nishiura D, Rashique U, Shimizu H, Tsuji K, Watanabe T, Xu X, Zeghal M. Round robin test on angle of repose: DEM simulation results collected from 16 groups around the world. Soils and Foundation 2023, 63(1), 101272.
- Skipper W, Nadimi S, Watson M, Chalisey A, Lewis R. Quantifying the effect of particle characteristics on wheel/rail adhesion & damage through high pressure torsion testing. Tribology International 2023, 179, 108190.
- Maramizonouz S, Nadimi S, Skipper W, Lewis S, Lewis R. Numerical Modelling of Particle Entrainment in the Wheel–Rail Interface. Computational Particle Mechanics 2023, 10, 2009-2019.
- Jia P, Jia J, Nadimi S. Nano-scale pore distribution characterisation of coal using small angle X-ray scattering. Particuology 2023, 81, 73-85.
- Zhang B, Nadimi S, Eissa A, Rouainia M. Modelling fracturing process using cohesive interface elements: theoretical verification and experimental validation. Construction and Building Materials 2023, 365, 130132.
- Pedrolli L, Nadimi S, Maramizonouz S, Achiaga Menor B, López A. Kinetic Adhesion Test to Determine Particle Surface Energy. HardwareX 2023, 14, e00437.
- Skipper W, Nadimi S, Gutsulyak DV, Butterfield JG, Ball T, Lewis R. Investigating the effect of different adhesion materials on electrical resistance using a high pressure torsion rig. Wear 2023, 532-533, 205116.
- Maramizonouz S, Nadimi S, Skipper W, Lewis R. Characterisation of Physical and Mechanical Properties of Seven Particulate Materials Proposed as Traction Enhancers. Scientific Data 2023, 10, 400.
- Maramizonouz S, Nadimi S, Skipper W, Lewis R. Characterisation and Tribological Testing of Recycled Crushed Glass as an Alternative Rail Sand. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit 2023, 237(10), 1353-1358.
- Ghadiri M, Liu L, Hassanpour A, Nadimi S. Special Issue of the 16th European Symposium on Comminution and Classification, ESCC 2019. Powder Technology 2022, 399, 116949.
- Jia P, Nadimi S, Jia J. Quantitative micro mechanical and pore structural characterisation of coal before and after freezing. Fuel 2022, 316, 123421.
- Angelidakis V, Nadimi S, Garum M, Hassanpour A. Nano-Scale Characterisation of Particulate Iron Pyrite Morphology in Shale. Particle & Particle Systems Characterization 2022, 39(12), 2200120.
- Kemp N, Angelidakis V, Luli S, Nadimi S. How Do Roots Interact with Layered Soils?. Journal of Imaging 2022, 8(1), 5.
- Nadimi S, Angelidakis V, Otsubo M, Ghanbarzadeh A. How can the effect of particle surface roughness on the contact area be predicted?. Computers and Geotechnics 2022, 150, 104890.
- Angelidakis V, Nadimi S, Utili S. Elongation, flatness and compactness indices to characterise particle form. Powder Technology 2022, 396(Part B), 689-695.
- Maramizonouz S, Nadimi S. Drag Force Acting on Ellipsoidal Particles with Different Shape Characteristics. Powder Technology 2022, 412, 117964.
- Wang D, de Boer G, Nadimi S, Neville A, Ghanbarzadeh A. A Fully Coupled Normal and Tangential Contact Model to Investigate the Effect of Surface Roughness on the Partial Slip of Dissimilar Elastic Materials. Tribology Letters 2022, 70, 98.
- Nadimi S, Ghadiri M. Stress and input energy analyses of shearing a particle bed under a centrifugal field. Powder Technology 2021, 394, 575-583.
- Angelidakis V, Nadimi S, Utili S. SHape Analyser for Particle Engineering (SHAPE): Seamless characterisation and simplification of particle morphology from imaging data. Computer Physics Communications 2021, 265, 107983.
- Li Y, Otsubo M, Kuwano R, Nadimi S. Quantitative evaluation of surface roughness for granular materials using Gaussian filter method. Powder Technology 2021, 388, 251-260.
- Lascurain T, Angelidakis V, Luli S, Nadimi S. Imaging the root–rhizosphere interface using micro computed tomography: quantifying void ratio and root volume ratio profiles. EPJ Web of Conferences 2021, 249, 11005.
- Wang C, Hua Y, Nadimi S, Taleb W, Barker R, Li Y, Chen X, Neville A. Determination of thickness and air-void distribution within the iron carbonate layers using X-ray computed tomography. Corrosion Science 2021, 179, 109153.
- Li Y, Otsubo M, Kuwano R, Nadimi S, Angelidakis V. DEM modelling of granular materials with real shape morphology. Seisan Kenkyu 2021, 73(5), 355-358.
- Angelidakis V, Nadimi S, Otsubo M, Utili S. CLUMP: A Code Library to generate Universal Multi-sphere Particles. SoftwareX 2021, 15, 100735.
- Lopez A, Bruno AW, Nadimi S. CFD modelling of the effect of capillary pressure on retention behaviour of water menisci at inter-particle contacts. EPJ Web of Conferences 2021, 249, 09008.
- Wang C, Hua Y, Nadimi S, Hu Q, Taleb W, Zhang J, Liu X, Zhang R, Chen X, Neville A, Lia Y. Anti-corrosion characteristics of FeCO3 and FexCayMgzCO3 scales on carbon steel in high-PT CO2 environments. Chemical Engineering Journal 2021, 133484.
- Ghadiri M, Matsusaka S, Pasha M, Nan W, Hare C, Vivacqua V, Zafar U, Nezamabadi S, Lopez A, Pasha M, Nadimi S. Rheometry of Cohesive Powder Flow. The Micromeritics 2020, 63, 3-12.
- Nadimi S, Ghanbarzadeh A, Neville A, Ghadiri M. Effect of particle roughness on the bulk deformation using coupled boundary element and discrete element methods. Computational Particle Mechanics 2020, 7, 603–613.
- Ghadiri M, Pasha M, Nan W, Hare C, Vivacqua V, Zafar U, Nezamabadi S, Lopez A, Pasha M, Nadimi S. Cohesive Powder Flow: Trends and Challenges in Characterisation and Analysis. KONA Powder and Particle Journal 2020, 37, 3-18.
- Nadimi s, Ghanbarzadeh A, Hassanpour A, Neville A. A discussion on the capability of X-ray computed tomography for contact mechanics investigations. Tribology International 2020, 151, 106433.
- Skipper WA, Nadimi S, Chalisey A, Lewis R. Particle characterisation of rail sands for understanding tribological behaviour. Wear 2019, 432–433, 202960.
- Nadimi S, Otsubo M, Fonseca J, O'Sullivan C. Numerical modelling of rough particle contacts subject to normal and tangential loading. Granular Matter 2019, 21, 108.
- Nadimi S, Fonseca J. Image based simulation of one-dimensional compression tests on carbonate sand. Meccanica : An International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 2019, 54(4-5), 697–706.
- Nan W, Pasha M, Bonakdar T, Lopez A, Zafar U, Nadimi S, Ghadiri M. Corrigendum to “Jamming during particle spreading in additive manufacturing” [Powder Technol. 338 (2018) 253–262]. Powder Technology 2019, 347, 255-255.
- Nadimi S, Fonseca J, Ando E, Viggiani G. A micro finite-element model for soil behaviour: experimental evaluation for sand under triaxial compression. Géotechnique 2019, 70(10), 931-936.
- Nan W, Pasha M, Bonakdar T, Lopez A, Zafar U, Nadimi S, Ghadiri M. Jamming during particle spreading in additive manufacturing. Powder Technology 2018, 338, 253-262.
- Nadimi S, Fonseca J. A micro finite-element model for soil behaviour. Géotechnique 2018, 68(4), 290-302.
- Nadimi S, Fonseca J. A micro finite element model for soil behaviour: numerical validation. Géotechnique 2018, 68(4), 364-369.
- Nadimi S, Fonseca J. Single grain virtualisation for contact behaviour analysis on sand. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 2017, 143(9), 06017010.
- Le BT, Nadimi S, Goodey RJ, Taylor RN. System to measure three-dimensional movements in physical models. Géotechnique Letters 2016, 6(4), 256–262.
- Fonseca J, Nadimi S, Reyes-Aldasoro CC, OSullivan C, Coop MR. Image-based investigation into the primary fabric of stress transmitting particles in sand. Soils and Foundations 2016, 56(5), 818-834.
- Nadimi S, Fonseca J. Enhancing soil sample preparation by thermal cycling. Géotechnique 2016, 66(11), 953-958.
Book Chapter
- Ghadiri M, Bonakdar T, Nadimi S. Breakage of Particles in Gas Phase. In: Ko Higashitani, Hisao Makino, Shuji Matsusaka, ed. Powder Technology Handbook. CRC Press, 2019, pp.584.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Zhang B, Nadimi S. Influence of contact topology on the fracture behaviour of particles. In: 9th International Conference on Discrete Element Methods (DEM9). 2023, Erlangen, Germany.
- Brown I, Angelidakis V, Nadimi S. Dynamic image analysis for three-dimensional particle shape characterisation. In: International Congress on Particle Technology (PARTEC). 2023, Nuremberg, Germany.
- Zhang C, Nadimi S. A discrete element model for investigating the electromechanical characteristics of particulate systems. In: 9th International Conference on Discrete Element Methods (DEM9). 2023, Erlangen, Germany.
- O'Shaughnessy C, Masoero E, Nadimi S, Gosling PD. Topology Optimization with the Discrete Element Method. In: Annual Conference of the UK Association for Computational Mechanics (UKACM 2022). 2022, University of Nottingham: UK Association for Computational Mechanics.
- Nadimi S, Kemp N, Angelidakis V, Luli S. Observations of root growth in stratified soils at the microscopic scale: Insights from micro-computed tomography. In: European Geophysical Union General Assembly 2022. 2022, Vienna, Austria: EGU.
- Zhang B, Nadimi S, Lewis R. Modelling adhesion enhancement in wheel-rail contact triggered by sand particles. In: 12th International Conference on Contact Mechanics and Wear of Rail/Wheel Systems (CM2022). 2022, Melbourne, Australia.
- Skipper W, Nadimi S, Gutsulyak DV, Butterfield JG, Lewis R. Investigating the effect of different adhesion materials on electrical resistance using a high pressure torsion rig. In: 12th International Conference on Contact Mechanics and Wear of Rail/Wheel Systems (CM2022). 2022, Melbourne, Australia.
- Stirling R, Nadimi S. 16th BGA Young Geotechnical Engineers Symposium (YGES 2022). In: 16th BGA Young Geotechnical Engineers Symposium. 2022, Newcastle upon Tyne.
- Angelidakis V, Nadimi S, Otsubo M, Utili S. Open-source codes for particle-shape characterisation, simplification and generation in numerical models: From imaging data to polyhedra and multi-sphere particles. In: PARTICLES 2021. 2021, Hamburg, Germany.
- Angelidakis V, Nadimi S, Utili S. Grain-shape characterisation of railway ballast for various levels of simulation fidelity. In: ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute International Conference 2021. 2021, Durham: ASCE.
- Angelidakis V, Otsubo M, Nadimi S. Discrete Element Modelling of Triaxial Compression using Multi-spherical Particles: Influence of Clump-Generation Method. In: ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute International Conference 2021. 2021, Durham: ASCE.
- Barreto D, Rouainia M, Nadimi S. Accounting for particle shape and cement content in DEM modelling of soil behaviour. In: ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute International Conference 2021. 2021, Durham: ASCE.
- Nadimi S, Bai M, Inkson B, Neville A, Ghadiri M. The role of glidants in interparticle friction. In: International Congress on Particle Technology (PARTEC 2019). 2019, Nuremberg, Germany: PARTEC.
- Safari M, Nadimi S, Deglon D, Filho L, Souza T. Investigating the Effect of Particle Characteristics on Iron Ore Separation using X-ray Micro Tomography. In: 16th European Symposium on Comminution & Classification (ESCC 2019). 2019, Leeds: University of Leeds.
- Otsubo M, Liu J, Dutta TT, Kuwano R, Nadimi S. Influence of Particle Shape on Stiffness and Strength Anisotropy of Pluviated Granular Materials. In: VI International Conference on Particle-Based Methods. 2019, Barcelona: International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE).
- Nadimi S, Otsubo M. Effect of Grain Morphology on Contact Behaviour. In: VI International Conference on Particle-Based Methods. 2019, Barcelona: International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE).
- Nadimi S, Pencheva P, Ghadiri M. DEM Simulation of Mechanofusion System. In: 8th International Conference on Discrete Element Methods. 2019, The Netherlands.
- Nadimi S, Skipper W, Ghadiri M, Lewis R. DEM Insight on Manipulating Friction by Rail Sanding. In: 8th International Conference on Discrete Element Methods. 2019, The Netherlands.
- Nadimi S, Fonseca J. A laboratory-based technique for grain size and shape characterisation. In: The XVII European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. 2019, Reykjavik, Iceland: The Icelandic Geotechnical Society.
- Fonseca J, Nadimi S, Kong D. Image-Based Modelling of Shelly Carbonate Sand for Foundation Design of Offshore Structures. In: Proceedings of the 1st Vietnam Symposium on Advances in Offshore Engineering. 2018, Hanoi, Vietnam: Springer.
- Nadimi S, Ghanbarzadeh A, Ghadiri M, Neville A. Discrete element modelling of shear deformation of rough particles. In: 6th European Conference on Computational Mechanics (ECCM 6); 7th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ECFD 7). 2018, Glasgow, UK: International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE).
- Nadimi S, Fonseca J. On the torsional loading of elastic-plastic spheres in contact. In: 8th International Conference on Micromechanics on Granular Media. 2017, Montpellier, France: EPJ Web of Conferences.
- Nadimi S, Fonseca J. On the tensile strength of soil grains in Hertzian response. In: 8th international conference on micromechanics on granular media. 2017, Montpellier, France: EPJ Web of Conferences.
- Nadimi S, Di Pasquale L, Fonseca J. Influence of fine fraction on breakage of binary granular materials. In: 19th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. 2017, Seoul, South Korea: International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering.
- Nadimi S, Divall S, Fonseca J, Goodey R, Taylor RN. An addendum for particle image velocimetry in centrifuge modelling. In: 3rd European Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics. 2016, Nantes, France.
- Nadimi S, Fonseca J, Barreto D, Taylor RN. A new approach to investigate the particle size effects in centrifuge modelling. In: 3rd European Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics. 2016, Nantes, France.
- Nadimi S, Fonseca J, Taylor RN. A microstructure-based finite element analysis of the response of sand. In: 6th international symposium on deformation characteristics of geomaterials. 2015, Buenos Aires, Argentina: IOS Press.
- Nadimi S, Fonseca J, Besuelle P, Viggiani G. A microstructural finite element analysis of cement damaging on Fontainebleau Sandstone. In: 2nd International Conference on Tomography of Materials and Structures. 2015, Québec, Canada: INRS-ETE.
- Elia G, Rouainia M, Nadimi-Shahraki S. Blind prediction of the seismic response of tunnels. In: World Tunnel Congress (WTC2013) Underground: The Way to the Future!. 2013, Geneva, Switzerland: Taylor & Francis.
Edited Book
- Ghadiri M, Nadimi S, Pasha M, ed. 16th European Symposium on Comminution and Classification: book of extended abstracts. Leeds: University of Leeds, 2019.
- Maramizonuz S, Nadimi S, Skipper W, Lewis R. RAILSANDING: Modelling Particle Behaviour in the Wheel-Rail Interface. United Kingdom: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, 2025. EP/V053655/1.
- Skipper W, Nadimi S, Lewis R. Sand consist changes for improved track circuit performance (COF-UOS-03). United Kingdom: Rail Safety and Standards Board, 2021. PB028922.