Staff Profile
Dr Tom Zunder
Principal Research Associate
- Telephone: +44 7542 322433
- Address: Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne
I am a knowledgeable academic and a skilled commercial manager, who for 15 years managed purchasing, production control, distribution and overall supply chain, in manufacturing industry. For the last 21 years I have pursued an academic career and am currently a Principal Research Associate, managing the Freight and Logistics research group, deliverables and dissemination in EU research projects, and pursuing academic and applied research, at Newcastle University. The proposals developed, co-ordinated, written, proposed, negotiated and implemented total around £4.9million to Newcastle University and 15 times that amount to all project partners.
I managed purchasing, production control, distribution, ICT and supply chain in the international manufacturing industry for 15 years. For the last 21+ years I have pursued an international academic career, rising to the position of Principal Research Associate at the University of Newcastle where I am responsible for conducting and managing the results and dissemination of academic and applied research projects.
3 decades of experience in purchasing and supply chain management has involved the analysis and implementation of innovative solutions in the fields of road, rail and sea freight, production control and ICT. In addition, I have an extensive portfolio of publications: procedia, trade press, book chapters and journal articles. I have led and taught on MSc courses at Newcastle University, as well as having researched and delivered international curriculum development for rail operations and logistics. I have been: an evaluator and project reviewer for the European Commission in the field of Public Procurement for Innovation [PPI]; a member of the Connecting Places Catapult Business Fellows Network; an associate editor for the journal IET: Intelligent Transport Systems; a member of the Executive Committee of the Universities Transport Study Group (UK); member of the Advisory Board of the journal European Transport Research Review; as well as a member of the Permanent Academic Group of the European Railway Research Advisory Council (EU).
I am a qualified Member of the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply and a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport.Associate Editor: IET Intelligent Transport System journal. Member of the European Transport Research Review journal Advisory Board.
My 3 decades of experience in purchasing and supply chain management have involved the analysing and implementing of innovative solutions in road, rail and sea freight. Having worked in the steel, automotive, transport and machine tools industries I have, since 2002, been able to take my hands-on experience into academic research within the field of freight and logistics, combining practical experience with field research into the relationships between all actors in the freight and logistics arena. I tend to hold a pragmatist position on research philosophy; approaches I have deployed and which I (currently) find most interesting include: Delphi surveys; CBA; Gap analyses; Environmental impact assessment; market research; mixed methods research; action research; and systems thinking. The areas of knowledge and practical expertise upon which I currently focus, often in conjunction and holistically, are: rail freight; city logistics; ICT and transport logistics; and sustainable procurement.
My full CV:
Future Mobility website:
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Research Interests
I tend to hold a pragmatist position on research philosophy. The research approaches I have deployed and which I (currently) find most interesting include: Delphi surveys, CBA, Gap analyses, Environmental impact assessment, market research, mixed methods research, action research, systems thinking approaches and action research. The areas of knowledge and practical expertise that I focus on, often in conjunction and holistically, are rail freight, city logistics, ICT and transport logistics, and sustainable procurement.Current Work
- Logistics benchmarking and standards
- research into satellite navigation and vehicle way finding
- ongoing research into urban freight and city logistics
- research into the optimisation of intermodal freight using optimised systems
- development of a market based approach to urban freight access
- systems architectures and intermodal freight
- eLogistics field research and gap analysis
- rail freight logistics and operations on a continental cross border scale
- sustainable procurement policy and practice
I have developed, bid for and won over €5 million euros of EU research funding 2004-2019 for my team, co-ordinator and principal investigator.
- CRISTAL: Resilient inland waterways
- HOLIFOOD: Food supply chains
- FLEX-RAIL: Paradigm Shifts for Rail
- TER4RAIL: Transversal Research for Rail
- CAPITAL: Collaborative cApacity Programme on Intelligent Transport Systems Training educAtion and Liaison
- NOVELOG: New cooperative business models and guidance for sustainable city logistics
- Capacity4Rail - Increasing Capacity 4 Rail networks through enhanced infrastructure and optimised operations
- SMARTSET: Sustainable MARketdriven Terminal Solutions for Efficient freight Transport
- SmartFusion: Smart Urban Freight Solutions
- BESTFACT: Best Practice Factory for Logistics
- SPECTRUM: Solutions and Processes to Enhance the Competitiveness of Transport by Rail in Unexploited Markets
- TUNRAIL: Research into the development of rail based curricula in higher education
- e-Freight: European e-freight capabilities for co-modal transport
- SuperGreen: Supporting EU’s Freight Transport Logistics Action Plan on Green Corridors Issues
- BE LOGIC: Benchmarking Logistics Chains
- KOMODA: Co-modality - towards optimised integrated chains in freight transport logistics
- RETRACK: Reorganisation of transport networks by advanced rail freight concepts
- FREIGHTWISE: management framework for intelligent intermodal transport
- Bestufs II - Best Urban Freight Solutions Two
Postgraduate Teaching
MBA Logistics module, Newcastle University Business School, 2008-2012
Rail Freight and Logistics Logistics MSc leadership and delivery 2010-2016
ITS and Electromobility postgraduate modules (2) leadership and delivery 2018-2019
Curricula development
My colleagues and I have done funded research into and then development of curricula in the areas of rail operations and logistics as well as fuel management and international logistics policy and practice.
- Zunder TH, Katschnig C, Chen M, Martino A. Recommendations for a transition to ‘Railway 4.0 for Europe’. Transportation Research Procedia 2023, 72, 852-859.
- Zunder TH, Carrillo A, Robinson M. Consensus and dissent for rail visions of 2050: Insights from a Delphi study. Transportation Research Procedia 2023, 72, 844-851.
- Aditjandra PT, Zunder TH. Exploring the relationship between urban freight demand and the purchasing behaviour of a University. European Transport Research Review 2018, 10, 1.
- Islam DMZ, Zunder TH. Experiences of rail intermodal freight transport for low-density high value (LDHV) goods in Europe. European Transport Research Review 2018, 10(24).
- Zunder TH, Islam DMZ. Assessment of Existing and Future Rail Freight Services and Technologies for Low Density High Value Goods in Europe. European Transport Research Review 2018, 10(9).
- Aditjandra PT, Galatioto F, Bell MC, Zunder TH. Evaluating the impacts of urban freight traffic: application of micro-simulation at a large establishment. European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research 2016, 16(1), 4-22.
- Islam DMZ, Jackson R, Zunder TH. Development of rail intermodal freight transport for LDHV goods in Europe – a case study approach. Business Process Management Journal (BPMJ) 2016.
- Siciliano G, Barontini F, Islam DMZ, Zunder TH, Mahler S, Grossoni I. Adapted cost-benefit analysis methodology for innovative railway services . European Transport Research Review 2016, 8, 23.
- Österle I, Aditjandra PT, Vaghi C, Grea G, Zunder TH. The role of a structured stakeholder consultation process within the establishment of a sustainable urban supply chain. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 2015, 20(3), 284-299.
- Islam DMZ, Jackson R, Zunder TH, Burgress A. Assessing the impact of the 2011 EU Transport White Paper - a rail freight demand forecast up to 2050 for the EU27. European Transport Research Review 2015, 7(3), 22.
- Islam DMZ, Zunder TH. The necessity for a new quality standard for freight transport and logistics in Europe. European Transport Research Review 2014, 6(4), 397-410.
- Leonardi J, Browne M, Allen J, Zunder T, Aditjandra PT. Increasing urban freight efficiency with delivery and servicing plan. Research in Transportation Business & Management 2014, 12, 73-79.
- Zunder TH, Aditjandra PT, Carnaby B. Developing a local research strategy for city logistics on an academic campus. International Journal of Urban Sciences 2014, 18(2), 262-277.
- Woroniuk C, Marinov M, Zunder T, Mortimer P. Time Series Analysis of Rail Freight Services by the Private Sector in Europe. Transport Policy 2013, 25, 81-93.
- Islam DMZ, Zunder TH, Jorna RAM. Performance evaluation of an online benchmarking tool for European freight transport chains. Benchmarking: an International Journal 2013, 20(2), 233-250.
- Islam DMZ, Meier FM, Aditjandra PT, Zunder TH, Pace G. Logistics and supply chain management. Research in Transport Economics 2013, 41(1), 3-16.
- Islam DMZ, Zunder TH. Issues of eLogistics applications for varying stakeholders: findings from an online survey. European Transport Research Review 2013, 5(2), 65-78.
- Zunder TH, Islam DMZ, Mortimer PN, Aditjandra PT. How far has open access enabled the growth of cross border pan European rail freight? A case study. Research in Transportation Business & Management 2013, 6, 71-80.
- Marinov M, Fraszczyk A, Zunder T, Rizzetto L, Ricci S, Todorova M, Dzhaleva A, Karagyozov K, Trendafilov Z, Schlingensiepen J. A supply-demand study of practice in rail logistics higher education. Journal of Transport Literature 2013, 7(2), 338-351.
- Zunder TH, Westerheim H, Jorna R, Pedersen JT. Is it Possible to Manage and Plan Co-Modal Freight Transport Without a Centralised System?. International Journal of Applied Logistics (IJAL) 2012, 3(2), 15.
- Islam DMZ, Zunder TH, Zomer G. The potential of a pan European rail freight service using hub and spoke model. International Journal of Logistics and Transport 2010, 4(2), 21-30.
- Zunder TH, Nicolás IJ. Urban freight logistics in the European Union. European Transport \ Trasporti Europei 2004, (28), 77-84.
Book Chapters
- Aditjandra P, Zunder T. Developing a Multi‐Dimensional Poly‐Parametric Typology for City Logistics. In: Taniguchi, E; Thompson, RG, ed. City Logistics 2: Modeling and Planning Initiatives. John Wiley and Sons, 2018.
- Zunder TH, Aditjandra PT, Islam DMZ, Tumasz MR, Carnaby B. Urban Freight Distribution. In: Michiel C.J. Bliemer; Corinne Mulley; Claudine Moutou, ed. Handbook on Transport and urban Planning in the Developed World. Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2016, pp.106-129.
- Aditjandra PT, Zunder TH, Islam DMZ, Palacin R. Green rail transportation: Improving rail freight to support green corridors. In: International Series in Operations Research and Management Science. Springer New York LLC, 2016, pp.413-454.
- Aditjandra PT, Zunder TH, Islam DMZ, Palacin R. Green Rail Transportation : Improving Rail Freight to Support Green Corridors. In: Psaraftis, HN, ed. Green Transportation Logistics : The Quest for Win-Win Solutions. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2016, pp.413-454.
- Zunder TH, Aditjandra PT, Schoemaker JT, Vaghi C, Laparidou K, Österle I. Engaging city stakeholders to achieve efficient and environmentally friendly urban freight movements. In: Corinne Blanquart; Uwe Clausen; Bernard Jacob, ed. Towards Innovative Freight and Logistics. John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2016, pp.275-287.
- Zunder TH, Dellinger JC. City Freight: Evaluation methodology for urban freight transport. In: Ambrosino, G; Boero, M;Nelson, JD; and Romanazzo, M, ed. Systems and Advanced Solutions for eLogistics in the Sustainable City Policies and e-Technologies for Sustainable Freight Distribution in Urban Areas. Rome: ENEA, 2005, pp.299-310.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Aditjandra PT, Zunder TH. Developing a multi dimensional poly parametric typology for city logistics. In: The 10th International Conference on City Logistics. 2017, Phuket Island, Thailand: Institute for City Logistics.
- Zunder TH, Jackson R, Islam DMZ. Wagon, train, hub and business models for future rail freight services for Low Density High Value Goods in Europe- findings from a GAP analysis. In: World Congress on Railway Research - WCRR 2016. 2016, Milan, Italy.
- Balm S, Ploos van Amstel W, Habers J, Aditjandra PT, Zunder TH. The purchasing behavior of public organizations and its impact on city logistics. In: 9th International Conference on City Logistics. 2016, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain: Elsevier.
- Islam DMZ, Bissenbayeva A, Zunder TH. The Potential of Kazakh Rail Transport Mode as a Competitive Transit Route Between Europe and China. In: RailNewcastle 2016. 2016, Newcastle upon Tyne: Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH.
- McLeod F, Cherrett T, Bailey G, Allen J, Browne M, Leonardi J, Aditjandra P, Zunder T. Sustainable procurement for greener logistics in the higher education sector. In: 20th Annual Logistics Research Network (LRN). 2015, Derby, UK: CILT (UK).
- Zunder TH, Aditjandra PT, Islam DMZ. Europe's Freight Transport Policy: White Paper 2001 to White Paper 2011. In: 91st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. 2012, Washington, DC, USA: Transportation Research Board.
- Zunder TH, Ibanez JN. Road pricing and effect on urban freight. In: The Sustainable City III: Urban Regeneration and Sustainability. 2004, Siena, Italy: WIT Press.
- Zunder TH. A semi-systematic literature review, identifying research opportunities for more sustainable, receiver-led inbound urban logistics flows to large higher education institutions. European Transport Research Review 2021, 13, 28.